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LIVE H2O--Concert for the Living Water!


Get In Tune

By Dr. Leonard Horowitz. DMD


June 19-21, 2009. Mark your calendar immediately, if you have not done so already, to be a part of making musical and spiritual history!


Here is a link to a new press release and several news stories in the press room at


As you can read, those organizing the Hawaii venue have pledged to give all profits to develop a Native Cultural Center. In addition, a school (K-12) is planned wherein gifted (Indigo) children will teach other children how to express their inherent gifts. How WONDERFUL!


Speaking of gifted "Indigo" children, LIVE H2O is honored to announce a pledge by the world renowned child prodigy, master artist, Akiane (See: Akiane will be producing for presentation and auction during LIVE H2O a painting honoring "The Living Water" with proceeds going to help fund the school.


LIVE H2O has 30 venues currently evolving worldwide. is honored to be one of several Founding Sponsors for the global educational/musical/spiritual event featuring the "LOVE Water Experiment"-- a prayerful chant to bring lasting "Peace on Earth, World Health & Universal Prosperity" to our global village. So make sure you are participating with family and friends on Sunday, June 21, 2009, by going online to or joining others at a venue near you. You can even create your own gathering if you wish! Just be there, any way you can, to lend your heart-felt loving intention to this project. We are literally going to "baptise this planet for the LOVE of God!"


Here are links to two samples of the incredible musical entertainment you will experience during LIVE H2O--genius performers playing in LOVE (528Hz frequency). The first is world famous violin virtuoso, Tony Salvage, playing with White Eagle Medicine Woman and GrandMother Drum. WOW! This is powerful healing music!!!


Listen to Scott Huckabay, the "Universal Guitarist for the Spiritual Renaissance," playing in 528Hz, by clicking this Google Video link.



Another outstanding LIVE H2O performer is Bear Dyken from the Clan Dyken Band. Get a preview of the Clan's performance with this rendition of "No More Silence". Indeed, it is time to speak out and celebrate the global awakening!


Do not forget to celebrate Grammy Award Winning, Native American, Bill Miller, also performing for LIVE H2O.... Bill is AWESOME and SPIRIT FILLED! He and Dr. Horowitz prayed for LIVE H2O's success in Sept 2008. Now look at what is happening! Listen to Bill Miller here.


Finally, in case you have not enjoyed Dr. Horowitz's incredible presentation before the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine wherein he shares about The Living Water, go to his "HYDRO-ENGINEERING FREEDOM FROM INFECTIOUS DISEASES"lecture.


Want to eliminate infectious diseases on planet Earth? It is all about the Water! Listen and learn from Dr. Horowitz about OxySilver, another leading LIVE H2O sponsor by clicking



Notice how enthusiastic Dr. Horowitz is explaining how OxySilver works "miraculously," in ways no other infectious disease fighter in the world operates.


We stand on the threshold of a new world filled with LOVE for all--The Messianic Age--Optimal Health, Peace, and Prosperity! Everyone at prays that you are being as blessed at this great time in history as we are.


With much LOVE in the Spirit of 528,

The Entire Staff at Healthy World Distributing, LLC



Note: And yes, you can order OxySilver through the macCompanion website.