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A Real Solution To The False System Of Debt

By Igor Milevskiy & Igor Mikhalev


We are on the brink of a worldwide economic depression, the likes of which may make the 1930’s look like a recession, and in such a possibility it would be wise to prepare ahead of time by saving money in Gold and Silver, by storing storable foods, safety supplies and perhaps even coming off the dependency on the “grid”.  A simple solar power setup for an average home can cost as little as $3000, which can in turn hook up to a revolutionary machine producing water out of thin air!  That’s right, up to 7 gallons a day and all fully powered by the solar setup costing you a total of around $5000.00.


Now, where does one get the extra money to accomplish this for such independence and freedom from the effects of disaster?


In this article I will speak of how you may choose to stop paying your credit cards, unsecured bank loans, private student loans, etc. and keep your money all while protecting your home, paycheck and bank account.  This would make you virtually invisible and untouchable to the creditor or collector, even through the court system.


For many, the hard times have begun, for others they are coming, and yet for some they are non existent, they are non-existent because those who know when and where the thieves will strike can prepare ahead of time and avoid the problem.  In other words, start at the end.  For Example:  A family living on a farm is self reliant on their crops for food, so they gather foods for storage before winter comes, not after.  They start at the end and when the end of autumn comes they are prepared.  In our case the financial winter will leave many starving for an answer.


I will fast forward to the end and explain first what would typically happen if you simply stopped paying all your unsecured debts and then show you our solution.


The Estimated LifeCycle of Debt


1.     30 Days behind on your payment:  Creditors begin to call and many times in a fake caring and friendly approach wish to “remind” you that you must pay them (because you’re really their slave.)There is a simple way to stop these calls.


2.    4-6 Months since you stopped making payments: Creditor calls begin to cease and your account is sold or “charged off”  to a third party (collection agency) for around 5-15% of the total sum.  You no longer owe any $ to the creditor.


3.    6-18 months after account reached collection: Collectors desperately try to coerce you into making some payment arrangements.


4.    18 + months: Collectors may or may not initiate lawsuit. They must notify you by a court summons if they do. 


5.    3-8 years-expired: All debts have an expiration date after which they are invalidated and cannot be enforced through court.  For your states’ debt expiration date visit:


6.    In Court: If you get sued before your debt expires, the judge most always takes side of bank and most common outcome is that you settle with the bank to repay them the money.  If you do not show up, the plaintiff wins a judgment against you by default and may:


a) Freeze your personal bank account.


b) Place a lien on your property.


c) Garnish a portion of your paycheck.


d) Sieze other exposed assets.


Starting at the end by knowing what happens at the last stages of debt gives you and us a great head start to begin working to protect your money and restore your credit.


1) We can protect your home by creating a “friendly lien” on your property which takes main position and blocks anyone else from claiming your property equity, even through court.


2) A business account is created with an “holding company” status, meaning the money you deposit there can be used for personal use and is considered non taxable.  This way your account is protected from creditors freezing it, since they can only freeze a personal account if they sue you for personal debt.


3) Similar to the “friendly lien” we set up a “friendly garnishment” which blocks any creditors from taking your paycheck.


4) We help restore your personal credit rating back within 6-12 months with advanced restoration techniques.


5) We have a program to modify or lower your mortgage payments without refinancing.


6) We have a program to help you stop or seriously slow the foreclosure process, keeping you in your home payment free for as much as 2 years.


Can you find a better use for your money than to hand it over to a soulless banking system when you don’t have to?


Why the more “common” programs don’t work


1) Debt Settlement: Will cost you 15% of your total debt and plunge you into a three year payment commitment and if you don't complete it, you'll be in worse debt than you ever could have imagined.  They will hold your money for a year, but you will continue paying the settlement company and answering collection calls and lawsuits.  And when the creditors and their collection buddies are screaming, calling you every day at work and home, you'd better hope they accept the settlement company's offer to pay less than what they say you owe.  In case they haven't told you this, the trend now for many creditors is to refuse ALL settlement offers!  And if they sue you before then, forget about it!


Many creditors, once they know a client is working with a debt-settlement company, will escalate the account.  That means sending it to a collection agency sooner or even suing you.  And when a creditor takes legal action, the debt-settlement companies drop the account: They don't have the right to give legal advice or represent you in court, and believe it or not, nor do their attorneys.


2) Consolidation: Stop right there!  In the history of the human race, no one has ever been successful at going further into debt to get out of debt.  Although, if you work for the U.S. Congress you might not understand this quite yet.  It is a mathematical certainty that the same habits that got you into debt will NOT get you out of debt, period!  This is just another way to steal from you, and I don't care what they say about your “new” interest rate.  Any accountant can verify that you will be in more debt regardless, and did you know that 98% of those who enroll in consolidation are in more debt within 2 years?  I'll bet you your total debt that this is verifiable, check it out.


3) Counseling: Okay, this is a good one, someone who has no interest in your success or failure with your debt problems will help you get out of debt by telling you how to pay your creditors differently?!  (deck chairs, remember).  Did you know that credit counselors, even though they say they are non-profit and don't charge you anything except maybe an enrollment fee, get paid 8% to 15% of your total debt from the creditors they tell you how to pay?!  This is YOUR money, and they claim it's not profit.  So all the money, your money, that could be considered profit is simply paid as salary and bonuses to the owners and officers of the company so they can say it's non-profit and pay no taxes.  Ask them; ask the IRS and the SEC.  Ever wonder why the IRS investigates the so-called “non-profits” debt companies?  This is the reason.


4) Oh, and Bankruptcy: This is the same as being sued by all of your creditors within 30 days and then having an attorney tell you what will be done with your property and income.  You will have no power to negotiate and you will be treated like a child. I'll bet not one attorney will tell you that only those who have nothing to lose will qualify for a Chapter 7, meaning that they should not have filed bankruptcy in the first place.  Expect to get into a Chapter 13 payment plan; even if your attorney files under Chapter 7, eventually it will be removed into a Chapter 13!  If you don't believe me, check the court records to see how many petitions were removed by an order of the court.


Now that you know the truth on debt and how you can save your money for the coming depression, start thinking where you would better invest this saved money.  Our experts can genuinely help you come up with a plan.  We are a small group of people who sincerely want to help those in need.


For more info about what you have read here, please complete the PDF form below.


Note: Let them know we (MPN, LLC) sent you and you will get a free custom debt rescue consultation, if you decide to go this route. We get paid for referring you.


Debt Solutions Qualification Form


Debt Contractual Limitations