Raiders of the Lost Macintosh
Best free downloads, shareware and demos
by Dr. Eric Flescher
June 2008
Here are some of the best free, shareware and demo
applications out there that I have found. Try some of these out. You will be
amazed what some Mac authors have created and designed.
filezilla free
Required: 10.5 or
OneButton FTP
You will need a Mac running OS X 10.4 or later (including OS
X 10.5 Leopard) to use OneButton FTP.
(free, fast, flesible, use of drag and drop and extremly
easy to use)
Free Wi-f-Fi spots
If you need to access Wi-Fi spots on the go while working
with your PC or Mac, using any operating system, you can find one here at this
OS X 10.4 build in RSS Visualizer screen saver
Pick your favorite news feed (like BBC, CNN or ?). When
screensaver comes on, you'll can then see the deadlines on your topical areas
of choice.
Alloc software free Fade text
Displays any text you enter into its configuration box area-
like a sign to post on your laptop (why waste electricity though- put up a
piece paper?)
Free Weather Channel free screen saver
Shows current temperature and conditions in you regional area
Apple Weather Widget
Required: OS X 10.4
free (need 800 MHz or faster running OSX 10.3 or greater
Display the current weather. To keep on constantly (or once
in awhile with F12,) launch Terminal from administrator's account and type
defaults write Dashboard devmode YES). Quit Terminal and the press
F12 to bring up Widget. Force to remain open click and hold F12 or restart
Dashboard by logging out.
AWS WeatherBug
Also has wind speed, directio, 3 day forecast , weather
radar for your area, and access to live Web cams.
Menu Butler
MacMage’s free Menu Butler widget displays all your
available Menu Extrasin a palette in the Dashboard area. Click on a widget, and
it appears in your menu bare area .
Handbrake or instant Handbrake
Converts commercial DVDs to a format that is playable on a
Mac, iPod, or Sony PSP.