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Using Mac OS X Leopard - Special Edition Series

Reviewed by Robert Pritchett






Author: Brad Miser

QUE Publishing

Released: December 27, 2007

Pages: 1,056

$50 USA, $55 CND, £36 GBP

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Audience: Beginner- Intermediate

ISBN-10: 0-7897-3653-5

ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-3653-6


Strengths: This is a usable Reference Book for Mac OS X Leopard. Tabbed sections. Lots of Tips and Notes.


Weaknesses: Are lack of colored graphics an issue?





“We crafted this book to grow with you, providing the reference material you need as you move toward software proficiency and use of more advanced features. If you buy only one book on Mac OS X Leopard, Special Edition Using Mac OS X Leopard is the only book you need.


• Explore the depths of Mac OS X’s core including the desktop, Finder, Finder windows, the Dock, user accounts, the Dashboard and widgets, Spaces, and much more.

 • Master OS X by installing and using Mac OS X applications, customizing the system, making your Mac accessible to everyone, automating your Mac with the Automator, using Unix commands, and working with mobile Macs.

 • Run Windows applications on your Mac for those rare occasions when a Mac application isn’t available.

 • Exploit Mac OS X’s Internet tools to connect to the Net with or without wires, use email, surf the Web, and take advantage of the many features of .Mac.

 • Explore some of the great applications included with Mac OS X, such as iTunes, QuickTime, DVD Player, iCal, Address Book, iChat, and on it goes.

 • Expand your system with input devices (such as keyboards and trackballs), output devices (printers, displays, and such), hard drives, and hubs (Ethernet, USB, and FireWire).

 • Connect to other computers and devices safely and easily using Mac OS X’s advanced networking tools. Learn to configure your own network including Macs and Windows computers and how to share an Internet connection among them.

 • Use great Mac OS X tools and techniques to keep your system in top condition and to solve problems.”


What I Learned


“Special Edition Using Mac OS X Leopard is the only book you need.” Okay, maybe. This book also has a 45-day free online edition at Safari Books Online after purchase.


All graphics are black and white and not color. Each section is full of Tips and Notes.


This is a reference book. I guess I’m spoiled by O’Reilly, where there are online updates that keep hardcopy current and where print errors can be tagged and corrected. I’d like to see QUE Publishing do the same with their books. They have stiff competition form the O’Reilly Missing Manual Series.




I find this book to be a snapshot in time and it is clear to see that Brad Miser loves to write about the stuff he knows like the back of his hand.


Will the book become quickly obsolete as Apple updates the OS? Probably. Is the book worth getting? It definitely goes much more deeply into Leopard than anything else I’ve seen for beginners who have not discovered the “Help” button at the top of the screen.