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YouTube: An Insider's Guide to Climbing the Charts

Reviewed by Robert Pritchett



Authors: Alan Lastufka, Michael W. Dean

Released: Nov. 2008

Pages: 301

Requirements: Access to video-making software for online viewing and a computer to edit content with.


Strengths: Does a good job promoting virility for video content in YouTube.


Weaknesses: These guys donŐt use Macs. So here really is no treatment of Mac-based solutions for doing this work.





Want to make a splash on YouTube? Even go viral? You've come to the right place. This book is written by two veteran 'Tubers who live their art and know what they're talking about -- especially Alan Lastufka, a.k.a. "fallofautumndistro," who has over 10,000 YouTube subscribers and millions of views. Alan and co-author Michael W. Dean show you how to make a quality video, and how to optimize, encode, upload, and promote it. This book can't promise you'll be rich and famous, but it can tell you how to make great video art, and what you need to do to get your work seen. You'll learn about:


á      Storytelling and directing

á      Shooting, editing, and rendering

á      Creating your very own channel

á      Broadcasting user-generated content

á      Re-broadcasting commercial content

á      Cultivating a devoted audience

á      Fitting into the YouTube community

á      Becoming a success story



Join Alan, who makes part of his living from YouTube, and Michael, a successful filmmaker, author, and D.I.Y. art pioneer. They'll take you from the basics of gear to making it big on YouTube, with a focus on networking and interaction. You'll also sit in on informative interviews with YouTube stars LisaNova, Hank Green (vlogbrothers), WhatTheBuckShow, nalts, and liamkylesullivan. 

Alan and Michael understand viral marketing -- and they know what it takes to get your work on everyone's YouTube radar. And, once you read this book, so will you.


What I Learned


Okay, I was expecting something a bit different than; "this book is better than all the others, because we don't give you empty promises". 


At least the authors are up front about "you are not going to become rich off YouTube video-making". The money there is will come in from GoogleAdSense (if you allow it) and if you have enough viewers and volume and you might be possibly considered for the YouTube Partnership Program, again assuming you have over 100K viewers watching what you produced. Yeah, right (in Bill Cosby "Moses" voice).


The key is having enough "umph" with your YouTube videos to get "there". The "there" is through linking, networking, commenting on other sites, responding to other videos with your video, you know, "social networking" stuff and making a general nuisance of yourself online, assuming you do not have a real life and like to live in virtual space. Oh, and getting "viral". Friends, friends of friends, etc.


And this link -




The book is a quick read and I'm excited that they added the website, so the book doesn't obsolete itself anytime soon. The fun begins by having content, making sure it doesnŐt violate anybody's copyrighted material and permissions have been granted and bandwidth has been allocated. I'm waiting for the likes of ComCast to step in and cabosh this by having both us and you pay for capped bandwidth.