URL: http://www.jonhoyle.com/MAASeaway

Forensic Mathematics and the World Trade Center Project, Jonathan Hoyle, MAA Seaway Section, October 14, 2011 8:30 PM Doyle Hall

[Slides (HTML)] [Slides (PDF)] [Paper (PDF)] [Mathematics of Forensic DNA Identification (HTML)] [Other MAA Seaway Fall 2011 sessions] [Other Presentations]



Fall 2011 Conference of the Mathematical Association of America Seaway Section, hosted by the St Bonaventure University Mathematics Department, October 14-15, 2011.  See News Article.



Ten years ago, 2,753 people were killed from the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11. The victim identification process was the largest and most complex forensic project in history. This presentation will describe the events of 9/11 from a forensic perspective and detail the mathematics of DNA victim identification. These include DNA Fingerprinting, Kinship Analysis and other genetic applications of Forensic Mathematics.


Update (2/12): Encore Presentation given at Nazareth College Mathematics Department, February 22, 2012 at 361 Smyth Hall, 4:00PM


Link to online presentation of Forensic Mathematics and 9/11 from 10/14/11

Link to online presentation given at Nazareth College on 2/22/12

Link to Identifying the Victims of the World Trade Center attack on 9/11

Link to Development Under Extreme Conditions: Forensic Bioinformatics in the Wake of the World Trade Center Disaster

Link to The Mathematics of Forensic DNA Identification


Link to Brenner's Symbolic Kinship Algorithm

Link to Bioinformatics for 9/11 (Dr. Simon Mercer)

Link to Symbolic Kinship Program (Dr. Charles Brenner)

Link to abstract of MAA presentation


Link to M-FISys (Gene Codes Forensics)

Link to Forensic Mathematics (Dr. Charles Brenner)

Link to Gene Codes Appreciation Page

Link to other Gene Codes articles



Link to Spring 2009 Seaway page on Introduction to Surreal Numbers

Link to Spring 2008 Seaway page on Counter-Intuitive Results from the Hyper-reals

Link to Fall 2007 Seaway page on Infinitesimals in Modern Mathematics



For more information, contact me at jonhoyle@mac.com

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