Letter from the CEO
The race towards “Green” Energy and a higher standard of living
By Robert Pritchett
Caution - this is going to be a long article and you may not like what I have to say. Again, you may.
With all the talk about "going green", you'd think we'd just stepped back in time to the '60's with tie-dyed flowerchildren and getting back to nature. This tends to get a bit personal for me, because we have a daughter who's birthday happens to fall on "Earth Day" each year.
Have you ever gotten the itch to put into practice those things you’ve been preaching? How efficient is building a business from scratch using the Apple-based technologies we have been professing in macCompanion magazine ever since its inception? We want to find out first-hand. You may be able to help.
Sometimes we look at other technologies that are intended to improve the lifestyle and living conditions of mankind in this magazine. I have been deeply involved in renewable–energy recently, because my Volkswagon Bug goes through sticker shock every time I fill up at the pump. I am being driven to two choices – either feed the car or feed the family. It is getting more and more difficult to do both.
Something I’ve been working on with others is the proposed Co-Op Ever-Green Renewable Energy Resource Center.
The renewable energy technologies today are reminiscent of how the personal computer industry was back in the early 1980’s. Which technologies are going to win this race? Hopefully, all of mankind will win. Right now, the world is at war with itself. It is time to take off the “Political Correctness” hat and stand for something real, honest and that will make a positive difference for mankind. I may come across as a bit controversial in this direction I intend to take, but tough, live with it.
A Light Approach to Renewable Energy
Not to make light of the subject, but I personally believe that we have been given the gift of non-renewable energy sources so that we could do a better job as stewards of earth in finding more environmental-friendly ways to impact the earth less. This would be like moving from horsepower to machine power. You remember the line given back at the beginning of the last century that if everyone road horses, we would be mired in manure?
Now if we don’t move quickly to renewable energy sources soon, we may well be stranded in a messy mire of non-renewable energy sources. And sadly and tragically, we have witnessed world-wide wars based on control of such resources. There are so many folks working on these issues, that it is almost too much to take in at one time. We can make a difference.
Being an “Ecopreneur”
If you frequented maccompanion.com over the last few months, you may have seen another banner on our site earlier that was tied to Citizenre. I jumped through the hoops and took the training to be qualified as an “ecopreneur”, but my personal philosophy differs from the multi-level-marketing approach the founders of that rental system they profess. I didn't give them anything more than my time and they didn't offer anything more than possible residuals if I got folks to sign up and express interest with their dollars.
Citizenre offers an on-grid solar energy system you can put on your roof for a fee and you pay them for the energy created each month at the same rate you pay the utility companies. The idea is that you “feel good” about “going green”, because you are using “home grown” energy at a fraction of the cost a full solar system would perhaps otherwise cost – and Citizenre gets the energy credits and “ecopreneurs” get residuals. Supposedly between 20 to 25 years you can give back the system to them and if you move, you can take it with you one time without a penalty. They require a $500 deposit for anybody interested in this scheme - http://www.powur.com/web/video/
A lot of people have made deposits, but the production facility still has not been built. As of this writing, they still have no physical products available with the latest excuse being ”politics”. To me, that is nothing but smoke and mirrors. I want something tangible. Something I can use today.
I could not find any interest locally for anyone as an electrical installation company that was willing to buy a franchise to service those Citizenre systems. If you are like me, you would rather own something outright instead of subscribing to a service (think iTunes music subscriptions – not going to happen on Steve Job’s watch or buying a Mac instead of leasing one).
Citizenre can’t compete here in this part of the country, due to the low power rates. They have stated that there is a rate below which they will not go to compete. We live below that threshold here in our part of the country. Their market is in “high-rent” districts for power.
After talking with David Bonta of the USA Solar Store in Vermont and rereading the Citizenre contracts, I have opted out of Citizenre and decided to develop a renewable–energy Co-Op instead.
One of our local county PUDs (Franklin County) has actually reduced the Kilowatt-hour fees in a reversal of a trend all other utilities have been treading. How did they do that? They went for the green and we have these wonderful windmills near us that get a lot of wind harnessed from the Columbia Gorge. Because we are part of the Great American Desert, we are blessed with a phenomenon where the Basin inhales in the morning and exhales in the afternoon. Those windmill farms have been breeding like rabbits.
We also live right in the middle of hydroelectric power country in the Columbia Basin, though certain powers want to have them removed “in the interest of improving Salmon runs” (remember the “snail darter” episode as a reason for not building a dam?). We still have one of the few remaining nuclear power plants in operation here in the Northwest. We also have some Photovoltaic farms in the vicinity with new ones coming online soon.
Our Mandate from Above
I personally believe we were given the earth with a command to multiply and replenish it, not subdue it into submission and pollute it. And I am not going to apologize for those beliefs. If you find this to be an issue, so be it.
Do you remember the 1960’s and the polluted burning rivers and floating dead fish due to manufacturing on the East coast and the Great Lakes region?
In Doctrine and Covenants, Section 104, verse 17, the Lord promised that “the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves”. So we have been given a mandate and a promise, only if we act as wise stewards. The Lord also said in verse 13, “For it is expedient that I, the Lord, should make every man accountable, as a steward over earthly blessings, which I have made and prepared for my creatures.” He also said that if we didn’t manage our stewardships well, He would take that away and give those to somebody else who could do something with them. We don’t want that to happen, do we?
Reducing the “Carbon Footprint”
To help us with becoming more self-sufficient, I am working on a proposal to establish the Ever-Green Renewable Energy Resource Center by offering alternatives to non-renewable energy resources that we can use today to reduce our “carbon footprint” regarding our stay on earth.
