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Letter from the CEO


"Dealing with Mac Creep"?


By Robert Pritchett


Mac Creep

Jason Brooks wrote an article in eWeek Magazine titled, "Dealing with Mac Creep", pages 34-38. I found the title rather provocative but the content was pretty good regarding Macs in the enterprise and how much easier Mac OS X has become regarding co-existing in a heterogeneous environment with each release.


But he comes form the Windows Server side and Active Directory Domain members with Mac OS X entities being subservient to a Windows-dominant environment. The real challenge is still having a Mac run them without having to resort to either Coherence (Parallels) or Unity (VMWare) and added overhead of extra Microsoft licenses and using anti-virus software in either virtual or dual-boot modes. Thankfully, he kept it short.


But looking at the title again, do we look at it as "Dealing with Macs, Creep", is the Mac user a creep? Are Macs creepy? Or is it that Windows folks feel threatened with Mac systems sneaking in under the tent flaps of their environment?


Get used to it.


Mother's Day

This is the month for honoring mothers. Face it, unless you are a test-tube baby, you would not be here without one. Any female can birth babies, but only those that rear and nurture children can be given the title as "Mother". I have one. My wife is one. And giving birth is not, nor ever has been easy. My wife went through a lot of miscarriages and according to the medical profession, was never supposed to be able to give birth. We have three great daughters who are miracle children.


Women who choose to take on this roll go into the valley of death each time and usually, but not always, rise from it with a little new life-changing person in their arms. Honor those precious women who choose to give life, rather than take it.


Those who buy into the notion that they can forestall family, in order to excel in a career, are being sold a bill of goods. Don’t buy it. Have your family and ignore those who desire to limit population. They are wrong. Look at their agenda and fight it.


Paying for macCompanion

Of all those who read our magazine last month a sum total of 1 person actually found it in her heart to donate $1 USD to keep this magazine afloat. One. We did get feedback regarding our unprofessionalism and amateurism as a publication, due to things like typos, format and our unathoritative approach to doing reviews and columns and "hominess". We were told it was not worth paying $1.


macCompanion magazine is published each month by and through an all-volunteer organization. My comeback is that yes, we are not all "professional" writers and editors, but we are learning as we move forward and share our personal experiences with hardware and software we purchase. So yes, I do take it personally when we get criticized. I take it personally that our publication apparently is not worth even $1 per month to the vast majority of our readership. We deal with the cards we've been given.


No, we do not fill our pages full of fluff and eye-candy. We can be controversial. We still believe content is king. When errors are found, we correct them. At least you know our publication is not produced by automatons and robotics, but produced by real live people that have real live experiences that they enjoy sharing with you. You can share too.


By the way, how many people don't give a second thought to buying music in the iTunes Music Store for that same $1?


If you promise to donate $1 to us, we promise we will continue to publish our thoughts and feelings about the best computer platform on earth!


We are grownups. Tell us what you think. We can take it and respond to your comment with the careful, considerate attention they deserve.


Way Cool Followup!

The "Letter from the CEO" is actually read by real human beings (not a snarky remark).


A number of you have already donated not just $1, not just $2, but tens of dollars at a time so far this month. You are so awesome!


From the bottom of my heart, I thank each of you. You made my day!! I really mean that with all sincerity.