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Letter from the CEO

Happy 25th, Mac!

By Robert Pritchett


macCompanion was not a magazine quite back then, but we started out as MacNut (way back when) and we have delighted in the progress we have seen as Apple has evolved and morphed the Mac during the last 25 years.


Happy Birthday! And may you have many more.






For a timeline, history etc. of the Mac. see -
















And don't forget these 5 charts from Fortune from January 30, 2009  -


"If a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s five grand worth of Apple (AAPL) news in charts and lists released over the past couple of days," Phillip Elmer-Dewitt reports for Fortune.

Elmer-Dewitt covers:

  1. Web Brands. Apple scored No. 10 in Nielson Online’s ranking of the top Web brands based on the number of unique visitors each site drew in December 2008.
  2. Social Brands. The iPhone scored No. 1 — ahead even of its parent company at No. 3 — in the Vitrue 100, a new ranking of blue chip brands by how often they get mentioned in blogs, photo-sharing sites and such social media entities.
  3. Days to 1 Million. The rate at which the leading smartphones achieved the market penetration milestone of 1 million units. Apple's iPhone 3G crushed all comers.
  4. Volume vs. Revenue. CounterNotions’s Kontra shows that what matters is not how many smartphones you sell, but how much you make on each sale.
  5. Stock Price. Finally, a glance at Apple’s share price, which having suffered a thousand cuts in the past year finally picked up a little traction in the past two weeks."

This month, Harry Babad has begun a couple of columns, this time on "Greening" and its relationship to the Macintosh culture and also, "Safe, Secure and Polite Macin’ — Things You Should Practice". Harry is the "comeback kid" after some bouts with cancer and has recovered.


Welcome back!


Ensure we have 25 more prosperous years by keeping us going by visiting our advertisers, affiliates and sending some coin our direction via PayPal.


Sincerely, your macCompanion


Robert L. Pritchett