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Global Warming,


the Cult of Gaia and




By Robert Pritchett


“‘Edidence’ - Take a little fact and cram it full of lies.”  Parish Lee, April 9, 2008


Unless you’ve been living under a rock or stranded on a desert island somewhere, you know this past month has grown from “Earth Day” to “Earth Month”. I have been happily helping with some of the activities through the Mid-Columbia Sustainable Business Network, Mid-Columbia Earth Month and the Alternative Energy Expo


“Global Warming”™ is Globaloney™ and has been recently updated to be known as the “Climate Change Crisis” by the Leftists. Everything gets attention if it is labeled as a crisis. We’ve known Climate Change for years – as “Weather”. The Global Warming alarmism has been scientifically and unequivocally proven to be false! However, if the Alarmists™ rename the latest crisis as “Climate Change”, they will always be right and grab control of our lives. I don’t want them gaining control of my life.


And yes, I am left-handed, so I guess I’m a “Leftist” too. ;^)


As I’ve been updating information over on the PESWiki website, I’ve been having to deal with Global Warming and have become extremely agitated by the Marxistic left-leaners and their World Order™ orchestrations through “Global Warming” scare tactics.


The latest “Edidence” (False Facts) comes from Al Gore, Climate Change Propagandist, at Technology, Entertainment and Design; “New thinking on the climate crisis” as he religionizes his efforts and attempts to enrich himself by taxing us with a carbon credit tax (he fronts his own carbon credit company – Generation Investment Management) and cries for political activism. [By the way, I did personally shake hands with him once in WA DC. He has a great sense of humor. I wish I could get away with fleecing humanity the way he has, however, I have scruples.]


Our former Democratic Party Vice President of course is going to go for more taxes to help us overcome our carbon-dependence, perhaps forgetting conveniently that we humans are carbon-based units. Oh yeah, he is also of the persuasion to also eliminate humanity from the planet...


But enough about his propaganda film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, of which he later openly admittedly said was full of lies and half-truths. He got his Nobel prize and worldwide recognition.


(By the way, he "borrowed" a sequence from the disaster film, "The Day After Tomorrow". Sculpted from Styrofoam and later scanned into a computer, the ice shelf "flyover" looks real.)


Al Gore conveniently ignores the fact that this past winter saw record snowfalls and record low temperatures in various parts of the world, which indicate that this warming cycle might be coming to an end.


Earth Day activities go inside

Britain gets heavy snow on Easter

Temperatures cooler than normal in Alaska

Mother Nature Stalls Earth Day Event


Note: Latest Global Weather Reports - Trends getting colder, not warmer.


“Worldwide globalization” fits with the “New World Order-speak”. The real elephant is not CO2 (reference to cute animated cartoon in Al Gore’s TED Keynote presentation), but those who would take away our liberty and freedom for their own gains. Please look at who is behind the curtain pushing this hot button. Understand where they are coming from.


Ambitious Environmentalism

This socialistic/communistic direction was made fairly evident in the pre-scripted results of the e3Washington event that took place in March in my community, as a guise to bring the community together under community planning and one government – and yes, again I was involved. Others took away the same uncomfortable feelings I did about the New World Order, after the Kumbiaish feel-good, hugs-all-around, Intelligentsia event.


John Coleman, former owner of the Weather Channel, wants to sue those who are committing Global Warming alarmism and cashing in on the Carbon Credit™ craze as he spoke at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City back in March 2-4, 2008. I hope he is successful. The Weather Channel has been co-opted by the Environmentalists™.


Global Warmism is a cultish, godless, environmental extremist’s “religion”, being run and operated by the same people that brought us Marxism. It is the “New Green Communism” -Vaclav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic would know from past experience. He called it “Ambitious Environmentalism”.


“The environmentalists consider their ideas and arguments to be an undisputable truth and use sophisticated methods of media manipulation and PR campaigns to exert pressure on policymakers to achieve their goals. Their argumentation is based on the spreading of fear and panic by declaring the future of the world to be under serious threat. In such an atmosphere, they continue pushing policymakers to adopt illiberal measures, impose arbitrary limits, regulations, prohibitions, and restrictions on everyday human activities and make people subject to omnipotent bureaucratic decision-making.”


Mark Whitney compiled this information from a presentation at the Used Brain Academy in 2006;


The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet, Agenda 21 was presented in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and was subsequently adopted as official United Nations policy.


It calls for the total regulation of every conceivable human activity. The Kyoto Protocol is but a small part of the control sought under this bloated document. Its own words proclaim its intent:

‘Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced—a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.’

This is nothing more than Soviet-style social engineering with a layer of green paint… The late Jacques Cousteau delivered an address that was adopted as the unofficial preamble to Agenda 21 at this so-called “earth summit”:

“An American-born child is environmentally too expensive to maintain to his or her adulthood in a world economy. American women must be subjected to some manner of regulation beyond licensing and mandatory abortion practices.

Unconventional and extreme measures must be implemented and enforced by global U.N. mandate as it is deemed necessary. The bodies of these world eco-criminals should be commercially yielded for reintroduction in the world's natural systemic food and nutrient chains, in order to restore a more natural biological balance and order to our Sacred Earth.”

And our State governments are falling all over themselves in trying to legislate Climate Change along with the U. S. Federal Government Climate Security Act of 2007 establishing a "Carbon Market Efficiency Board" through the Environmental Protection Agency. At the International Level the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is being born.


