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BeUtilityFree™ Digital SourceBook 2nd Edition v 3.5 - Your Guide to Sustainable UtilityFree™ Living

Reviewed by Robert Pritchett

BeUtilityFree, Inc.

14149 W County Rd 26

Fort Lupton, CO 80621-1985

888-320-9211 24/7/365

FAX: 888-320-9211 24/7/365

Released: February 18, 2008

Pages: 183

$10 Electronic version (PDF), $27.50 for hard copy.


First 20 pages free as a PDF download.



Strengths: Provides easy-to-read information on alternative energy systems and solutions.


Weaknesses: None found, except an occasional grammar mistake.




This SourceBook focuses on how we can save ourselves money in the long-run by installing alternative energy systems now.


John D’Angelo wrote;

“ I continue to marvel at the uniqueness of renewable energy products. I find that they are the only products I know of that, once paid for, give you your money back (tax free), are extremely reliable, always pay for themselves, and work for you without pay, day after day - year after year.”



What I Learned


I really was looking for a book, but this turns out to be a SourceBook, which in Alternative Energy vernacular means it is a pseudo book, mostly of the catalog genre. What sets this one apart from others, is that John and his team have devised a way of graphically showing how Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency relate to one another. Another focus is on getting off the Grid (Power & Energy Utilities) and providing power for the home. Other SourceBooks tend to approach the process as a business expense, instead of as a sustainable home activity.


The first 20 or so pages can be downloaded for free as a PDF file. Those pages pretty much discuss energy efficiency and cost savings that can be obtained by planning a home to become “Utility Free”, using methodologies related to building techniques, materials and onsite energy production, use of efficient energy appliances and using renewable energy systems (solar, wind).


The 184-page “Book” is divided up into three sections. The first is on energy efficiencies gained through use of proper home planning, building materials, water systems, appliances and lighting. The second section is on hot water devices, solar electric components, wind generators, hydrogen energy systems, hydroelectric systems, renewable energy fuels and commercial installations. The third section is the Appendix, with worksheets, tax credits, maps and tables and the Index.


The PDF version of the BeUtilityFree™ Digital SourceBook is passworded and does work with the Mac OS X Preview program as well as Adobe Acrobat. Just don’t loose the password assigned to you when you order the book, okay?




Whether starting a new home or retrofitting an existing home with Alternative Energy Solutions going off or on grid, this is an excellent resource to use to work through the process. What also set this book apart from other SourceBooks is that there are prices posted on the pages, so we can figure out what the real costs are up front.


BeUtilityFree does have a membership program for just under either $50 (Basic) or $100 (Gold, which offers a 10% discount on complete solar systems – and includes the book) that provides a 5% discount on listed prices. Depending on the size of the systems you purchase, the investment in the book and the membership will pay back sooner than the alternative energy systems will.


Be assured, you will get back more than you pay for by going with an Alternative Energy system for your home or business.

As John D’Angelo wrote; they “always pay for themselves, and work for you without pay, day after day - year after year”.


There are other “SourceBooks” available for less cost, i.e. AEE Solar BackWoods Solar, but they do not currently offer discount programs or memberships or offer full-color system plans/blueprints as part of the complete systems purchased, as BeUtilityFree does.