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Harnessing Hibernate: A Step-by-Step Guide to Java Persistence

Reviewed by Robert Pritchett



Authors: James Elliot, Tim O'Brien, Ryan Fowler


Released: May 2008

$40 USD

Pages: 380

ISDN 13: 9780596517724


Strengths: Ties the spagetti-code interfaces together between Java and databases. Also dovetails with "Spring" and "Maven Ant".


Weaknesses: If you are totally clueless about what is written in the "Strengths" section, move on.





"Java and databases make a powerful combination. Getting the two sides to work together, however, takes some effort. For many Java developers, it's the least pleasant part of their work. Even database experts, who may enjoy fiddling with SQL, dread the tedious plumbing and typographical spaghetti needed to put their SQL into a Java program. It comes down to the plain fact that Java deals in objects while most databases do not. In the ongoing effort to automate the task, the Hibernate persistence framework has emerged as a powerful contender: programmers write natural Java objects and some simple configuration files, and Hibernate automates all the interactions between the objects and the database.


This book covers Hibernate's primary features, such as mapping from Java classes to database tables and from Java data types to SQL data types, as well as Hibernate's data query and retrieval facilities. Harnessing Hibernate also shows how to:

á      Perform object/relational mapping

á      Work with persistent data from Java code

á      Work with groups and relationships between objects

á      Extend Hibernate's rich type support for your own needs

á      Simplify query creation using criteria and examples

á      Use the Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and understand how it differs from SQL

á      Use Hibernate in conjunction with Spring

á      Use Hibernate in conjunction with other packages, such as the Stripes web framework and the Eclipse IDE


If you find using SQL to be a chore, Harnessing Hibernate offers you an effective and painless method for working with the information you store in your applications."



What I Learned


Do I use Java? Not intentionally. But if I did (and I probably should know more, but I'm into this "Ruby" thing latelyÉ), I'd want to know how to use this object/relational mapping service tool.  This book builds on the Developer's Notebook Series and has evolved from the earlier Notebooks into a full-blown stand-alone book.





If you are into Libraries, Frameworks and Components and need to store and is use information in relational database environments and work in a JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)  environment, make it  easy on yourself and get this book.