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Building the Realtime User Experience: Creating Immersive and Interactive Websites

Reviewed by Robert Leigh Pritchett



Author: Ted Roden

Released: June 2010

Pages: 320

$35 USD

ISBN-13: 978-0596806156



Strengths: Provides coding for instant gratification in making websites interactive.


Weaknesses: None found.





The Web is increasingly happening in realtime. With websites such as Facebook and Twitter leading the way, users are coming to expect that all sites should serve content as it occurs -- on smartphones as well as computers. This book shows you how to build realtime user experiences by adding chat, streaming content, and including more features on your site one piece at a time, without making big changes to the existing infrastructure. You'll also learn how to serve realtime content beyond the browser.

Throughout the book are many practical JavaScript and Python examples that you can use on your site now. And in the final chapter, you'll build a location-aware game that combines all of the technologies discussed.

¥                Use the latest realtime syndication technology, including PubSubHubbub

¥                Build dynamic widgets on your homepage to show realtime updates from several sources

¥                Learn how to use long polling to "push" content from your server to browsers

¥                Create an application using the Tornado web server that makes sense of massive amounts of streaming content

¥                Understand the unique requirements for setting up a basic chat service

¥                Use IM and SMS to enable users to interact with your site outside of a web browser

¥                Implement custom analytics to measure engagement in realtime



What I Learned


In light of the ongoing demand by government to control all aspects of Internet communications, the information I gleaned from reading this book is rather bittersweet regarding immediate interactivity for websites and mobile devices. The first thing to go will be the Internet, followed by cellphone activity in any contrived or real national crisis, when martial law is invoked (it has happened before) - and you probably have read the most recent information regarding the ever-widening intelligence net designed as the 4th arm of government, to watch our every move - So you can perhaps get a sense of my reticence in wanting to do the constant connectivity everywhere mode, in anticipation of garnering gobs of money due to hyperactivity on my website. In fact, I am going the other direction and personally shutting down, as I go into self-protection mode instead, due to the current political and economic situation.


This book helps us design and build push functions for websites. It helps put the interactivity into interactive sites by demonstrating how to reach out and touch anybody who is essentially using mobile devices to communicate. 




If you do not believe as I do, that there will shortly be some major changes going on that are detrimental to or liberty and freedom online, then by all means, get this book and play the social networking game. Go ahead and make it easy for the intelligence communities to know everything there is to know about you, your tastes and what you think. The walls have ears and now so does everything else around you. What you see  online is also recorded, and will be used against you.


Fair warning.