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Letter from the CEO

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Property/Happiness

By Robert L. Pritchett


macCompanion magazine is now 9 years old this month. Not too shabby on a shoestring budget! We really could use your help in obtaining your support financially. If everyone who read our magazine donated $2.50 for July, we would be well on our way to being out of debt and on a sure footing again. Please help!


I've personally been rather busy lately trying to go after the golden ring of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by trying to get another day job. Probably because of a combination of my stance as a Constitutionalist, my ethics on honesty or my age, so far there has only been a couple of promising nibbles.


There is the ongoing promise of  "stimulus" funds going to government projects in a continuing state and federal bankrupt situation, but the funds do not arrive. It is mighty difficult to keep the mind on task, when your tummy is rumbling and the roof over your head may no longer be yours for much longer, due to job loss. I have been able to get most of my credit card interest rates down, but only by promising to have them frozen for 12 months.


We are being constantly bombarded on multiple fronts by having our God-given liberties and hard-won freedoms rapidly eroded by a "liberal" government, hell-bent on our dissolution as a nation (USSA) and being rapidly turned into the North American Union. And I'm not just talking about taxing the very air we breath (current cap-and-trade legislation).


I'm not too excited by becoming a slave of the statists, one-worlders and the banksters. I hope these issues are on your radar. Our private property is at risk. The following links may be of keen interest for those of you who still own land in this once great nation we used to call the United States of America, now kindly called the United Socialist States of Amerika. All indications point that we are going down the same path that all Communist nations have walked. We are following the exact same game plan that worked in turning Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba and other formerly free nations into slave states. When Pravda tells us to knock it off, because we have become more Communist than they, we need to pay attention! They say American Capitalism is gone without even a whimper.


Private Land Confiscations


There is a concerted effort to take away our private property;


Taking Liberty

How Private Property is being abolished in America


Environmental Master Plan

UN Convention on Biodiversity

Wildlands Network

Stop the North American Union


Now why do I bother writing this in a Mac-centric magazine? Because if we think the USSA is immune to the ravages of war, think again. I saw what happened during the civil war in El Salvador. Today we have MS-13 gangs (Mara Salvatrucha {MS, not MicroSoft}) in the USSA as a result of political meddling in Central America. The chickens have come home to roost.


What are you doing with protecting our Constitutional rights? Anything?  What are you doing to keep your sovereignty intact?


May this 4th of July be something more than just shooting off fireworks and eating outside and help us step away from Social Fascism/Fabian Socialism and Corpogopolies. Yes we can make a change. If we don't, Apple Corporation will cease to exist and we can kiss all future innovations goodbye forever.


May we pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness/Property,

Robert L Pritchett, Constitutionalist



Dig Deeper

Connie Fogal On The Corporate North American Union (1-hour video on castrating 3 nations from 2007)

The End of American Capitalism?

1984 by George Orwell (1-hour, 48-minute movie from 1954)


Economic Scuttlebutt

