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Training Network Launched with Call for Activism


By Jackie Lindenbach - 208/265-8065, the first Internet television network featuring the unique physical and metaphysical properties of Water has been launched. The new network plans to reach millions using video players on websites worldwide before a history making broadcast, June 19-21, 2009, from more than a dozen international venues.


Planning for LIVE H2O, Concert for the Living Water, has evolved from research and science over more than a decade. The unprecedented event calls musicians and music-lovers to a new social awareness based on mathematical proofs and emerging perspectives fundamental to science and theology.

LIVEH2O advances an old concept now made understandable--LOVE, the "Universal Healer," is received and transmitted vibrationally by Water. Proven mathematically to involve 528Hz frequency, the central harmonic property of LOVE resonates universally through Water, including our bodies that are eighty percent Water. Simply stated, the good vibration of harmony in relationships is communicated naturally "hydrosonically" between people with open hearts.


To achieve optimal benefits, LIVEH2O advances a plan for lasting peace, world health, and sustainable resources, including abundant Water, all threatened by climate change and economic collapse.


The idea came from LIVE H2O Executive Producer, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a graduate of Tufts University and Harvard School of Public Health. Having authored 16 books, the award winning behavioral scientist and emerging diseases expert researched the original musical scale upon which physical reality, universal gravity, sacred geometry, and the mathematical constants Pi, PHI, and the Fibonacci series are based.


This simple knowledge, Dr. Horowitz claims, yields optimal awareness. Everything is vibrating, either in healthy resonance or distressing dissonance with nature's harmonics. This overlooked technology for optimal productivity and creativity is necessary to evolve us beyond potential disasters.


"Psychosocial, geopolitical, and economic challenges currently threaten and debilitate people everywhere," Dr. Horowitz explains. "LIVE H2O is a global initiative to turn these lemons into lemonade.""LIVE H2O is based on truth, faith and prayer power," says Sheri Thomas, spokeswoman for the history making event. "The truth about Water is so freeing, faith in it is so empowering, and prayer honoring this Creative Juice so capable of doing good, everyone on our team is thrilled to advance LIVE H2O as a simple solution to the world's most complex problems."


Water is the "Universal Solvent," and music is the "Universal Language." If LOVE is the "Universal Healer," then singing and chanting prayerfully using this key 528Hz frequency is expected to cause a mass awakening of human hearts that is paradigm shifting.

"Water reflects more than light," says Japanese Water scholar, Dr. Masaru Emoto, co-creator of LIVE H2O and author of the New York Times best-seller, The Hidden Messages in Water. Dr. Emoto published evidence linking music and language to Waters" dynamic capacity to alter its molecular structure in response to sonic energy including prayer.


Other experts say Water is a liquid crystal superconductor of sound. Throughout history, cultures have revered its primal spiritual significance. Holy Water is one example. A quick read of Genesis 1:1-2 tells you that Water flowed with God and the Holy Spirit during the "Big Bang." Thus, before there were religions, or the "Trinity" in history, Water comprised a third of the "Triune God."


"LIVE H2O applies amazing new knowledge to affect a global baptism, uplifting spirituality by communing in harmony with unconditional LOVE.... We have faith that this powerful prayer will honor and enrich the 'living God' within and around us, and accelerate the Spiritual Renaissance," Dr. Horowitz said.


The worlds of music and medicine are already shifting because of LIVE H2O proponents say. Leading humanitarians, physicians, clergy, recording artists, celebrities, scientists, and energy industrialists have come together to co-create LIVE H2O as a celebration of Divine intention to cure what ails us and our planet.

Simple instructions to become a network affiliate with the player embedded into your website are available online at Concert information and a list of venues are also online at


Dr. Leonard Horowtiz wrote; "Every Tuesday night, at 9PM PST (Midnight EST), you can now watch me "live" on ITV as I broadcast "The Insight Hour" over this new network."