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How to Do Everything with YouTube

Reviewed by Dr. Eric Flescher

Author: Chad Fahr

McGraw Hill Osborne

Released: December 10, 2007

Pages: 208

$30 USD $39 CND 15 GBP

ISBN-10: 0071498656

ISBN-13: 978-0071498654



Strengths: (How to Use Everything series of books have screenshots which are easily readable but are a little lackluster in terms of visuals. This book has a nice objective oriented listing in the inside cover of the front cover page as well as a nice website resources listing on the inside of the back cover. The index is nicely done and a helpful glossary is included. The Chapters are well thorough out and have easy to read numbered tutorials.

A few tips and notes are sprinkled within the chapters. ) Good solid information for both Macintosh and PC/Windows users was well done. The index is well written.


Weaknesses: The book has only black/white text which makes the chapters a little drab. There a few screenshots and they don't have screen pointers or anything else within these to explain how to use hardware or software.





Who would have thought YouTube would have been such a success? But it has "blossomed" and grown. Even now, it is changing how we think and display all videos. Also, our elections process has integrated YouTube for video conferencing. While I have started working with YouTube, I still have a lot to learn. But I think I found a real good book to improve my work with YouTube that could also help you. It is called "How to Do Everything with YouTube". While it might not explain all you need to work with YouTube, it sure is a great one to start out with or improve your "Youtubing " skills.


The author is an author who has worked extensively with video editing, hardware and software and has created his own films and videos. While my experiences include these on a much more rudimentary level as, I have much to learn. I wanted to see what else I could learn from his much more extensive experiences, especially on how to use YouTube in many ways. And his experience and knowledge are evidence in many ways throughout the book.


There are only 7 chapters, but they are packed with useful information. These include starting off with YouTube; Shooting professional-quality videos; learning how to edit your videos with Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, and Remixer; sharing and uploading your videos; joining the YouTube community and sharing; customizing your YouTube Channel and the utilizing of special tools and finally publicizing and promoting your YouTube experiences. While I have dabbled with YouTube, the book let me know more of my potential.

What I particularly liked is his information about adding audio tracks with AudioSwap, helpful hints on using lighting and adding sound and special effects. Learning how to create a short film, vlog, or video mashup was very insightful. Optimizing and uploading, creating playlists, subscribing and customizing channels, and participating in groups and ways to promote the audience had some really helpful and sensible ideas.



The black on white text and the lack of color within the chapter makes things a little dull. But while the dull visuals do not "stand out", the insightful chapters do. What I enjoyed about this book is not only the breadth and depth in which the author explains how to use the hardware and software information, but even more importantly, specific helpful techniques concerning what kinds of videos to create with YouTube directing your messages, ideas, creativity and more. The screenshots will not explain visually how to use YouTube, especially if you run into a little trouble. But I have found YouTube is not that difficult to use and this book can help start and master using the Video editing and sharing capabilities. If you need more information, another book may suffice.


As a confirmed Macintosh user, I like that the author included information about iMovie 6 and the new one iMovie 8, as well as PC/Windows related information. The author includes a section about the compositional use of video involving "the rule of thirds". I thought this was really nice as I found this idea this technique only used for photography. It is "little" specific gems, like this, that are integrated throughout the chapters and really make this book a very good one for learning about YouTube.


In short, this book is "crammed" with good solid information that will not only have you " up and running " in no time but also help you in your improvement of your YouTube movies, ideas and creativity. Mostly for novice or intermediate users, even Advanced users may learn a trick or two as I did.