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Cyber Security – You and your Macintosh, one step at a time

Safe, Secure & Polite Macin’ — Things You Should Practice

By Harry {doc} Babad © 2009




Most of us are well aware that the world we ‘live’ consume and compute it is vulnerable to the actions of the “bad guy.” Never the less, few of us have ever sat down with a checklist and done the few simple things that would lower our personal and family risk. None of what will follow is quantum physics, rocket science or even coding and scripting. I know because I can ‘t do any of these things, but my friends to them w/o blinking an eye. Notice I’ve not mentioned medical disease diagnosis or genetic engineering; those are still alas closer, these days alas, to witchcraft and intuition (psi), than science.


Nope, what I’m sharing is enhanced personal security and protection of your valuables, including both your money and your reputations. Indeed a book I recently reviewed, How to be a Geek Goddess, did a great job at sharing what those in the business call vulnerabilities. However, the ‘peoples’ mother lode of such information resides on the US Federal Trade Commission’s site called OnGuard Online focused all aspects of the relationship between you and your computer and the thieves and nair-do-wells that are attempting to steal from you, or besmirch your good name.



Okay — Here’s an overview


The topics covered are broad and although focused at computer users can be used for protection even if you only use a phone, talk to uninvited sales persons, or even fill out physically mailed questionnaires.


I’ve taken the liberty, since Federal sites are in the public domain, of copying the topics pages of that site for your convenience. Use the checklist that follows and follow your nose or mouse to see how to protect yourself and loved ones from the do-bads that want to enrich themselves at your cost.


OnGuard OnlineThe many ways toward making your computer and life more cyber secure


Stop • Think • Click: An Overview of Computer Security


The Internet gives you access to information, entertainment, financial offers – frankly, countless products and services. At the same time, it can leave you open to online scammers, identity thieves, and more. Learn experts' top tips for computer security.




Broadband refers to high-speed Internet access available through services like digital subscriber line (DSL), cable, fiber optic, wireless, or satellite. Learn about the types of services that are available, and the questions to ask to get the best deal for your needs – whether you shop, play games, make phone calls, watch movies, listen to music, or use other applications.


Computer Disposal


Computers are newer, better, faster—but how do you safely dispose of last year’s model? Learn what to do before getting rid of your old computer so your personal information – and the environment – is both protected.


Cross-Border Scams


The internet has opened access to a world of goods and services. Learn how some unscrupulous people are using it to commit cross-border thievery through foreign lottery offers, money offers, and check overpayment schemes. Watch out for unclaimed cash or earning of over 15% in a 2% environment.


Email Scams















Most people agree that getting "spam" is annoying. Spam – unsolicited sales pitches – also can be costly, with offers for bogus products and fraudulent promotions. Learn to spot 10 common spam scams and what to do if one shows up in your inbox. Buy good anti-spam software, there are great items of Macintosh users including the great SpamSieve.


Identity Theft


Identity thieves can steal your money and ruin your credit rating. Learn how to protect your identity, what to do should it be stolen, and how to minimize the damage quickly by putting a fraud alert on your credit report.


Internet Auctions


Internet auction sites expand your access to markets for buying and selling merchandise. Learn how to navigate online auctions and recognize potential snags, including late shipments, bogus escrow services, and check overpayment scams.


Kids' Privacy


One of the many choices kids face online is how to deal with their personal information. Learn more about your rights as a parent and what you can do to help your kids make smart, safe choices online. I know it feels like spying, but that’s too bad; you’re there to protect and teach your kids about the realities of the WWW.


Laptop Security

Your laptop is your desk-on-the-go, helping you work no matter where you are. Learn how to keep your laptop out of the hands – and off the lap – of a stranger.




Criminals sometimes use malware – programs like viruses and spyware – to get into your computer. Once it's there, they use it to steal information, send spam, and commit fraud. Learn the signs of malware and how to reclaim your computer and the information it stores. There are lots of great products and services out there to protect your self, but read the reviews in trusted sources before you bite.


Online Investing


While the internet features investment opportunities, the rules say, "caveat investor." Learn more about the relationship between risk and reward, and hackers, scammers, and identity thieves who use investment opportunities to wreak havoc on your personal finances. Have I got a deal for you! Just send money or your credit card number. Remember, If you cant afford to lose it, don’t use it!


LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01

Online Shopping


Shopping online … it's easy, fast, and convenient. Learn how to identify disreputable vendors or fraud artists that may be setting up shop – and how to minimize your chance of a shopping mishap. Check the customer-satisfaction web sites to be sure the vendor is both reputable and provides good and appropriate service. Such sites include: NexTag, PriceSCAN, or BizRate. And PriceGRABBER.


