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Letter from the CEO


Turning over New Leaves and Signs of the Time


By Robert Pritchett


The following has weighed heavily on my mind lately;


"时势造英雄"(pin-yin:shi shi zao ying xiong), which means heroes (leaders) are made over turbulent times.





Be not afraid. May peace, liberty and love reign in 2009.


We most certainly live in interesting times. Ever since Joseph Smith Jr. stated that the US Civil War would start in South Carolina (Section 87, "Doctrine and Covenants") and war would be poured out upon all nations, the world has been at constant war with the unwinnable so-called "War on Terrorism" (WWIV, if you agree with me that the "Cold War" was WWIII), as the latest episode in a long line of orchestrated efforts to reduce world population and the subjugation of mankind.




One has to wonder who is behind the military–industrial complex and who is paying for this constant global death and destruction. I spent the good part of December reading "Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" by Dr. John Coleman to find out. I'm amazed this guy is still alive.




I am no member of any political party. I am a free man.


I appreciate so much the comments by Stephen Pratt and his presentation on "Pioneers and Patriotism" as he discussed he political situation in the US regarding the orchestrated efforts to turn the USA into the United Socialist States of America (done), without the help of the Obamanation.




I also follow the concepts as espoused by Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture for the US and LDS prophet, who, when speaking with Nikita Khrushchev, was told his grandchildren would be living under Communism. Khrushchev was correct.




I am also a US Constitution student of Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, former FBI agent. He wrote 3 books on the topic. I also helped one of his sons publish the newsletter for the "Freemen Institute" back in 1975-76. Make it a goal to study the US Constitution.





We live in a blessed land – "This is America"


We should not allow it to be trashed and for us to become further enslaved. As citizens in the past have stopped doing evil, we have been saved from destruction.  I call upon all mankind everywhere, to repent of doing wicked deeds, so we are not condemned, as we await and look forward in anticipation to the coming Messiah. Is that too much to ask?


God is our source of freedom and personal righteousness is the key to our liberty. When lost, only human blood can win it back. We have been promised that the righteous will be preserved. I saw it happen during the "civil" war in El Salvador. I don't want to see us go through it here in the US, but we may have no choice.


We live in a "choice land above al other lands" and have been promised if we are faithful that we will be blessed. We have also been promised that if we screw up, we will be "swept off".





We should not succumb to or be susceptible to "false flags", such as has occurred in the past to embroil us in wars. The sacrifice of our military and innocent civilians in the Spanish American War (ship sinking), Pearl Harbor (so-called surprise attack), Gulf of Tonkin (staged attack), 9/11 (excuse to attack Iraq), etc. We need to get our military might back on our soil and to stop occupying other soil, in an attempt to do nation-building. These wars and "conflicts" are about much more than big oil interests.


Watch this video analysis of the Star Wars "prequel" false flag terrorism.


"Liberty dies with thunderous applause." Pay attention as we move further into our own geopolitical meltdown.


"Create a crisis, get the reaction of fear from the population, and offer the solution of a police state that you control."


"Criminal elements within the government that seek to overthrow freedom and replace it with slavery get their power through carrying out terrorist attacks and manufacturing enemies that they fund and control."





On to Other Leaf Changes


Live H2O Concert


Okay, now that I have that completed and assuming you actually looked at the links, let me get on another soapbox.


 Dr. Leonard Horowitz has asked me to help him collect $2 million through donations and sponsorships for the worldwide Live H2O Concert project, June 19-21, 2009 -




I received permission to include information in the January issue of macCompanion magazine about this effort to unite the world in song and in helping heal humanity. His ads have graced our pages and website for a few months now.


I see this process as a vehicle to help us recognize the effects of "energized" water and the use of "positive" music in our lives that can get us more in tune with the spiritual aspects of our souls.


If you know of organizations with deep pockets that would like to participate in this experiment, please have them contact me, okay? Critical. Peace, not War.



MacWorld Expo


I do not know if we will have representation at MacWorld 2009. I doubt it. If any staff can make it and report, that would be wonderful, but if Adobe is not there and it is the last one for Apple and the "buzz" has essentially died due to the draconian measures of Apple's own legal department and the fact that Apple is backing out for the following year and there will be no "SteveNoteª" at this one, the excitement for me is basically gone.


Read "8 Signs That Apple Customers Are No Longer Special" -


I strongly suspect that Virtual Expos will be in Apple's future – similar to what we see here with the Virtual Energy Forum -



Pure Energy Systems Network (PESN)


I am the acting Director for the Pure Energy Systems Wiki – As such, I participated in the debut of the movie,  "Evergreen: The Washington Clean Technology Story" at the Battelle Auditorium. The producer is looking for sponsors to distribute the film in January 2009. It is "NOVA" quality.


PESWiki has been getting close to 25 million page views per month as more and more folks discover that they/you to can make a positive difference in the world by participating in research, study and eventual distribution of alternative energy solutions through that website. Registration is free and easy – just like Wikipedia, only better, because it is focused on energy solutions.







While representing PESN, I am also now the treasurer for the Mid-Columbia Energy and Environmental Network (MCEEN) and involved in getting the Sustainable Energy & Environmental Expo (SEEE) off to a good start as it transitions from the Washington State Franklin PUD for the last 7 years, to new ownership for April 25-26 2009. If you know of grants, sponsors and potential speakers or presenters, please let me know.




The Rest of 2009


Heroes are made over turbulent times.


We at macCompanion magazine hope you will donate your time, talents and good fortunes to our cause of finding those things that will improve the lives of those around us/you and our/your families. PayPal works, donations are gladly accepted and we also off advertising space, if you have a product or service you want to offer the world. We would like to see macCompanion magazine also become even more wildly successful. That is where each of you come in.  Participate with us at MyAppleSpace


Spread the word about us and help businesses and enterprises migrate to the Mac.


Ignore the wizard behind the Depression curtain and those riding the horses of the Apocalypse - and the destroying angels. I firmly believe that we will be blessed with protection, if we live right.




May Peace, Prosperity and Good Health be yours in 2009;


Sincerely and with love;


Robert L Pritchett