This ambitious undertaking will have a training and presentation center for “Do It Yourselfers” who want to see what they can do to become self-sufficient with energy conservation, food preservation and preparation, renewable energy and transportation that will cover such topics as All-electrics, Biofuels, Geothermal, Solar, Water, Wind and/or other future technologies. The facility will be “family-friendly” and will have both day and evening instruction available.
The Ever-Green Energy Resource Center will also have an on-line presence on the Internet using E-Commerce for selling products as well as establishing online Forums, answering Frequently Asked Questions, posting and hosting online video presentations, etc.
The Solar and Science Store
We will be obtaining tried and true renewable energy technologies by way of the USA Solar Store (providing the supplies and materials as part of the Solar Store Co-Op) located in Vermont and the Green Living Journal - And we want to dedicate part of the store to science projects similar to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Science Store - We are constantly learning and this is a way for folks to take something home in their quest to learn more and dig deeper into electronics, physics and the natural sciences.
Housing and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
And then there is the “Zero-Energy” Home.
There is an on-going concern for the health and well-being of our planet and laws are being enacted at both state and federal levels to expedite the use of alternative energy resources to help us “go green” in construction LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and in US state mandates for Public Utility Districts to offer “green energy”.
As a Co-Op, the Ever-Green Renewable Energy Resource Center will be built using most, if not all of the various technologies to show how it can be done for both businesses and residences. We are talking about Solar HVAC integration, Photovoltaic windows, thick and thin-film roofing and/or tiles, PV panels, light pipes, windmill units, underground geothermal HVAC, and possibly hydroelectric implementation as well. It may not all fit under one roof!
Renewable Energy Installations
We will be providing renewable energy consulting services for doing site surveys and energy audits and offering installation services by way of Jonathan Herman Lewis, President, Seraphim Electric Company, based in Goldendale, WA, specializing in certified renewable energy installations in both Washington and (soon) Oregon.
Foodstuffs and Healthy Living
There will also be an in-house “show-me how-to” kitchen and bakery that will be used for both instruction in healthy food preparation and preservation from Giggles Gluten Free, LLC - “Man may not live by bread alone”, but an individual’s energy needs to be renewed constantly as well. These specialized foodstuffs guarantee that customers will keep coming back for more! Gluten-free food offers anti-allergen and other disease prevention solutions. Some local hospitals and restaurants are already on the waiting list for these products.
Training and Education
We will be offering classroom environments for Seminars and educational opportunities for renewable energy activities with possible scheduling with the Solar Living institute - in 2008. We hope to establish Renewable Energy Usergroups and provide a place for them to meet.
Transportation Options
The Discovery Channel has been airing “the future car” series, but I think they went down the wrong road and came up with some incorrect conclusions when they started in on “air compression” technologies.
We’ve explored the Stirling engine - and hydrogen systems. They both have a ways to go before becoming viable solutions. And don't expect a nuclear-powered vehicle anytime soon, unless you live on the Moon or Mars.
Once All-Electric vehicles are made available to the general public for highway use, we will be able to sell those. We are already an affiliate with ZAP! (Zero Air Pollution) on our website. We just need to obtain a New Vehicle Dealer license to sell on-the-road vehicles. Watch the video.
Zap! is famous for those 3-wheeled 40-miles-between-charges and 40-mile-distance vehicles. Our eyes are on the “muscle-car” aluminum Lotus-body Zap-X that can do 360 miles between charges, can go 155 miles per hour and can recharge in 10 minutes using house current (projected availability into 2008). They are looking for dealers and have established a US HQ in Sonoma County, CA. They have been in business for 12 years. We want to become a dealer. Their on-board computer system is Microsoft-based, however.
We are looking at other transportation options as well – such as offering gas to biofuel conversions - and gas to electric conversions - Others have been doing it and we can too.
Commuter Cars in Spokane, WA can only create about 10 cars a year without more funding. The Tango is a 4-wheel vehicle that can go 80 miles between charges and is street-legal.
The Green Car Company has relocated to Kirkland, WA and sells and supports a variety of hybrid and “green” vehicles besides Electrics. The latest All-Electric they are selling is the Kurrent Neighborhood Electric Vehicle from Italy.
MC Electric Vehicles sells and supports Zenn, Evader, Columbia Cars, Tiger Trucks, Dynasty Motors, E-Ride Industries and Canadian EV vehicles in Portland, OR, Seattle and Spokane, WA – We met with Jim Johnson, owner of MC Electric Vehicles recently, and he is also is willing to work with us.The Zenn will be using the EeStor ceramic storage device instead of one of the other 3 battery systems currently in use.
Phoenix Motor Cars has a Pickup and Sedan that will be delivered later in 2007 for the California Market Fleets before going public.
Tesla Motors has sold 100 Tesla Roadsters and has another 100 customers waiting in the queue. They are preparing to produce WhiteStar Sports sedans out of Albuquerque, New Mexico - The Roadster is a street-legal racing vehicle that is a little on the pricey side. We want one too.
Apple-based Technologies and Business
We have an opportunity to include Apple technology into the mix, by using those products for the E-Commerce environment and the storefronts with Point-of-Sale systems and inventory management that are Apple-centric.
Moving Forward and Getting Empowered
As you can see, we (the Co-Op) plan on taking the “best of the best” and bringing it all together in one place for our region. As technologies come to light, we will evaluate them and see if they can deliver as promised.
In the meantime, we live with ever-increasing fuel prices and more frequent brownouts due to added housing projects and an aging power grid infrastructure. We are becoming empowered to do something about it!
We are actively seeking sponsors and investors in this energy-enabling dream. If you would like to either participate in this venture or know of others who would like to sponsor or invest in this dream, please get in contact with us so we can get it off the ground.
Digging Deeper into Renewable Energy