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Letter from the CEO

Swan Song

By Robert L. Pritchett



First off, I want to thank all those who, over the years, made macCompanion magazine possible, both staff and readers.


Creating and managing this magazine for more than 8 years, has been quite a learning experience for me. But the August issue of macCompanion magazine will be the last one, at least for me. MPN, LLC is shutting down. Sorry, but that is just the way it is. Xplain Corporation has been kind enough to agree to archive all of the old issues and allow the macCompanion staff members possible positions in either MACTECH magazine or MACNEWS One of our former staff that ran Macsimum News is now running MACNEWS.


Over the years, weÕve helped launch a number of former staff members down more lucrative paths, since this one has always been one of volunteerism. And we exposed some columnists (more recently, The Northern Spy and TechNight Owl to wider audiences. We have lost others to end-of-life scenarios that have moved them on to the life hereafter. A few have left due to philosophical political differences. Some have declared retirement due to health issues of their own.


Personally, IÕve not been into Mac fanboyism much over the last few years, as Apple Corporation began focusing on other products. Though the Mac OS X operating system continues to improve, my eyes have gone skeptic regarding the Apple Corporation (See the most recent activities related to AntennaGate


After my rediscovery of the harmful effects of wireless devices on the human body, I gave up my iPhone, began protecting myself with devices that counter EMI/RFI emissions coming from my MacBook Pro and learned that even too much time with these devices brings on such things as Type 3 Diabetes due to electrosensitivity. It is true that there should be moderation in all things. I have not been practicing moderation.


As a result of my inroads into Greenware and my public stance as a Constitutionalist regarding our current online Freedom and Liberty situation, and moving further away from Mac-specific content, readership has apparently gone down dramatically. It would appear that macCompanion readers would rather continue to live in La-la land and not be bothered with such things as alternative energy solutions, global warfare or being aware of banksterism, at least as publicized in a free ÒAll Things MacintoshÓ rag. And by the way, there are excellent alternatives to migrate to, for those who want to read All Things Macintoshª at such places as Apple Central, 9to5Mac, TidBITS or to read the latest PR pieces at prMac


So let this be my Swan Song; I know you do not want to hear or read about it, but until governments (and those controlling them) and people repent, unemployment will increase, double-dip recession (Depression) will continue to exacerbate the current economic condition and private businesses will continue to deteriorate, homes will continue to be repossessed, pollutions will increase worldwide, plagues and famines will occur and war will continue to ravage the world as we know it. That isnÕt conspiratorialist, conspiracy theorist or intended to scare you into submission. It is intended to give you a wakeup call to do something positive (not ÒprogressiveÓ) and make something of your Mac, in bettering the lives of others around you. But do it with a healthy dose of love, okay?


macCompanion magazine began as a voice for goodness and civility in dealing with our fellow men/women and a desire for awareness of what is going on around us. It ends with a plea that you too, go forward and make a positive difference in your homes, your communities, your countries and throughout the world.


We know the world as we know it is rapidly ending, but we know the final outcome, as we look forward with a brightness of hope, with an eye single to the glory of God. Love always conquers hate.


A book, known by some as the ÒStick of JosephÓ, foretells of our day and what we can do to overcome the odds. It, along with the ÒStick of JudahÓ, testifies of the Messiah and acts as a 2nd Witness. It was written as a warning for our time. It is found as one of the scriptures I personally and deeply believe in at I challenge each of you to read it. I have found that what is written within its pages to be true. It was translated into our language in a little over one month through the gift and power of God, by a young man in upper New York state, back in the early 1800Õs. It has withstood the test of time and has become more true today, than when it was originally translated. We live in interesting times.


With deep, emotional feeling, Peace,



Robert-Leigh: Pritchett



Parting Shots


One of the jokes I posted on my door in a computer tech support job I recently held, was the ÒJesus SavesÓ one from ÒComputer JokesÓ


I also generated a poster for that job that discussed Tech Support, with prayer being a Òfirst resortÓ effort. I suggested that perhaps it ought to be a Òfirst resortÓ for helping to resolve problems, instead of being last.


You may not have an interest in ÒpoliticsÓ, but it has an interest in you;


Top Secret America -


The Intelligence Industrial Complex Prepares for War


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Humor U -


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