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VoodooPad 4.1.2

A PIM to put your brain into or better yet most of the tidbits and trivia you collect

By Harry {doc} Babad © 2009

Flying Meat, Inc 

Released: 20 April 2009; Size 6.2 MB Download

Cost: $29.95 USD €23,65 Euro, Upgrade $14.95. VoodooPad Pro costs  $49.95 USD, €39,45 Euro. Voodoo Pad Lite is free but limited to 15 pages in a document, and of course feature limited.

System Requirements: Requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later

Strengths: Flexible, easy to learn and use, its more then a text editor or to-Do list, and will store and make available information you can need in the future.


Weaknesses: None worthy of mentioning; I did not test VoodooPad Pro.


Copyright Notice: Product and company names and logos in this review may be registered trademarks of their respective companies.


Sidebar #1:Reviews were carried out on my iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM running Mac OS X version 10.5.7


Sidebar #2: Disclaimer: When briefly reviewing share-freeware I will often use the developer’s product, functions and features descriptions. All other comments are strictly my own and based on testing. Why need I rewrite the developer’s narratives, if they are clearly written?


Introduction Including Publisher’s Summary


I have long been addicted to Personal Information Managers [PIM] software, as you my readers are aware. Many of the products I recently chippied with are tied to Getting Things Done systems [GTD] could meet my needs. Others or other scheme or loaded with brainstorming and diagramming attributes do not, despite being excellent products, been something I would use on more than one occasion. Alternatively, I would use a graphically oriented mapping product on a complex special project.  An example would be items involving lots of people, a longish planning window, lots of task specific needs, index card packs of information and lots of activities. Specifically helping organize a local free music festival or comparable event.


Back to my PIM needs I am an information junkie who collects tidbits of in formation for the technical books and articles I write will write; accumulates clippings of Macintosh related information for my macC articles, and just gathers up stuff — eclectic websites, factoids that catch my eye. It may be trivia to others, but is gold plated trivia but to me.

When such information starts to exceed 30 MB, the program I use must be:


(1)   Easy to use, when adding information with a random content and organizational structure …aka stuff.

(2)   Flexible, and able to deal with text, images, links and more.

(3)   Has an easy to learn but intuitive search function.


Although I am presently using DEVONtechnologies DEVONthink, I am always on the lookout for a leaner-meaner-faster but simpler to use product. Therefore the VoodooPad developer’s description of their program caught my eye as I was doing my bi-monthly check of new and updated MacUpdate site postings.




An appropriate focal point was the article I plan on writing for the September macC about the dangers of microwave ovens.


Okay, what hooked me? According to its publisher “VoodooPad is a place to write down (collect) your notes and thoughts. Plant, using a metaphor, your ideas, images, lists and anything else you need to keep track of and VoodooPad will grow with you, without getting in the way. You can even drag and drop folders, images, applications, or URLs into VoodooPad — they're linked up just like on the web. And with powerful search capabilities, nothing will be lost or out of reach.


“Do you ever have a bit of information that you're not sure where to file? Put it in VoodooPad, it won't mind. Because the more you put into it, the more useful VoodooPad becomes. Fill pages with ideas, images, lists and anything else you need to keep track of. VoodooPad grows with you, without getting in the way.


“In VoodooPad a document is made up of multiple pages, much like a website.  In fact, VoodooPad can be thought of as a self contained website, and like a regular website VoodooPad provides hypertext links from one page to another. But here's the really cool part- unlike a regular website, you can edit every little bit of text on these pages. Since making links (creating connections} in VoodooPad is easy - select a word or phrase and choose "Link" from the Edit menu or Toolbar.  VP will take you to a new page where you fill in the details.  Go back to the previous page and you'll see the text you selected earlier, only now it's highlighted and blue just like a link on a website.”


Getting Started


This is a well-developed Macintosh application. Drag it to your applications folder. Start using it in 30-day demo mode or type in a password. Decide which preferences setting you prefer, you can always change your mind.


Since the Voodoo Pad user interface including its menu and tool bars, although adhering to the Macintosh conventions, was different than those in PIMs I’d used, so I read a one page intro, checked out the tools icons to get started using the information developer provided.


Using the Software


I am chasing information on the risk microware ovens, wireless networks and transmission lines. My goal, using layman’s language, is to interpret the claims to see if they make any evidence-based technical sense.  If not, I plan on debunking claims made my scientific method shy, under knowledgeable fearniks who are addicted to conspiracy theory.


Initially the information I gather will be used to refute the dangers of microwave ovens where in on blip (micro-rad, millirem, whisper of exposure by any other name) will create a problem. Things like chemical changes in your food, your body and your or my thick skull shielded brain that significantly exposes us to a dangerous risk cancer. So it seemed like fun, instead of using DEVONthink, as the storage vault and ATM machine for my gleanings, to work with VoodooPad [VP].


This is about my work in progress – a detailed list of information for writing about: COOKING is Killing People! By Stephanie Relfe Bachelor of Science  [B.Sc.] (Sydney AU).


What I am doing…


I started my real-world test VoodooPad document by copying the entire Relfe document onto a second page. [I left the first page blank so I could create an abstract, introduction, and overview summary of what my document was about.]


