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Letter from the CEO

Wonders Never Cease

By Robert L Pritchett

Postmortem and Moratorium: We lost Dr. Eric Fischer on the operating table and mourn his passing. He had been with the magazine for years, but he is feeling no pain now. We had worked with him and his cognitive challenges from the last time he suffered from a stroke and writing for us was mental therapy for him (and us). He will be sorely missed.


Others have also left our writing team, but they for the most part, are still breathing.


If you would like to write for macCompanion magazine, please contact Michele Patterson and see if we can’t launch your writing career.


Microsoft’s May Day

What will not be missed will be any more “beleaguered” comments regarding Apple Corporation, as they surpassed Microsoft in market capital levels during the last week of May. Apple is also the 2nd largest company in value in the US and is now considered to be the largest tech company worldwide. And this has occurred during a worldwide Depression!


The products keep coming and revenue keeps breaking records for Apple. We should have bought stock back in the early “Oughts”. At least we knew the real worth of Apple long ago and have stayed with them ever since.



Dream On

"Investors may be asking themselves what Apple can do to revive its fortunes. The likely answer, unfortunately, is that Steve Jobs has no white rabbits left in his hat. Apple appears to be facing a dead end in its business growth, the victim of mismanagement and unmitigated hubris. Apple lovers are a loyal bunch, and they'll probably stick with the company. But Jobs's dream of becoming the world's biggest computer-maker will likely remain just that - a dream." Business Week Online December 11, 2000


That dream has come true in 2010! The tortoise is beating the hare in this exciting technology race. What with the iPad, and coming up soon with the iPhone 4G and improvements to other existing computer offerings, and with billions in the bank, Apple is doing just fine, thank you very much.


We just figured that if you had been living under a rock somewhere and hadn’t heard the good news, we would repeat it here for you. After all, you might have otherwise been preoccupied with politics, massive pollutions, wars and employment challenges that seem to be filling the airwaves lately.


Later this month, we will be hearing about the World Wide Developers Conference and no, as much as we perhaps would like to, we may not be hearing from Microsoft in a keynote speech at that conference (fun-filled Silverlight and Bing rumor of Steve Ballmer possibly speaking). I doubt you will want to miss the Stevenote from Steve Jobs this time.


Meanwhile, in this issue, I provide research regarding birth certificate bonds and Assurance for Value so we too may know our own “worth” and what we can do to tap into that to reduce debt. Hopefully as a result, we can emulate Apple by also becoming “debt-free”.


May wonders never cease!



Robert-Leigh: Pritchett, Authorized Representative (see “Your Birth Bond and Assurance for Value”)