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What is OverUnity™?

By Robert Pritchett


We cannot get something for nothing, but we sure can try!


What is the definition of "Overunity"? The first thing to come to mind is Perpetual Motion.


Perpetual motion is a system that runs itself without any new energy applied. The second thing to come to mind is Synergistics, “an interdisciplinary science explaining the formation and self-organization of patterns and structures in open systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium”. However, I would like to think Overunity is really a closed-loop system that is self-powering, producing more power than it apparently consumes and perhaps uses Zero-Point Energy Fields to do so.


I see Overunity as the scientific equivalent of the holygrail™ as a process that somehow overcomes friction or gravity and goes beyond the known laws of thermodynamics – until it is “explained”.


There is a competition by Stefan Hartmann for an Overunity device for a monetary prize with specific conditions to be met at and the prize keeps getting bigger


These are the conditions –

“1. You need to build 3 working units, all must work in overunity mode,so to make sure, it is a replicatable device.


2. Each of the 3 devices must at least put out 50 Watts of contineous electrical AC or DC power. If your device is more a mechanical or chemical ( e.g. electrolyis or cold fusion devices) device, you must build also into it the converter to get electrical power out of it, so it is producing at least contineous 50 Watts of free power without using any fuel other than water or air.


3. Batteries can be used in it, but must be declared and must not be hidden and battery lifetime and recharge time must be specified.( If batteries are used as a buffer the testing time must be prolonged to test, if not just the batteries are delivering all the output energy).Battery life should be at least 3 years and to change the batteries should not cost more than 50 Euros (each 3 years or better after a longer time period).


4. The 3 devices must be shipped to 3 different favourite Website owners in the free energy news and discussion movement.


One device must be shipped to me at (Dip. Ing. Stefan Hartmann) and the 2 other devices can be shipped for instance to Mr. Jean Louis Naudin ( and Mr. Sterling D.Allan ( or simular entities, which are able to test and measure these devices and publish in details the reports about these devices.


5. Patented devices do not apply, cause we want a solution that has no rights yet on it and which would be free to build by anyone. Commercial replications must pay at least 10 to 20 % license fees to charity organizations or simular organisations, that "feed the world" and help the poor. This should be watched by the community to verify that commercial builder companies really pay these licenses to charity organisations.


6. The inventor will get the prize money from me, if all 3 devices work at the website owners and will still work after 3 months of time. 3 Months should be long enough to study and verify the 3 units and also do extensive tests and measurements with them and first replications would be then already available from the community.

Internet to spread quickly together with the blueprints PDF File building instructions.

The verification tests will be published widely all over the


7. The device should not cost more than 500 US$ in part- and material- prices to build and the inventor must also supply a DOC or PDF file with pictures and building instructions and an explanation how he thinks that it works.


8. The inventor of the devices must build 3 devices from his own money and loan these 3 devices to the 3 website owners for the 3 months test periods and after this he can choose, if he wants to get the 3 devices back or would like to sell these 3 devices to the test website owners to keep for themself. The inventor needs to ship the 3 devices on his own costs to the 3 website owners. If he can supply convincing videos in advance of the functioning of his 3 devices, shipping charges can be paid by me, if he is low on money.”

The prize money keeps increasing. No takers so far that I know of...


The New Energy Congress posted this over on the PESWiki website –


“The phrase "Over Unity" typically refers to systems in which more energy comes out than was apparently put in. That is most likely a function of a new, unseen input source not yet recognized or measured. Theoretically all energy comes from existing energy and is only transformed from one form to another. Some over-unity claimants purport that the new energy is being generated ex-nehilo (out of nothing). Most would reject that stance and just wait patiently for new discoveries of where that energy is coming from.”

A fascinating compendium regarding Perpetual Motion information is found here.


Jean-Louis Naudin has posted a list of websites dedicated to the pursuit of OverUnity.


Tom Bearden may have the real technical answers on obtaining Overunity with charged barrier devices and negative resistors.


Patrick Bailey wrote up an article on testing practices for Overunity back in 2001.


We look towards electrical power as a means to possibly obtain Overunity, but only come close with “free energy” devices that absorb ambient electromagnetic fields like we see with the crystal radio (I made one when I was a kid).


We have harnessed Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC). What’s next, electrical power through Self-Sustaining Current (SSC) or Magnetic Current (MC)? -


We use transformers and amplifiers to get things done, but they take energy and produce work and generate “waste” heat as a byproduct. Electrical devices can be built without creating heat. Curiously, I see ultracapacitive electrical power as possibly achieving Overunity such as a device made by EEStor.


Magnetism is also another “source” of power -


A 50-minute 3-part video on “Running on Water” by Authur C. Clarke from 1995 is also rather interesting.


Another direction is in harnessing hydrogen.


There are more videos produced by Sterling Allan and the PES Network on the topic.


Will water, magnetism and electricity mix? Maybe if we add photophoresis or light –


By the way, if you are now coming full circle with me and thinking, “what about Nuclear Power?”. It is not Overunity.


In reality, it all depends on what we include or exclude to determine if something is Overunity. It is like watching magic. It is magic if we don’t understand how it is done. Once we figure out how the trick is done, it is no longer magic. We say something has reached Overunity until we can explain where the power is originally coming from to operate a device. Then it is no longer Overunity in our minds.


Again we look to Patrick Bailey (from 1996) for a definition;


“The definition of "over-unity" depends entirely on where you draw the circle around the device that you are considering. If the circle is small enough, the device is obviously and without question "over-unity", and energy may appear to not be conserved. Actually, it is. When you draw the circle large enough, then energy is seen to be obviously conserved.


A good example is that of putting new batteries into a flashlight. To someone in the 17th Century, this would be an "over-unity" device and a "perpetual motion" machine! Light comes from nothing!!! Energy from nothing!!! It lasts for days and days, etc.


By drawing the circle around the flashlight and the batteries, we see that energy is NOT conserved, and that the flashlight is a "free-energy" machine (just like a car) - until it runs down. Then it needs to be recharged. Ah hah!


Drawing a circle around the formation of the flashlight and of the batteries, we see that energy IS conserved, and that the potential energy generated by putting dissimilar metals together causes the voltage potential that creates the energy to power the light bulb. The whole process, is actually way "under-unity", as it takes energy to create the batteries and the flashlight. "God" or some other force was responsible for making those chemicals first.


The same argument applies to Hoover Dam, where we are obviously getting more energy out than any humans put in, due to the weather patterns and rain and snow filling Lake Mead. Draw a circle around the Dam itself, and you have a free-energy device and a perpetual motion machine. No question on that! Draw a circle around the Earth and Sun and you have conservation of energy. Where the energy of the Sun came from is quite another question...


There are LOTS of potential energy sources around here on the Earth's physical plane. The process occurring in "cold fusion" is the latest new one that is investigated right now. Let's uncover some other ones as well.”

Check out the newly released "The Practical Guide to 'Free-Energy' Devices" by Patrick J. Kelley and the Panacea University. It is a 1,637-page PDF.


Update: Patrick J, Kelly keeps this book current at Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices.



Perhaps in striving for Overunity, we can use devices that are close enough to mass produce and give us a positive sea shift in energy use. The fun is in the striving!