Then   I start stuffing my VoodooPad document full of references related to my article specifically linked to the article that started my on my rage-revelations jag which I’ve referenced above for your convenience. At each item that caused me to mentally pause, I googled, I selected, and I documented {including reference sources} what I had found.


Understand I was in collection and/or ad lib mode.  I also took the occasion to check Google images to see if there was anything visually interesting related the topic element (sentence, paragraph, premise) I was searching.  For the next three or so weeks that update process will remain a work in progress. As they say in Brooklyn… datt’s alotta links and soon pages! Having a product that can support gigabytes of input, assume you’ve the drive space, is a comforting feature for folks who collect large volumes of complex and varied data.


Then for each element, paragraph, sentence or theme, I Googled the subject and found whatever articles related to that focus.  It did not matter initially whether the information I found agree or disagreed with Ms. Relfe’s premises, I collected what made internal sense for future analysis.


Ultimately, some of what I gather will become part of a completely referenced junior college level accessible book on radiation, climate change and a global water shortage crises but for the near future, it will feed my September 3Rs column on the supposed danger of microwave cooking.


You do know the story of the concerned citizen who was granted 3 wishes…

The person chose global prosperity & health, universal peace and a radiation free environment.

So the genie turned off the sun.

Beware of the law of unintended consequences.


Helpful VoodooPad Features


Tabs — Like your favorite browser, VP support tabs, which can open multiple pages at once’

Embed Images, PDFs, and Other Types of Files— VoodooPad can embed files into your text material such as images, PDFs, mp3s, and most other types of files as well. Of course this will add size to your document, but who cares – you do have a multi-GB hard drive?


Typographic Control — VoodooPad 4 comes extensive control over your typography. Unique to this product, is the option to turn off highlighting linked words, which sometimes slows the eye. I hoped that in addition to its PIM features VoodooPad would help me create interesting readable text and keep it that way. Eye candy, when well done always make life easier on my old eyes.


Palettes - VoodooPad sheds the pullout formatting drawer found in other PIMs and list managers and moves content out into easy to use palettes. Find your backlinks, pages list, categories, recently updated pages and list of recently visited pages quickly and easily.


Encryption When It’s Needed — Although I rarely use it, I was pleased that VP came with encryption technology. That would allow users of either laptops or shared desktop Macintoshes keep selected items private. It would also serve to keep your registrations, passwords, financial data, or other sensitive information private by encrypting just those pages of information in your VoodooPad documents. Or if you want your whole document to be kept from prying eyes, VoodooPad Pro provides encryption for your whole document.


Other features


iPhone Compatibility — Although I do not yet own an iPhone, I was interested to learn about VoodooPad’s VP Reader. (Actually I’m waiting until my present AT&T contract expires.) Read your documents on the iPhone, from anywhere! VoodooPad 4.1 includes a new "Export to iPhone" option, which will copy your VoodooPad document over your wireless local network, to VP Reader running on your iPhone. Take along multiple documents on your iPhone, so you are never parted from your digital brain.


Use as a Flotsam and Jetsam Collector — I purposely did not attempt to replicate my DEVONthink database, because it was obvious after working with the product, that not only would it serve well in that function; but I’d be wasting my time. Why? The challenge I provided, collecting complex data is much more difficult that collecting tidbits of information, that can be easily linked and posted to your website. However, I’ve provides some screen shots, shamelessly gathered up from other reviewers, which I found after finishing this article.


















I would like something like Acrobat Pro’s sticky tool to annotate images since the product forces me to choose between text or image files. With out this feature I must workaround graphics by imbedding the link to it in  a text document.


Conclusions and Recommendation


After an initial short learning curve, I was able to use VoodooPad as an in formation gathering tool for an article and for subsequent input to a book I plan. I did not attempt to use it to gather the flotsam and jetsam of tidbits I collect, but everything I tired in VP relative to collecting information for my planned article, it would serve one well for that purpose. However as I’ve notes, others have. This illustration I share show that VP’s functionally in the flotsam and jetsam mode is just excellent. Of course you’ve got to pick your organizing categories.


I personally prefer the nested folders and pages metaphor of DEVONthink Office to the Document filled linked pages interface one used in VoodooPad. But perhaps that’s because I am used to using it and it parallels the way I organize my hard drive using document aliases as –pseudo-links.


I agree with Macworld’s Jeff Battersby that “VoodooPad Pro 4.1.2 is an excellent tool for collecting, storing, and linking information. The program's ability to intelligently create links to other pages in your document makes it easy to cross-reference information that you've already collected.”


Try the free VoodooPad Light, read up on the features of VoodooPad and if the interface suits you; by all means buy it. Indeed after working with VoodooPad some users, especially those with iPhone’s and iPods will likely want to update to the Pro version, especially of it’s enhanced features support the way you collect information. VoodooPad 4.x rightfully deserves a 4.5 macC rating.






VoodooPad Pro 4.1 - Personal Wiki application makes quick work of linking and cross-referencing information by Jeffery Battersby, July 8, 2009, . Note: Since I don’t use Apple’s TextEdit, I found Jeff’s comparison to it of interest. There’s also information about dealing with PDF files in VoodooPad Pro, something I didn’t test in detail.

Software Review: VoodooPad 4 Standard, November 4, 2008, No author Listed,