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Letter from the CEO


By Robert L. Pritchett


The Bankrupt United Soviet States of Amerika, Corpagopoly

The Reluctant Patriot

iPhone G3 Water Submersion Recovery Attempt

Follow-up on Health Hazards of Compact Fluorescent Lamps

CFL Articles of Faith

Credit Card Fraud

We are getting royally screwed. Frankly I'm tired of it and I'm not taking it anymore!


Why should we accept it and do nothing?


(Just for the record, I don't belong to any political organizations. I am a free man.)


I do believe in the individual right to make choices and to be responsible for our own actions.


You may disagree strongly with what I am about to present to you in this "Letter from the CEO". I say, "Tough!" and you can quote me. I refuse to be "PC" when it comes to loss of my liberty.


This month, I discuss 4 items; Government takeover of our lives, poor iPhone design and being taken advantage by Apple, health issues of Compact Fluorescent bulbs and acts of suppression, and credit card usury.


The Bankrupt United Soviet States of Amerika, Corpagopoly


The New World Order is being pushed hard and fast down our throats ("Time" magazine) and here in the United Soviet States of Amerika, we have been enslaved with $1.6 million per person in Federal debt by the Democratic Congress and NWO President, with the most recent "Porkulus" Bill passed as political payoffs for getting "The One" into the White House.


 They don't bother even hiding it anymore. We are no longer a Republic, but a - bankrupt Marxist nation.

Will the USSA collapse by 2010 as foretold by the KGB agent, Igor Panarin?


The so-called "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" is designed to do the exact opposite of what it is titled.


Say no to "Bailouts".


Say no to relocating HAMAS to the USSA.


As of this writing, 33 states are in the process of declaring what is already their right in the US Constitution; Sovereignty, in protest of being shackled with this outlandish scheme by the banksters. My state was one of the first, but it may all be political posturing.


(Update: My state back out in the second week of March, 2009).


I fully expect by year's end that Gerald Celente may be right; we will see a tax revolt. After all, the Depression we are rapidly going into is oh, carefully orchestrated and choreographed by the "Committee of 300".


It is not too late to abolish the Federal Reserve.


How to Abolish the Federal Reserve (video)


Awake and Arise!


And read the 162-page book; "The Case Against the Fed".


“Let me control a peoples currency and I care not who makes their laws…” Meyer Nathaniel Rothchild in a speech to a gathering of world bankers February 12, 1912. (Next year he was head of the Federal Reserve.)


Income taxes are a form of tyranny. There is no "Income Tax Law". Income taxes are revolting, yet we keep paying taxes. So yes, there will be a tax revolt. Income taxes are still unconstitutional. If we refuse to pay, we are threatened with imprisonment. That is coercion and judicial blackmail.  We are not required to file a Federal Tax Return. There is no law upheld by the Supreme Court that requires tax on labor.


The current regime is spending us into oblivion. Why do we let them?


We should not fear government. If we do, we have lost our liberty. Never forget that it is "We the People" and the government is supposed to be our servant. We are not supposed to be slaves of the state.


The graduated Income Tax is straight from the "Communist Manifesto".


The Federal Reserve is a private bank and not a part of the Federal Government.


They take our money in taxes, interest free. That is how they stay in business. That, and printing money out of thin air. We have two currencies. Coins created by the US Mint based on real value and paper by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Notes are a ghost of real currency. It is fiat money – and they admit it.


The banksters who were bailed out, are refusing to give loans to the nearly bankrupt states, so we will see at least 48 of the 50 fail by the end of 2009, unless something else gets done soon.


See "America: Freedom to Fascism" (video)


Michael Ramirez does it best in his political cartoons.


You might want to read this before bending over and letting the Fed take another piece of you - Survivalism: How to Prepare for the Economic Collapse


Revelation 13:16


Watch this – Pizza Palace.


Do not accept a National ID chip.


Read these stories – Ageless Wisdom.


Military Joining The American Resistance To Protect The Constitution.


We have free choice – or should have. We were a free people. We still should be.


