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“Fossil” Fuel and Abiotic Oil

by Robert Pritchett

Question: Who came up with the theory/concept/idea that petroleum-based products came from the dead remains of dinosaurs (dino-juice)?


Answer: Mikhail Lomonosov in 1757 wrote;

“Believing that nature is subject to regular and continuous evolution, he demonstrated the organic origin of soil, peat, coal, petroleum and amber”.


“Fossil” Fuel


Somehow that description over time, got misconstrued as “Fossilfuel.


If we are talking about coal, this makes sense, but if we are discussing natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons, it does not.


(Just a quick thought – if diamonds are derived from highly compressed coal, does that mean that those who use diamonds, are carrying around very expensive dinosaur remains? Think about it.)


The “common knowledge” is that Fossil Fuels are hydrocarbons formed from the remains of dead plants and animals - , and also includes hydrocarbon-containing natural resources that are not derived from animal or plant sources known as mineral fuels.


“Hydrocarbons in crude oil are mostly alkanes, cycloalkanes and various aromatic hydrocarbons while the other organic compounds contain nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and trace amounts of metals such as iron, nickel, copper and vanadium.” (


The fact is that organics can be converted into fuel, so we do have a renewable energy resource in biofuels. Along with that, we also know that there is a lot more to the regeneration story than even Mikhailo Lomonosov could have imagined centuries ago, about what is going on miles below the earth’s surface.


Petra (rock) Oil” was first coined as “petroleum” by Georg Baur back in 1556 - “as a naturally occurring, flammable liquid found in rock formations in the Earth consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, plus other organic compounds”.


Back in 1998, Thomas Gold wrote a book; “The Deep Hot Biosphere”, where he hypothesizes that thermophiles -that live on the sea floor eat hydrocarbons from undersea vents and poses that this is why oil formations can be found under coal deposits, because thermophiles  live in oil deposits as well.


Giora Proskurowski, geochemist at Woods Hole (Mass.) Oceanographic Institution, wrote that “the hydrothermal fluids located near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are rich in dissolved hydrogen but contain a much lower than normal concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide. This suggests that what are called Fischer-Tropsch inorganic chemical reactions, which convert carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen into hydrocarbons, generated the substances”.


Hubbert’s Peak


There is the theory that we are running out of hydrocarbons known as “Hubbert’s Peak” The theory is named after American geophysicist Dr. M. King Hubbert who created a method of modeling the production curve given an assumed ultimate recovery volume.


Sepp Hasslberger, a founding member of the New Energy Congressat PESWiki, counter-argues that “Peak Oil” is a sham and a scam foisted deception on us by the petroleum companies in an effort to increase profits because there is no shortage of liquid hydrocarbons.


Lestor R. Pastor, another founding member of the New Energy Congresshas dedicated a page to Lindsay Williams on the “Energy Non-Crisis regarding the issue as being political control, as the world currency switches from the U.S. dollar to oil.


Hydrocarbons Are Out of This World


From, we read;


“Saturn's smoggy moon Titan has hundreds of times more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, scientists said today”.


"Titan is just covered in carbon-bearing material — it's a giant factory of organic chemicals," said Ralph Lorenz, a Cassini radar team member from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. "This vast carbon inventory is an important window into the geology and climate history of Titan."

If there are abundant hydrocarbons on Titan, both gaseous and liquid, that kind of tends to blow holes in the theory of oil as a fossil fuel, doesn't it?



Abiotic Oil


Abiotic oil is based on the theory that petroleum is continually-created, magma-formed oil. “Abiogenic petroleum origin” was originally hypothesized by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in the late 1800’s (and is why the former Soviet Bloc has oil fields that go way down deep into the earth’s crust) and by the French chemist Marcellin Berthelot, who synthisized organic compounds, also back in the late1800s.


There is a substantial evidence to support the theory know as “Abiotic Oil

despite well-funded petroleum industry-based detractors (pun intended).



Alternative Fuels


Using Abiotic Oil as a starting point and realizing that if the earth can do it, we can create “synthetic” oils too, there are companies that are making non-fossil fuels today. After all, Germany managed to create alternative fuels back during World War II.


One company of particular interest is Green Power, Inc., using Thermal Depolymerization to accelerate the geologic process by converting organic waste products through distillation into what they call “nanodiesel”.


They prefer palletized dry product instead of wet waste, because the pellets have a higher BTU rating and energy is not lost during the distillation process in removing the moisture from the organics in order to heat them above 700 degrees to accelerate the conversion of organics into hydrocarbon-based fuel. The process does not have the issues associated with converting used vegetable oils or rendered animal fats into biofuel (shelf life is usually only 6 months for those processes).


So when do we start changing theories into facts? Scientists and engineers have been working through technologies based on scientific theory for centuries and rewording them as “laws”, such as the Law of Thermodynamics, the Law of Physics, etc.


Now we can stop calling petroleum, “Fossil” Fuel, can’t we? Mikhailo Lomonosov wrote back in 1757 that;


"Rock oil originates as tiny bodies of animals buried in the sediments which, under the influence of increased temperature and pressure acting during an unimaginably long period of time, transform into rock oil."


He got it partly right. We can accomplish the same thing in a matter of hours today with various organics, instead of waiting for “Rock Oil” (petroleum) to form over millions of years.


Question: Should we be pursuing and developing non-fossil fuels and other renewable alternative fuels?


Answer: Absolutely! After all, we do have a big blue and green world to maintain.