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How to Do Everything with Online Video

Reviewed by Dr. Eric Flescher

Authors: Andrew Shalat


McGraw- Hill: Osborne

Released: November 19, 2007

Pages: 270

$25 USD $15 CND

ISBN 10: 0071496432

ISBN13: 978-0-07-149643-8


Strengths: Nice index and the glossary is well done. Online downloads and more can be gleaned and used from the book’s website area. Inside the front cover shows 25 online video operations to perform in the book. Screenshots are readable and of ample size for understanding the visuals and tutorials.



Weaknesses: Black and white screenshots, photos etc are of ample size. There are a few in-depth notes pertaining to different sections but I would have liked to have seen more. If you need more in-depth information to the editor of your choice etc. , you might want to explore about book after using this one.






Starting, producing and posted online video is all the rage since the online Youtube made the process easier. While this online application has made the process easier, many still have questions about various parts of the process. The book “How to Do Everything with Online Video” answers many of these questions and more.


The author has written for Macworld, other magazines and has a weekly podcast and radio show. he has brought his experience and background for the writing of an easy to read but in-depth guide to online video. The white on black screenshots are integrated within the instruction. All of them are large enough to read and decipher what you need to know.


The introduction starts off the book and there are 12 solidly written chapters within the 256 pages. This chapters demonstrated how to create professionally quality looking videos, editing and preparing then for posted and sharing the videos. Shooting and editing tips , found in Chapter 1 and 2 get your started with hardware, software and assist with tips, techniques and working with video in several ways. You also learn how to embed and upload videos.


What I found new was learning about launching and using Vodcasts (Chapter 3 at pages 112-121) these can be listed in iTunes and can be downloaded to a video enabled iPod(/MP3 player which in essence combines online/ off-line video creation. “Googling” your tags with Google and discover markets, are found in Chapter 4 (pages 128- 132). This is well down and includes nice illustrations.

Nice techniques and tips also follow. In Chapter 6 and 7, “Tell a Story” is well done and includes best ways to tell a story, storyboarding and more. In Chapter 8 learning how to be a director of films and techniques are here and includes a “short but sweet” synopsis for using videos with the “rules of thirds” (which is normally reserved for use of photography).


Chapter 9 and 10 focuses on movie and power editing and the communication through websites, blogs, podcasts are covered. Tutorials and information for popular PC (including Adobe Premier Pro) as well as Mac editing software are also provided. These are covered in a very nice, concise and well done introductory fashion. It is up to you whether you may want to find another book related to the software editor (in this book) of your choice, to utilize and find a more in-depth series of tutorials (if you need more assistance).


What is nice is that this author has also included chapters which include ample information about Final Cut Express HD. I was impressed that the author included information about the new iMovie 08 which does a great introduction.


Finally, Chapter 12 includes some nice rules to remember, web resources, listing of sharing sites as well as more software options. There is no glossary related to terms but the index is well done.




This is a good book for starting your online video learning especially for novice video makers or even intermediates (especially those Mac users who want to learn about Final Cut, iMovie 8). Very solidly written and informative there is much in this book to begin your video adventures.


The author does a nice job of highlighting different PC and Mac editors and even includes the latest iMovie 08. If you don’t want to use the Adobe editor you might have to search for another one. The author also breaks up the tutorials into little numbered sections instead of long winded sets of information. These are integrated with illustrations and screenshots which makes for easy reading and browsing. The price is right, the book covers a range of topics and information. Get started with your Online endeavors. It might not help you with everything you need to know about online videos, but it is a great way to get started and progress for the foreseeable future.