The Reluctant Patriot

Written by: Archangel Copyright 2008
(written on the 26th, of July 2008, at 7:00 pm EST )
Inspired by all those who came before us ! And the ghosts of Concorde 1775.
Best read, if read like “Dr. Suess’s - Green Eggs & Ham. ”

"Please feel free to reprint, copy, fax, e-mail & share with all. I wrote it for everyone. I’d like it to become “THE BATTLE CRY of The 2nd American Revolution!” Across the US. The # 1 Patriot Poem to strengthen & guide “US,” all."


"So you say I’m Al-CIA-da, you gave me this name,
But what are my crimes then? And fortune to fame?
You say that I’m white now, hiding out in plain site,
A new “Boogeyman,” you’ve created, for your never ending fight.


You say I could strike now, anywhere on the planet,
With either, nuclear, bio, or chemical, you save that, ” I have it! ”
But we’ve heard it before, with Saddam Hussein,
We’re not stupid as we once were, we’re not playin’ that game.
We’ve been lied to & misled, had all our rights taken,
For your “False War on Terror,” if I’m not mistaken?


So I’ll tell you this one time, just leave me alone,
Don’t bug me, or tap me, or enter my home.
Don’t watch where I’m going, the things that I do,
My bank balance, my credit cards, are not yours to view.


Don’t read all my e-mails, don’t search in my car,
Don’t go to my neighbors, my pastor, or bar.
I’ve had it, quite simply, & now I am pissed,
I have “God-Given,” rights, you’ve forgotten or missed.


My thoughts, my opinions, and all of my rights,
I didn’t give them up, & you’re now in my sights.
I’m so sick & tired, of all that you’ve done,
I’m fed up, I’m pissed off, now I’m gettin’ my guns!


I’m growing much stronger, & bigger each day,
The lies that you’ve told, are now slipping away.
The movement you’re afraid of, now is at hand,
So strike up the music ! And strike up the band!


This movement you’re afraid of, just in case it gets hot?
It’s just like the first one, & you just might get shot.


We tried to be peaceful, do everything right,
But the case of “Impeachment,” was a horrible sight.
The clowns & the circus, the fluff & the show,
Said you have no intention of honor & so…


I’ve come now to tell you, your time is now up!
You traitors, your tyrants, you sycophant scum.
Soon we’ll be marching onto D.C.,
With an army of millions, for the whole world to see.


To take back our country ! To take back our name!
To restore her to honor ! To undue her shame!
Some will fall early, some will fall late,
Others just vanish, we’ll not know their fates?


But believe me, we’re comin’ , to this I attest,
We will never give up now, we will not ever rest!
You will be brought to justice, you will hang for your crimes!
We will give no mercy, no quarter, no time.
For the unspeakable horrors, & things that you’ve done,
Like “Murder, Torture, & Treason,” are some.


The things that I’d do to you, some I can’t even mention,
Do you get what I sayin’ now, do you hear my intention?
You made this my fight ! I didn’t even start it!
I was just livin’ my life, blind & half hearted.
You wanted this “War,” so I hope you are happy!
I’m coming for you all now, so let’s make it snappy!


And when we are done, our country now saved,
We will bury our dead & honor their graves.
But you, you will be nothing, not ever remembered,
Cause like the cowards you are, you all ran & surrendered."



This is how Red China "invades" the USSA.

Feds grant eminent domain as collateral to China for US debts.

See also Politicians Co-Sign Us on Their Debt With China.



iPhone G3 Water Submersion Recovery Attempt



I have had the G3 16GB iPhone since July 2008 and never got it wet once. I figured the fee I paid to AT&T also included the AppleCare ($70 USD) for the device. I was wrong.


Well, guess what? If you get the iPhone wet, it voids the warranty. Did you know that? I didn't either.


It was in my pants pocket when it went in the wash. It barely got wet, but with a full battery charge it did not function. Zip, Zero, Nada. So like a good boy, I took it in to the place where I had bought it. They said to call Apple. We did.


The person at the other end said; "Look in the earplug hole. Is the end pink? I looked. It was not. So he asked if it was registered under Apple Care. Dumb me. I found out I had not purchased it. AT&T does not include that when you buy from their store. It has to be obtained separately directly from Apple. So we got that done. A day later I swapped phones, figuring I was in the clear. After all, the wet sensor did not show it got wet.


