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Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius: 50 Build-It-Yourself Projects

Reviewed by Robert Pritchett



Author: Gavin D.J. Harper

Publisher: TAB Electronics

Released: June 22, 2007

Pages: 196

$25 USD, $31 CND, £15 GBP,  Û  Euro

ISBN-13: 9780071477727

Audience: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced




Strengths:  Takes otherwise somewhat difficult to grasp concepts into layman's terms.


Weaknesses:  Chapter 1 could be excisedÉand some projects don't fit the scope of the book title.




"Let the sun shine on your evil side - and have a wicked amount of fun on your way to becoming a solar energy master! In this guide, the popular Evil Genius format ramps up your understanding of powerful, important, and environmentally friendly solar energy - and shows you how to build real, practical solar energy projects you can use in your home, yard - even on the road!


In "Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius", high-tech guru Gavin Harper gives you everything you need to build more than 50 thrilling solar energy projects. You'll find complete, easy-to-follow plans, with clear diagrams and schematics, so you know exactly what's involved before you begin.


á      Illustrated instructions and plans for 30 amazing pretested solar energy projects that assume no prior experience with energy science

á      Explanations of the science and math behind each project

á      Projects that progress in difficulty - from simple ones that may inspire science fair entries - all the way to converting a real home to solar energy

á      Frustration-factor removal-needed parts are listed, along with sources-plus all the tools you'll need


Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius provides you with complete plans, instructions, parts lists and sources for:


á      Crushed berries solar cell

á      Solar "death ray"

á      Solar powered hot dog cooker

á      Solar furnace

á      Sun-powered refrigerator

á      Camping shower, oven, and more

á      Hot recipes for solar cooking

á      Water purifier

á      Flashlight

á      Garden lights

á      Solar vehicle

á      Environmentally friendly robot"


What I Learned


If you write a book on a subject, stick to it. The first chapter wastes a lot of time on the "Global Warming"ª mantra showing that the author has drunk long and deeply of the Gaia Cult Kool-Aid, which incidentally has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Solar projects!


The projects run about 50 in length, but some are obviously extremely similar in scope and action, which makes me wonder why he didn't let well enough alone.  Once is enough already.


And what, pray tell does making biodiesel  (Project 50) have ANYTHING at all to do with the sun?


Maybe the author should have made the title include  "Mad" Genius, instead of the "Evil" Genius!


 Now that I've vented my spleen, the other projects are pretty good and there is some great wheat amongst the chaff that almost redeem the book and the author. Almost.


 I did enjoy reading up on the solar hot water collector though. And I did learn a few things that I had glossed over or had forgotten in the past.




If you want to dip your toe into solar projects, here are some pretty good ones here.

The idea is that you will go get your parts for the projects from




I was seriously thinking about becoming an affiliate for Solarbotics, who is based up in Canada. After reading the book, not so much. I even talked to them about it and they suggested I go get the books first. I did. More to come in the series laterÉ