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Does Supporting the Constitution Make Me a Terrorist?

By Allison Bricker, March 19, 2009, The Smoking Argus Daily, reprinted with permission.


"This past week, sensitive documents from the Missouri Information Analysis Center were leaked to the public. The M.I.A.C. report designated “UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE”, seeks to put supporters of Dr. Ron Paul, those tired of the endless banker bailouts, and just about anyone else who dare question the Federal government on par with Neo-Nazis and abortion clinic bombers.1


It disturbs me greatly to bear witness as our Federal government continues to expand its program of correlating dissent with domestic terrorism. Fellow readers, this despicable tactic is precisely why many of our Founding Fathers sought to engross humanity’s inherent liberties into the Constitution via The Bill of Rights. Among these rights derived solely from nature, is the right to free speech; even speech deemed unpopular or critical of one’s government.


Truth be told, the tactic of linking those criticizing the central authority as outright enemies of the state, whether it be king or government is as old as humanity itself. This is how students of the enlightenment, ergo Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, et al knew the absolute necessity of prohibiting government regulation of speech. The Founding generation witnessed first hand “Royal Governors” and legislatures executing and imprisoning their fellow colonists for speaking out against the crown.2 These unjust decrees backed by the weight of the sword, were necessary in the eyes of the loyalist governments. They feared dissent would gradually give rise to critical thinking, which in turn would demand answers and accountability, and thus dissent was seen as a direct threat to their ever corrupting grip on power.


Even members of the founding generation were tempted by the corrupting influence of power. Fearing a threat to his own power and pressured by the Hamiltonian faction, President Adams signed into law a series of legislation that went on to become known as “The Alien and Sedition Acts” . Thankfully, the passion for politics by Americans from all walks of life, denounced the acts so roundly, along with the repudiation of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, that it helped propel Thomas Jefferson into the Presidency over incumbent John Adams. President Jefferson immediately pardoned all those found guilty of the Acts, which he let expire upon his election.3


At the time it was an uniquely American philosophy that power must challenge power, or as James Madison wrote:

“Ambition must be made to counteract ambition… It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government”

James Madison
Federalist No. 51
February 8th, 1788


FEMA Anti-Terror Training - Founding Fathers were Terrorists - July 17th, 2001


Consequently, the eradication of this ideal is repeatedly articulated by the Federal government in its most recent attempt to cast dissent as the enemy to its brand of Neo Patriotism. For this purpose sheds sunshine as to why the central authority and its agents seek to establish an interrelationship by equating the Founding Fathers to terrorists. Regrettably, the video to the right establishes that the central authority has waged their war of reeducation at least since July of 2001 prior to the initial hyper call to nationalism/Neo patriotism following the September 11th attacks.


However, this is just another example of an ever increasing amount of pejorative rhetoric towards the central authority’s own compact, the U.S. Constitution. The M.I.A.C. report desires to reinforce the correlation made both in the F.E.M.A training video above and the Phoenix F.B.I. Joint Terrorism Task Force/Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department’s brochure4 of those who reference and defend the Constitution as terrorists. Moreover it attempts to handcuff supporters of Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) to the likes of Eric Rudolph, the 1996 Olympic park bomber. As a result, if those of us who merely supported Representative Ron Paul during the campaign are dangerous homegrown radicals according to M.I.A.C., then how does one think they view Dr. Paul, who publicly declared himself to be “The Champion of the Constitution”?5


During the course of the previous administration, both officials and their old-media shills demonized individuals who dared speak out against the Bush Doctrine as unPatriotic, unAmerican, and/or traitors. Now we are told by socialist scribes6 that dissenting against the “economic terrorism” id est the central bank manipulated credit crisis, is also unpatriotic. If we are no longer allowed to question or criticize the government’s domestic or foreign policies without being painted as homegrown radicals, is there any semblance left at all of our republic? Should I instead just pledge blind allegiance to President Obama and be content with my “right” to criticize a group of B-list celebrities or no talent wannabee singers on “Dancing with the Stars” or “American Idol” respectively?


Therefore, since our temporary browser cookie indicates that various members of the U.S. Senate are regular readers of “The Smoking Argus Daily”, I respectfully request an answer one way or the other as to whether or not my political philosophy and associations are terrorist in nature.


According to the M.I.A.C. report, you just might be a terrorist if…

  • You display or use the “Gadsden Rattlesnake” Flag/Symbol.
  • You have watched the “Anti-Federal Reserve System” - Zeitgeist Movie.
  • You support a repeal of the 16th Amendment - the Income Tax.
  • You supported the candidacy of Representative Ron Paul (R-TX).
  • You are a member of The Committees of Safety.
  • You oppose mandatory citizen service for those aged 18 to 24 per Rahm Emanuel’s proposal.
  • You oppose the Security and Prosperity Partnership being out of the jurisdiction of Congressional oversight.
  • You support the abolition of the FEDERAL RESERVE private central bank and favor a return to Constitutional money.
  • You oppose any further restrictions on the inherent right to bear arms.
  • You have watched Aaron Russo’s “America: Freedom to Fascism”
  • You oppose any additional bailout bills for failing banks and/or private companies.

Dear members of the Senate:


Please think of the checklist above as my 21st century “petition for Redress of Grievances”. Tis a fact of candid reality that when a government seeks to cast all dissent as terrorism, we are most certainly flirting upon the precipice of tyranny."




Allison Bricker




1 Missouri Information Analysis Center - Strategic Report - 02/20/2009

2 The Trial of Peter Zenger 1735

3 “Our Presidents & How We Make Them” by A.K. McClure - HARPER & BROTHERS Publishers © 1905

4 Phoenix F.B.I Joint Terrorism Task Force/Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department - Domestic Terrorism Brochure

5 WMUR/CNN Republican Presidential Primary Debate - Manchester, NewHampshire - June 5th, 2007-Part 1

6New York Times “Herbert Hoover Lives” by Frank Rich, published January 31st, 2009