I got it back 3 days later with a cursory form letter, saying they had found that the unit was not covered by the warranty. I ended up paying $500, plus shipping, plus AppleCare. No AT&T price. No discount. FULL PRICE! This is not the right direction to go to get out of debt, folks!


This is the first time I ever got shafted by Apple. Royally shafted. I found I was not the only one. So I will relate my experience with you, so you do not possibly get shafted too.


I see other folks getting into the hot tube at the Racket Club pulling their cellphones from their swimsuits and chatting merrily away after being in the water. No problem! Don't even get near the water with an iPhone.


The iPhone, on the other hand is an aquaphobe. I can see this being a real issue for folks in high humidity areas or for those who perspire a lot. Why is the iPhone G3 so darned sensitive? I figured it was hermetically sealed. After all, it has no places where water can get into it, right? Wrong!


Besides the earplug hole, there are the ring switch, the volume control, the 2 speaker holes, the microphone hole, the on/off switch and the charge cable hole. Any of which could be used to possibly short out the iPhone if any liquid migrates inside.


When I got the old iPhone back, it still did not work. So I went online to see if there was anything I could do about it. Bury it in silica beads or dry rice and let it sit for a week and try again. I did that. No such luck. By the way, the wet sensor is still silver.


Check to see if your insurance covers cellphone damage. I have a  $500 deductible, so I'm screwed. We are an Apple affiliate at and we still got screwed!


Check these sites for other experiences:


What to do if your iPhone gets wet - iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews.


The sooner you act, the sooner you may be able to recover.


The $200 iPhone "water penalty" (do NOT get it wet!) - Mac Forums


Be honest with Apple and still pay full price. After reading that, I read they might repair or replace, if the iPhone gets run over… just sayin', folks.


Since I got the iPhone back, and it is now out of warranty, totally dead, I figured I had a shot at taking it apart and seeing if it was damaged beyond repair. The rice treatment didn't make a bit of difference.


Step-by-step Take Apart


I followed the steps – or tried to. Guess what? The touchscreen really does come off the iPhone. I spent a day trying to remove the bezel. Don't do that. The screen does come out, so you can do the other steps. I was wondering why it was so hard to take apart. The bezel by the way, is glued and screwed, so you cannot separate the metal bezel from the case (I tried). I've got the unit dismantled. I may never, ever get it back together completely. At least not by the time I get this published. The screws are so small and things have to be just so.


The battery is totally, completely dead. There is no water damage.


The wet sensor tape is ½ pink on the back side. I did not take it out to test it to see if the pink "shows through" if it gets wet.


At least I didn't drop it!


And the Japanese have taste and intelligence.



Follow-up on Health Hazards of Compact Fluorescent Lamps




The "Downsides" page on PESWiki I linked to last month in macCompanion was largely updated and revamped, based on my own and my family's experiences with CFLs. If you remember, we replaced a lot of incandescents because we wanted to reduce our energy bill. We started experiencing nausea (flu season, right?), extreme migraine headaches (allergies, right?) that refused to go away, unexplained skin rashes and arthritic-like joint pain, even in our daughters. This went on for 3 solid months. Why did we feel this way? What was causing it?


I prayed. Then I found the TV program where Dr. Magda Havas spoke of dirty electricity/energy/power and the health issues found with those suffering from Lupus, etc. The gestalt kicked in. I immediately removed all the CFLs and, because we had saved the receipts, got them all refunded and replaced with incandescents.


Within 2 days, all the symptoms had gone away. No more constant anguishing pain and suffering! The CFLs were the culprit. Then I did more research and the page update is the result.


During this effort I have met some incredible opposition, even in the workplace. So many folks are in duck-and-cover mode after having drunk the environmentalist "save the planet" Kool-aid and promoting this Crime on Humanity mass health destruction. So many have a vested interest in giving hard-earned money to Red China and forcing everybody on the planet to use these torture devices, intended or unintended, knowingly or unwittingly, to destroy our health and well-being. I personally find these CFL devices to be evil, as both health (reduced immune system functions) and fire hazards.


