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Pritchett's Anti-Matrix Manifesto

by Robert L. Pritchett


In the pre-Matrix world long ago, I once used to plant trees for Weyerhauser. On our tree-planting team was a long-haired freaky-people, drug-addle-brained person, who sincerely believed that mortality was a make-believe world and we were in a dream-state. One day, perhaps we would choose to wake up. I have woken up from a deep, disturbed slumber.


In my most recent government IT support job, I worked with the kindest, gentlest young-adult ÒgirlÓ, who fit the stereotypical ever-seemingly-studious, geeky-looking, rather rotund, incredibly intelligent, voluptuous lady, (who wore too-short, too-tight blouses, that also showed a mile-wide butt-crack when she worked under desks, as stereotypical geek). She was successfully reducing her weight. She could not fathom a world without constant, plugged-in, always-on texting, social-networking or World of Warcraft. She lived the Matrix, living in a fantasy world of make-believe. She is of the supposedly liberated, ÒconnectedÓ generation. She apparently enjoyed the constant intrusions on our Blackberries, as we were constantly being inundated with unnecessary IT busy-body email alerts. So let me apologize now ahead of time for giving you an unforgettable image of this wonderful lady. She did me no wrong.


I woke up very recently, really early one morning, realizing I no longer wanted to buy into the multi-media matrix of interactive TV, iPodish ear-jacked, exclude-all, IÕm-listening/watching-this-donÕt-bother-me world and Internet-at-all-costs, artificial ÒcommunicationsÓ, virtual reality Òpromise of unlimited wealthÓ environment that ÒweÓ created over the last 70 or so years.


Maybe the Neo-Luddites werenÕt wrong. We really can have too much technology at our fingertips. High Tech was intended to do good, but it has been compromised to do evil. I believe in good and evil. I prefer good over evil. I have done my best to not encourage evil.


  • I gave up my iPhone and Blackberry. I choose not to be wirelessly tracked and GPSed or electrosmoggedly dosed. I refuse to be wireless. It adversely affects my health.
  • I will not be a Òcouch potatoÓ. I will turn off the TV. I choose not to be programmed and put into a REM state in front of what used to be called the boob tube.
  • I am shutting down my websites. The online activities take up way too much of whatever time I have left on earth. Thus, I choose not to do online games, social network, create more YouTube videos, or ÒaffiliateÓ. We were not born to ÒbrowseÓ. Nor do I intend for the government or corporations to find a problem with what IÕve written and shut it down for me. Watch what will happen when the Òkill switchÓ is activated to shut down the Internet. It wonÕt be pretty.
  • I will eliminate email from my life. Most precious to me are real handwritten letters from those I love. They will withstand the test of time. Emails do not. Think ÒEphemeral InformationÓ.
  • I choose to exist without the ÒbenefitÓ of the high-tech computer environment. Remember what life was like Before Computers (BC)?  Farming was not such a bad life to live.
  • I refused to be media ÒcontrolledÓ. Always, always question about who benefits from statist-controlled disinformation and never accept it blindly. Avoid Orwellian pretzels.
  • I refuse to be sucked into the falsehoods and fantasies of The Matrix, The Cell, eXistenZ,  Dark City or Inception
  • I will not chase down any more rabbit-holes. No political ÒpartiesÓ or participation in partisan food fights. I have always been a free man. I will always be a freeman. I am a Constitutionalist (believing in a Constitutional Republic and that the united States Constitution was established by inspired men) and I desire to hold onto my God-given freedom and liberty.
  • I will eat healthy. Nothing is as satisfying as eating what was produced at home. I choose instead to spend more time in the garden, growing fruits and vegetables. I do not intend to continue to stroke the egos of human fruits and vegetables.
  • I will Òget outÓ more. I choose to do real-time face-to-face visits with friends and family, visit the sick and the afflicted, give rest to the weary and make a positive difference in the real lives of those around me. There is no substitute for eye-to-eye and hand-to-hand contact.
  • I will spend more time with live music and less with entertainment centers. Live music is best. And I mean real music. Not the kind that destroys hearing and numbs the mind.
  • I will give a lending ear to my wife and children. There is no time like the present.
  • I will maintain and keep an eye single to the glory of God. After all, I do have to answer to Him for my actions on earth. I doubt He is too happy with how we/I have spent our/my time on earth. I will work as if everything depended on me (it does) and pray as if everything depended on God (it does), while there is yet time.


Will you wake up too?



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