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Letter from the CEO

Safe Predictions?

By Robert Pritchett

On Apple


There will be lots of exciting things Apple will present at MacWorld Expo 2008 and some of our staff members that are able to attend will be there to offer first-hand experiences in the February issue of macCompanion.


(I will be in Florida retaking an exam for my RCDD certification during the BICSI Conference while the MacWorld Expo is going on.)


Will the Apple TV be “done right” this time with DVR capabilities? Will Apple offer a subcompact notebook? Will the iPhone “get it” with voice dialing, VOIP capability, video recording and a better camera? Will touchscreens be integrated into iMacs? Will Apple stock valuations continue to grow? Perhaps. Stay tuned.


Apple stock will continue to appreciate in value.


Daniel Eran Dilger made his own predictions.


We also might see another software campaign from MacHeist.


Alternative Energy Solutions


Meanwhile, I’ve been busy establishing a LinkedIn Solar Energy Consultants Group.


I’m looking forward to improvements in alternative energy systems such as Octillion’s spray-on nanosolar cells that make normal windows into photovoltaic see-through windows. I want to see nanoSolar’s thin film technology they can produce profitably on thin sheets of metal for solar roofing material. And I’m evangelistic about Infinia’s distribution of their solar stirling engine. I also want to see comfortable, family-sized all–electric vehicle manufacturers using super-capacitors that can recharge in 10 minutes and go the distance without having to stay somewhere overnight to recharge to continue highway driving.


Other Predictions for 2008


Good will overcome evil, peace will reign upon the earth. There will be no more pain and suffering or poor among us. Oops, wrong year.


Okay, how about the establishment of the Amero, the European equivalent of the combined government of the North American Continent known as Mexamericanada? The official name will be the North American Union. Perhaps not this year…


A sure bet will be that the US will have a new president, but it will probably be another rigged election vis-a-vis the Electoral College, no matter whom we vote for and the One World Government will be one step closer to becoming reality as US Sovereignty continues to erode. But don’t let that stop you from voting, if you are a US citizen (snarky remark).


I doubt Ron Paul will be the front-runner, because he is too much of a Libertarian wearing Republican clothing, posing as a Constitutionalist. It sure would be fun if he had Alan Keyes as a Vice President though! They are playing against a stacked deck and the system is using marked cards.


The prices for petroleum products will continue to go up and folks will have to make a harder choice of either feeding their families or feeding their vehicles, but not both


Stagflation” coined (pun intended) in the 1970’s, will become a household word again.


Oh, and I safely predict that macCompanion magazine will continue to be published free of cost (our time, our dime), if you purchase from our affiliates and products pages.


Please spread the word about us.


It will be great to be alive in 2008!


May peace and prosperity be with you and yours this year.