We use 4-foot fluorescents in many places in our home and we have never, ever suffered adverse effects from them.


CFLs are mean, cruel and nasty. The more I learn about what they do, the more I despise them. Whoever decided these things were good for humanity and should be mandated by our governments to replace all other lights is playing a bad joke on all of us.


I created this list and presented them to a specific group I work with. They didn't like it.



CFL Articles of Faith

  1. We believe in the false economy of throwing out cheap incandescents and replacing them with more expensive CFL bulbs.
  2. We believe CFLs are environmentally friendly and do not use toxic or hazardous materials.
  3. We believe that 100 million failed CFLs will be recycled and the toxic components will be reused.
  4. We believe CFLs create no electromagnetic or radio interference to other equipment.
  5. We believe in promoting electronics that are detrimental to human health and well-being.
  6. We believe that somehow, someway, CFLs have a smaller carbon footprint than incandescents.
  7. We believe CFLs work well in cold weather.
  8. We believe CFLs can be used everywhere, for every purpose, work fine outdoors, upside down, in dimmer circuits and in humid areas.
  9. We believe it is okay not to have AC Power Factor circuitry in CFLs sold in the Americas.
  10. We believe it is okay to have a room filled with electronic smoke contamination when CFLs fail and that it is "normal" for CFLs to bubble and burn when they fail.
  11. We believe it is okay to spend $2,000 for a "mercury spill" to decontaminate a HAZMAT situation when CFLs break.
  12. We believe in supporting manufacturing in China and India and not in the US.
  13. We believe that importing merchandise from other countries is more economical and "greener" than buying products "Made in the USA".
  14. We believe it is okay for government to mandate what we use and who can and cannot produce products.
  15. We don't believed that it is possible to improved incandescent technology to be as efficient as CFLs or believe there are better options today than CFLs for lighting.

I figured I would be facetious in making up the "CFL Articles of Faith". I have since discovered they are in fact also true, by those who have a vested interest in perpetrating this cruelty on humanity.


In the presentation I was not able to complete, I was threatened and told not to speak of it while representing the group. The information I had gathered, researched and experienced was to be suppressed. So, I'm not laughing anymore.


I'm declaring my right to free speech under the US Constitution. You need to know what is going on.


There are better, more efficient lighting technologies being produced. CFLs, in their current state of manufacture, are not really one of them, no matter how many folks out there try to strong-arm us into submission to use them.


I acted on faith and discovered the truth. Now I act on pure knowledge.


No amount of logic and common sense seems to get through to them. They have become militantly opposed to what I have discovered and have tried valiantly to suppress what I now know. Why should others have to suffer as we did?


I hail the class-action suits beginning to be used against the manufacturers of these poorly made products, as long as they can move manufacturers to build better products that do not harm humans. Who will then do a class-action suit against the environmental groups, the governments and utilities that are giving these things away and then mandating their use afterwards?


We should not let them get away with reducing our standard of living and taking away our right to choose.


Credit Card Fraud


Quite simply, it is called "usury". It has been illegal since Old Testament times. Funds obtained through credit cards are not loans. When the credit card cronies break the law, the contracts become null and void.  See the article in this issue of macCompanion on Debt Solutions - A Real Solution To The False System Of Debt.



Let's get our Liberties back! Let's stop being screwed by government and corporations!!


I do not know how much longer we can keep publishing, before we get shut down or locked out. Please PayPal us if you believe we are worth keeping around. I do not know how much longer we will last in this current economic and political situation.


I personally oppose world government run by the banksters. And I do not appreciate being shafted by corporations either.  I oppose corpagopolies (fascist corporations that run countries). It is time to be a good "Ameri-can" and stop being an "Americ-can't".


Join if you care enough to make a positive difference.


Sincerely, and with great concern for the well-being of my fellow men and women, I am...


Robert L. Pritchett


If the site gets shut down and I happen to disappear, at least you will have a clue as to how it happened. Don't let it.


Additional Reading


Top Internet Threats