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Shareware Review

WordDumpCM 1.05

A tool for extracting and counting the number of words in a document


By Harry {doc} Babad © 2009

Limit Point Software

Released: 5 November 2008

Download Size: 256 KB

Cost:  Donationware {$10-25 USD} with a twist. WordDump is part of the Limit Point Software "Utilities Bundle" which includes all software at . Purchase a Utilities password to activate all 55 utilities, including WordDump. Updates are always free, new products always included!

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4 or later; Universal binary

macC Star Ratings

Strengths: Simple, fast and easy to use and the price is right.


Weaknesses: Although it took several tries, I got the CM to work.

For an 10 day free demo of this product


Copyright Notice: Product and company names and logos in this review may be registered trademarks of their respective companies.


Sidebar #1:Reviews were carried out on my iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM running Mac OS X version 10.5.7

Sidebar #2: Disclaimer: When briefly reviewing share-freeware I will often use the developer’s product, functions and features descriptions. All other comments are strictly my own and based on testing. Why need I rewrite the developer’s narratives, if they are clearly written?


WordDump is an application and contextual menu [CM] for extracting all the words from documents. It extracts all the words from the file and creates a new file whose contents is a list of extracted words, accompanied by their frequency. Supported document formats include Text, PDF, MS Word, HTML and RTF, but the application should work with any document that Spotlight can index. I only tested the application with MSW, RTF and PDF files.


WordDumpCM is an almost essential tool for folks who write documents requiring indexes, allowing one, by elimination, to create a complete list of key and important words in your document.  With such a list you can use your word processor or desktop publishing tool to create your document index. Now, folks, I’m well aware that indices are often phrases, but having a narrowed down word-list is a wonderful help to triggering your (my) memory. (For best results the file should have the proper extension for its type.)


The application is also useful for finding what my editor friends call word use overkill, pointing me to places that might make my purple-prose more interesting by using synonyms for too often repeated words.

Getting Started — Installing the Product is a Two-Step Process


To Install the Application: Copy the WordDump application to your Applications folder and launch (double-click) on it to activate your free trial period. The contextual menu will not function until the program has been activated and the CM plugin installed.

To Install the Contextual Menu: Place the plugin into your "Contextual Menu Items" folder located in your Library folder, creating it if necessary: /Library/Contextual Menu Items/WordDumpCM.plugin Then logout and get back into your account to load the plugin. Or restart the Finder using the "Force Quit" [Option-Command-Escape] window.


Registering the Product Was a Tad Trickier: It took three tries, but it was late out. When you click register you get two choices. One, register, which takes you to the developers website and allows to purchase the software. The second choice is ‘save’ which you use to save the SN you obtained, after buying the product. Me, at first I kept clicking the register button. Had the window read said purchase, I would have caught on sooner.

Using the Software


As an Application — Drop a file. Or files on the application’s icon in the dock or any alias thereof, or even on the application itself. That’s all. Save the results, and use the word dump count, as you will.


As a CM — Control-click on a file in the Finder and select "Dump Words" from the contextual menu. Alas this did not work for me with either MSW or RTF documents; I really did try to get the plugin to work, because clicking for a CM, is more convenient than maintaining the application’s an alias on my crowed dock.

By default, WordDump put you results a new file is located in the "WordDump" directory of your Document folder. The file name is derived from the original file and is automatically opened for you after it are created. Here’s the partial result of checking this article;















You can also process multiple files at a time simply by selecting multiple files in the Finder.


By Using the WordDump application you have greater control (using the application’s preferences) in specifying various application options. They include (A) Sort options: Alphabetically or by word frequency. (B) Separate by: The word and its frequency can be separated either by parentheses, tabs or commas. [Not including the frequency is also optional.] (C) Separator: The type of characters to use when generating the list of words can also be designated.


CM Plugin — It took me several attempts before I got the CM to work for me. A bit of guidance in the readme would have helped. First, you use the CM on an unopened document. Second, if you’ve as many CMs installed as I have, choosing WordDump is under the CM submenu ‘more’ which is the bottom selection in the CM window.

Conclusions and Recommendation


This is a great product, even though I will not use it often, when I need its features it will prove invaluable.  It is worthy of 4.5 macCs.


Let the Buyer be Rewarded — In one respect, this is a strange product from the point of view of one who wants to buy it. It is a unique kind of donorware.  For a modest donation via PayPal or Kagi, you purchase not the application itself but the developers’ complete set of utilities.  Were talking ca. 55 utilities for $10.00-25.00. Checkout the Limit Point Software website for details.


Since I spotted a few other utilities I want to try, buying the bundle is certainly a good deal, even at a $25.00 donation. Buy it, there’s something of great value here for all of you.