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Letter from the CEO

March Madness?

By Robert Pritchett


Are we all going crazy?


The cost of living is ratcheting up and many are struggling to make ends meet. The so-called safety net is in tatters, the national borders have been breached and the signs of the times are being made manifest.


Meanwhile, Apple goes on about its business as we watch from the sidelines. The rest of the computer industry is falling on its face and Apple is skipping right along like a little girl without a care.


The world is at war with itself and humanity is pushing the self-destruct button, but we somehow feel immune to the effects. Why is that?


Probably because the Mac is a safe-haven from the rest of the world. Not perfect, but perhaps the best we can get at the moment to help us get our jobs done and spend some quality time with our loved ones.


Wishful thinking? Perhaps.


I took a day off recently and spent it with the e3Washington (Education, Environment, Economy) crowd when I could have been working to put food in my family’s mouths instead. I listened to folks pray to their creator as Nez Perce Indians, worked in groups with predetermined agendas and goals regarding the environment and handed out business cards as part of a “Share Fair”.


I can’t help but think this is part of the feel-good scenario being orchestrated by the Environmentalist religion. Sorry, that is my observation and I’m sticking to that story. This crowd knows more or less my feelings now too.


I’m interested in pursuing the truth and not dwelling so much on the so-called “Crisis” issues that end up taking more of our god-given freedoms away from us by well-meaning folks who wish to coddle and save us from ourselves.


Among other things, I listened to Lindsay Williams talk about his experiences up in Prudhoe Bay in the 1970’s - and he wrote;


"I am convinced that there is a definite reason, and at this point I move from observations to personal opinion. There is only one thing on earth by which every human being can be controlled, if that product itself is controlled. That product is energy. The world today has become dependent on energy—for its homes, its lights, its fuel, its automobiles, its airplanes, its trucking industry, its railroads, its delivery of goods, etc. Electricity is produced by the energy of today. Every facet and aspect of our lives can be controlled when energy is controlled. There is no other product on the face of the earth that can so control the American people—and all the people of the world. Whoever controls the energy ... controls us!"


I watched the BBC The Global Warming Swindle that balances out the extremely left-leaning elitist Inconvenient Truth.


I learned that petroleum is an abiotic oil and is misnomered as “Fossil” fuel - with plenty of hydrocarbons raining down on Saturns’s moon known as Titan. So much for thinking petroleum comes from dinosaur remains. How did they end up on Titan anyway?


We have so much to unlearn! I can remember in high school when DNA was being discovered and the scientists finally agreed we were living on floating islands (continental drift and tectonic plate activities).


I also was approached to be the Event Director for an annual Alternative Energy Fair towards the end of April - as I attempt to get more involved with my local community and region.


Meanwhile, I am still working on updates and adding new information constantly over at PESWiki.


You do know our computers won’t do us much good when the power is turned off, right?


Now enjoy the few articles and reviews we have managed to pull together during this leap year month of February.


March Madness indeed!