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Smoking Macs

By Robert L Pritchett


I worked for years on office equipment and by far, the worst ones were those that were used by smokers. I never refused to work on those machines, but they made me physically ill anyway.


I always wondered why the computer manufacturers didn’t do the HEPA filter route for their machines like was done with one (now long gone) external storage device. A blue filter, white filter and deep inside, a cigarette filter on the Iomega Bernoulli drive.


What “crashed” these drives were the filters being packed with tar smoke. We routinely replaced the blue (fine) and white (course) filters and later learned there was a 3rd filter pack inside that was like a cigarette filter that also removed particulates, but the cigarette smoke destroyed those as well. We ended up putting those systems on a quarterly maintenance schedule.


For the life of me I could never understand why computer companies didn’t put filtration systems in their machines.


Some computer techs make a living just going around and blowing dirt and dust, animal dander, etc. out of computers (along with removing malware, etc. from PCs, but that is another kind of hazard).


I was so happy when I learned a smoking ban had been put in place in public buildings.


The shop I worked in was filled with smokers who worked on office equipment for the government. I got my job when the previous tech died of a heart attack at his bench while smoking. The other smokers eventually retired or quit smoking, but that was the environment I was in. They didn’t like it when I kept my window open to work on machines, but I needed to breath.


Those machines I worked on would be disgusting, but I never dreamed in a million years I could refuse working on them because they were a biohazard!


We had a washer that would clean most machines and an oven to dry them out afterwards. We used Stoddard Solvent to clean them. Stoddard solvent is toxic, but it was better than Carbon Tetrachloride. We didn’t use Stoddard Solvent on electronics. We probably could have used a steam cleaner, however. We used isopropyl alcohol instead, but it didn’t cut the tar.


Now we hear that cigarette smoke voids the AppleCare warranty if a tech decides the machine is so bad that he can’t work on it.


It isn’t the 2nd-hand smoke that destroys machines, it is the heavy-metal-laced, carbon-based sticky-gooey tar that builds up and destroys the electronics. I concur that the tar transfer is a biohazard. I do not concur that 2nd-hand smoke is the reason Apple voids the warranties. Tobacco smoke in the equipment is “user abuse”.


H. George Dean once upon a time wrote;

“This is a compilation of facts and studies  from  several  sources.

Studies are still being done, so it is by no means complete;


  • 60% of data loss on floppy disks (not due to actual damage like  bends  or creases) is due to cigarette smoke.
  • 90% of  general read error failure in a floppy drive is due  to  collected smoke on the drive heads.
  • 15% of floppy drive failure is due to smoke.
  • 80% of data loss on a hard drive (not due to physical failure) is caused by smoke  and 25% of hard drive failure is due to smoke. If you  have  company
  • records  on  a central computer it is recommended that it be  in  a  SEALED 'Clean Room' to prevent loss of data.
  • Erratic behavior of a computer is often due to the power supply.  30% of power supply problems are believed at this time to be caused by smoke.  (it appears likely this is conservative).
  • Smoke is believed to cause failure of other components in your computer.
  • Wherever there are contacts there may be a failure. The 'acid' content of smoke may also eat away at circuit boards and components. Studies are still in progress on this.
  • It is recommended that your hard drive be replaced once a year to prevent data loss from smoke. At a minimum, at least once every two years.
  • Smoke is carried throughout a facility by fans, central air conditioning and central heating. Even when you cannot smell it, enough smoke is present to do damage to your computer equipment.”

The AppleCare Warranty states;


“Damage to the Covered Equipment caused by accident, abuse, neglect, misuse (including faulty installation, repair, or maintenance by anyone other than Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider), unauthorized modification, extreme environment (including extreme temperature or humidity), extreme physical or electrical stress or interference, fluctuation or surges of electrical power, lightning, static electricity, fire, acts of God or other external causes.”

Derek Bolander wrote;

“AppleCare is not accidental damage insurance. AppleCare states that it will honor service for failures attributed to manufacturing defects. This alone disqualifies repairs being covered by AppleCare.


Nicotine creates a tar film on the internal components of computers contributing to their failure, get a tech job and see this for yourself if you’re in disbelief.


Additionally, AppleCare Protection Plan is not marketed as an accidental coverage or even as a warranty. The term warranty requires companies to honor service terms as is. By using the words protection plan, terms and fees can change at any time. If you do not like your AppleCare service you can contact Apple and they will cancel the remaining term of your protection plan and refund you a prorated amount.”



Seattle-Light (Alan) wrote;


“Smoking and computers really just don't mix well.


I had a good friend who went through three computer systems in a single year. He was a chain smoker, and the fine particulates in the cigarette smoke just clogged up the works. Easily attracted to electrostatic charges and then fused to the components by the heat (tar seems like a particularly nasty thing to be putting into a computer). The computer was acting like an air filter, trapping a high percentage of the airbore particulates.


At the time, it was replaced under warranty, but he was hopping mad about getting yet another defective machine. Then the technician opened up the machine and showed him how critical internal components coated with black crap (that couldn't be blown away with compressed air) and how the ventilation was almost completely closed off (it was a wonder that it had been working up to that point) and then showed him another machine that had been in use for more than a year that was pristine in comparison.


It was at that moment that my friend realized if it could do that to his computer what it must be doing to him. At the very least, it was killing him professionally. He quit smoking that day (if only for his computers). Probably saved his life.


It's not that Apple is against people smoking, it's that smoking is proven to be hazardous to your computer. If you're going to smoke around your computer, you're going to need to take extra care to keep it from killing your machine. It's better to not smoke around your computer. If you do, you should understand the risks involved in doing so. ”

Smoking Near Apple Computers Creates Biohazard, Voids Warranty


What happens to smoke-damaged computers


How to get rid of cigarette smoke damage

Real Life computer photos from the Computer Wizard

Vent Blockers