P2P Security


Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing enables people to share files online through an informal network. P2P can give you access to lots of information, but also can up your exposure to viruses, spyware, illegal material and more. Find out how to minimize your risks when using P2P.




When fraudsters send spam or pop-up messages, they're casting a wide net in hopes of getting people to divulge their personal and financial information. Learn how to spot a phishing message, how to avoid getting "hooked," and what to do if – oops - you realize you've been phished. Remember, a sucker ids born every minute… fortunately there only 525 949 minutes in a year and the birthrate us higher than that.


Social Networking Sites


Social networking sites are big. And while these sites can increase your circle of friends, they also can increase your exposure to people with less-than- friendly intentions. Learn how to help your kids – and other family members – socialize online safely. Most employers or services check the social network sites, or have it done, when interviewing for key positions.  Don’t get embarrassed or turned down, because you’re exercising bragging rights to your friends.





Criminals can install stealth software on your computer that lets them steal your identity and do other damage. Learn what spyware is, how to tell if it's on your computer and get rid of it, and how to avoid it altogether.


VoIP {Voice over Internet Protocol}


VoIP is a way to make and receive phone calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a traditional phone line. Read about the pros and cons of making the switch – and some questions to ask – as you weigh your options.


Wireless Security


Wireless internet access offers convenience and mobility. Learn how to keep your wireless network and the computers on it more secure using encryption and other techniques.


Your Health Online


Going online can be a convenient way to compare prescription drug prices, research health products and services, and answer health questions. Learn what to look for when you search for health information or consider buying health care products online. As more and more information gets digitized, this will become a bigger issue. Stay on top of what’s happening the President wants to cut medical costs and to protect your information. See how well the system works. Check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation [EFF] for coverage of this and other issues.

Doc Sez: I’ve added few comments to the Guard Online categories that are in italics.


Final Thoughts

Much of the preceding materials have been interpreted by more publicly visible media sources, but this core list of focal arias is what you need to use as a checklist


Ask yourselves, are you vulnerable? Are you or don’t you use or practice safe cyber based activities? You know, protective software, secure passwords, think before you click, remember {THINK} — Personal data it’s no ones business but your own and the IRS; a sucker is born every minute!


Use Broadband

Safely Dispose of old Computers

Recognize Cross-Border Scams

Remain Vigilant against Email Scams

Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Participate in Internet Auctions

Help Assure Your Kids' Privacy

Practice Ever Vigilant Laptop Security

Protect Your Computer & Drives Against Malware

Do Online Investing

Do Online Shopping

Remain Aware of P2P Security Risks

Know How to Avoid Those Phishing You

Actively Participate in Social Networking Sites

Install Protection Against Spyware

Use VoIP to Cut Phone Bills

Practice Wireless Security

Manage Your Health Online


How about figuring out, for any of the items listed, If you don't take care or preventative action how much, worse case, can you afford to loose?


If your answer is like mine, you’ll see those cyber criminals in h--l before they get a dime of your money or mess with your reputation. Then take an afternoon of to start to protect your self. Read the information provided in the references. Acquire the appropriate tools to keep your system safe and keep them up to date. Write your mouth and fingers a gag order to assure you keep personal information private. Look after your kids and elders, seniors and the young are very susceptible to scams.


In closing, remember, if it’s too good to be true it’s not. Insider information just for you is like taking money offer from a bank executer with unclaimed money!  Don’t be a naïf, there’s no free lunch, and someone must pay the piper; recall all those puerile but all too TRUE clichés. 


References & Acknowledgements: Unless otherwise noted I have provided the source of the material in these articles, even when not copyright protected. Not all of the references are recently printed, but like at a wedding, some old and something new makes a great addition.


Internet Security for Your Macintosh: A Blog for the Rest of Us

Internet Security for Your Macintosh: The Top 10, June 2007

Mac Security: Antivirus, Macworld, by Scott McNulty, Oct 7, 2008

Mac Security: Privacy, Macworld, by Joe Kissell, Oct 8, 2008

On the Road Again — Protect Your Wallet/Purse Before it is Stolen and Yourself Afterward, by Harry {doc} Babad © 2007, macCompanion February 2007.

OnGuard Online - Stop. Think. Click: 7 Practices for Safer Computing – a brochure

OnGuard Online Site, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) maintains with significant contributions from partners on this page.

Protecting Your Online Reputation by Ed Shepard, Small Dog Electronics,
Courtesy: Paul Taylor Hints & TipsFebruary 2009,

Security, Malware and Keeping your Data Safe, by Ted Bade, Ivory Tower Column, macCompanion, May 2009.

Top Online Security Threats for 2009, by Lidija Davis, ReadWriteWeb Blog, December 27, 2008

Unlock The Truth About Mac Security Risks, by Jason Whong. Mac|Life, 22 September 2008.