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Water Car: How To Turn Water Into Hydrogen Fuel!

Reviewed by Robert Pritchett


Author: James A. Robey

Kentucky Water Fuel Museum

1020 Manchester Street

P.O. Box 55558

Lexington KY 40555

Released: April 2006

Pages: 154

$22 USD with DVD

Sample video - 







Strengths: Shows patents all the way back into the early 1800's on hydrogen fuel generation. The DVD has 3 video clips not seen completely on YouTube.


Weaknesses: This is not a "How-To" book, but rather, a "Did you Know?" book. Large print. Museum Closed.  Water Fuel Museum Radio Volume 1   Water Fuel Museum Radio Volume 2  Water Fuel Museum Radio Volume 3  Water Fuel Museum Volume 4 Archive




This is the first book ever written about the 200-year suppressed history of turning WATER into combustible hydrogen-oxygen fuel! The book was researched and written by James A. Robey, curator of the world's first Water Fuel Museum, in Lexington, Ky.


Although the book is not intended to be an exhaustive manual of how to build a water-powered car, in learning the history of the technology from these pages and the accompanying Free DVD, you will also learn how to do it yourself, inexpensively! Think of the impact this information can have on our world: water fuel produces no carbon pollution, and can actually release excess oxygen to the atmosphere.


1805-2008:  203 years of turning water into fuel!

In 1800 water was turned into hydrogen and oxygen, using a battery. In 1805 the first car with an internal combustion engine burned hydrogen from water. Jules Verne wrote in 1875 that WATER would be the fuel of the future. And 2008 is shaping up to be the year!


But very few know the story of water fuel technology development. Why not?  Patent after patent has been filed, in the U.S. and abroad, attesting to the reality of this awesome, non-polluting fuel source. It could even reverse global warming by ending filthy fossil fuel emissions, while releasing excess oxygen to the atmosphere.


What I Learned


Way, way back in the early 1800's folks were successfully running vehicles with hydrogen as fuel. And there were patents cataloging the processes for doing so.  So hydrogen as fuel generation is not rocket science, nor as difficult as certain naysayers and ax-grinders make it out to be.


I also learned that the ratio is 1800:1 instead of 1600:1 and hydrogen boosters are not hydrogen engine substitutes.


I'm sorry the Kentucky Water Fuel Museum is no longer open. Perhaps if more folks bought this book, the museum could become professionally supported and maintained.


I found that James Robey did a lot of research and interviews above and beyond anything I could have done. Granted, he has been at it for a lot longer than I have. I walked in being a skeptic and have walked away with a much greater appreciation for this centuries-old process wondering as many of you have why this is not included in every single vehicle in the world. But we come to the same conclusions. The powers that be make too much money off of existing energy systems that provide constant revenue streams, to permit a one-time purchase for power generation be successful.


I would like to have seen how the military used hydrogen in the Allied tanks and vehicles of WWII to extend mileage.  Knowing how this was used during the Civil War was quite an eye-opener. Realizing that this technology was used almost back to the 1700's was astounding!


Now I've got to go and rewatch the movie "Chain Reaction"É




This book should be on everybody's shelf who are serious about the background and history of turning water into fuel. I found it to be nicely done as a "home-grown" book and the included DVD was a nice touch. Efforts like this cry out for support.