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Pure Energy Systems Network's Wiki

By Robert L Pritchett


Over the last 13 months, I have been in the employ of the Pure Energy Systems Network (PESN) and working as Web Director for as well as being a New Energy Congress member, tasked on occasion to review and evaluate alternative or renewable clean energy technologies.


I put in incredibly long hours and I can't complain too loudly about the "merit pay" I received each month, because it kept a roof over our heads, but then the funds began to shrivel, as the cost of fuel dropped and the online store items were no longer being purchased in the volume they were before. I would say that those that had credit cards, perhaps had reached their limits and could not purchase anything anymore. I feel their pain. I'm there too. We have been collectively "tapped out".


I was the first full-time employee of PESN and others came on board after I did. I am the last to be let go as an employee, due to current "economic conditions".


During my tenure as Web Director, I was able to clean up the site, kept daily news items going, created nearly daily feature pages after doing extensive research, edited weekly podcasts, created videos, managed various forums, updated the Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies list, attended fairs and conferences and reported on them, worked with 50 other New Energy Congress members, tried and kept the website sane, oversaw at least one site revamp, relocation and upgrade, fought off those who took over the site temporarily, removed certain pages and blocked individuals in order not to become embroiled in legal disputes, participated in business-related conference calls, worked on the revamping of the business plan and taking it from non-profit mode to profit-mode, identified products that could be sold online, personally became a source for alternative energy proposals projects, promoted PESN and their websites, kept the events calendar up-to-date, proved to myself that hydroxy systems do in fact work in reducing pollution and improving engine performance, obtained legal permission from other sources to post items and was being groomed to "take over", in case the owner "disappeared" for whatever reason. You can see I have been a busy boy.  No holidays, vacations, benefits or weekends and kept it going literally 24/7. I was given many of the "keys to the kingdom". Those keys have either since been returned or destroyed.


As you can see, I put in a lot of "sweat equity" in the business.


During my time in the IT seat, I was able to help the site grow to 15,000 pages, have over 5,000 registrants participating, and we at one time were within 500 page views of matching Wikipedia in site traffic. Site traffic increased over 800% under my watch and I understand that the Google Ad revenues supposedly increased to at least to cover my expenses. I was paying my way, but other powers were in play to have me eventually removed.


According to certain individuals, I was "earning too much". They obviously didn't appreciate what they had going for them. I discovered that the hats I wore and what I was doing in any other setting, would command a 6-figure income in IT. I certainly was not earning that with PESN.


Now will anybody else actually hire me, after growing in experience through this baptism by fire? We'll see.


When I came on board, there was a decidedly "Environmentalist" bent that ignored or suppressed real scientific evidence regarding actual global climate changes and in promoting other New World Order agendas, because the "news" previously followed the controlled media. I was able to get the "rest of the story" on news items and posted those on PESWiki instead.


I discovered that the world has been in a cooling trend for the last 8 years, instead of going through an "Al Gorish" warming trend. I found out that petroleum is a natural renewable energy source that is not "dino fuel" and is found on many planets and moons in our solar system and ergo, the universe. North America has well over 500 years of renewable petroleum underground at current consumption rates. We could be supplying the rest of the world, instead of importing fuel from other countries! Purely political. There is no "Energy Crisis"™, per se. I also found that Compact Fluorescents are detrimental to our health and well-being, besides being fire hazards and definitely do not have a better carbon footprint than incandescent bulbs. Again, it is another political ploy to weaken and control us.


Each of these items and a few others I have not highlighted in this article, tended to be "environmentalist-counter-culture" and pretty much pricked the Gaiast's "save the planet at all costs" balloon. Sadly, today we are collectively being trounced with cap and trade "tax the air we breath" nonsense and I doubt the true message regarding extensive existing resources will be heard and is being suppressed once again, in favor of the "Agenda"™.


Exposing the real truth has consequences. Thank God I still own a means to publish what I know to be true. I'll just say that I am not a "team player", when it comes to expediting the demise of my hard-won liberty. No, I will not allow it to happen.


Yes, there is untapped energy all around us and no, that energy does not come out of a wall socket.


I have learned much from those I associated with in the New Energy Congress. I was exposed to many  perspectives and exceptional personalities.  But I have been sidelined, so must pursue other venues to support my family. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind not to sell off macCompanion magazine. Keeping it afloat, while putting in ungodly long hours on behalf of Pure Energy Systems Network, kept me alive and in touch with what really matters. ;^)


I only hope the best for those that remain behind at PESN.  I also hope the things I suggested, be put into practice and actually happen there. If not, it may fade into oblivion and we will once again be back to "the way things were". I've been around long enough to see that happen way too many times.


May PESN be blessed with success. I wish them the best.


I invite all to go see what has been accomplished at

I, and many, many others, are delighted with what has been posted so far.