Playing the "We Can Solve It" game from both the right and left of the isle > The We Campaign > The Alliance for Climate Protection > Al Gore.

The Cult of Gaia

A fanatical devotion to a cause is being a zealot or being involved in a cult-like activity. Worship of the Mother Goddess and honoring the sacredness of the Earth as Gaia, puts a lot of Environmentalists into this camp.


These ambitious environmental fanatics are known to shout down and otherwise attempt to shame and defame any and all opposition to their cause, including death threats. The Age of Aquarius or New Age Movement indeed.


“Environ-Mentalism: A New Religion for a New Age”


Just listen to the Ted Turner clip.


Ted Turner promoted the Captain Planet “save the earth” indoctrination cartoon series on TBS and Captain Planet theme song. Instead of “Power to the People”, it is “The Power is Yours”.


Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, is awakened from a long sleep by human activity destroying the planet. Realizing that the damage is extensive, Gaia creates five magic rings, each with the power to control an element of nature and one controlling the extra element, heart. Gaia sends the rings to five chosen youths across the globe: Kwame, Wheeler, Linka, Gi, and Ma-Ti.” There may be a movie version coming in 2009.


We really should be doing things that make economical sense and not let fear rule our lives.


Read the New York Times "Green" Issue, but humanity does not need to sacrifice itself on the alter of "Green".


Then go read and listen to the presentations at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change. The cat is out of the bag.


"These scientists and economists deserve to be heard. They have stood up to political correctness and defended the scientific method at a time when doing so threatens their research grants, tenure, and ability to get published. Some of them have even faced death threats for daring to speak out against what can only be called the mass delusion of our time." Joseph L Blast, President, Heartland Institute


Do I believe that earth is a living creature? I believe that there are enough resources and to spare, for all of humanity – based on scriptures I’ve read, so, yes. We were asked to administer, cultivate, nurture and replenish the earth through stewardship over it by God. However, the Gaiasts would wish that we forget God and worship the Mother Earth itself. These New World Pagans need to be reminded of what happens when we decide to worship the creation rather than the Creator - Really bad things happen.


Global Warming - Fact or Fiction?

Are we really in a warming phase? Yes, but that is just part of the Sun Cycle.


The weather is tending to get more and more unpredictable, but we were told certain events would happen in our time, thousands of years ago in scripture. And we are bumping up against the end of the Mayan and I-Ching calendars (2012):



Over on the PESWiki site, we made an attempt at balancing both ends of the Global Warming balance beam, however, if you hadn’t noticed already, I tend to favor the “it isn’t a crisis” camp myself, because of the extra-human efforts by so many around the globe we have been cataloging, who are making efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and bless humanity in the process.


Eric Sodomka has taken a more or less humorous “we should do something” approach to the topic and established the Man Pollo Project - as a Risk Assessment exercise.


We also set up a Global Warming Video section covering both Hollywood and Scientific movies and videos on the topic. You might want to visit the website Global Warming Hoax.


Among my favorites on the PESWiki site has been the YouTube CO2 maps from the Vulcan project - presented by Kevin Robert Gurney.


Another is the 4-part YouTube videos showing Bob Carter (James Cook University) torpedoing the good ship “Global Warming” with 8 scientifically accurate torpedoes. Here is a 14-page PDFed version of his presentation.


I also like Lars Oxfeldt Mortensen’s well-written production, CBS Newsworld documentary “Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off”.


Inconvenient Facts

If we recognize that CO2 emissions are .03% of the global gases in our atmosphere, an increase or decrease based on human activity isn’t going to make a whole lot of difference to the earth.


The earth is resilient and self-correcting through deep sea venting, volcanic and other geothermic activity both below the surface of the seas and above ground, through weather changes and also through biological activities. Extra heat vents out to space. When there are anomalies, the earth is self-correcting. When we polluted, we have cleaned up the mess. Where we harvested forests, we replanted. Where we have destroyed parts of mankind and the earth through the ravages of war, including nuclear, the earth revived, howbeit over time.


We also see that sea levels are not increasing, but are stable.


While watching the National Geographic presentations on Glacial Warming, all I could think of is that when we added dams to rivers, did the oceans drop as we back up the rivers and streams? And where the measurements were taken about the ocean level having dropped 20 feet over the centuries, what of refilling the aquifers and replacing the oil underground with water to force more to the surface?


From a presentation done by Warren Wittekind, Ph.D, P.E. – "Energy from the Vacuum and Other True Things" presented at the Alternative Energy Expo, April 26, we learned that the earth's circumference has been expanding by 6 inches per year even as its mass has been increasing through neutrino absorption in the core. Do we see the levels of the oceans shrinking as the earth expands?


Even Al Gore knows the oceans are not going to rise, as he recently bought another house near the Pacific Ocean in San Francisco. We also know that as more ice and snow returns to water, that precipitation around the globe increases and reservoirs and aquifers get replenished. Water vapor is the largest “Greenhouse Gas” not addressed properly in the studies. Once that is included in the equation, mankind’s contributions to Climate Change is dwarfed to way below Zero.


The list of “Misc. Gases” can be found at the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Of course, water vapor is indeed missing from the list, because at 95%, it is not a miscellaneous gas. Why are we not upset about the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide?


And the “next big thing” probably will be how we handle methane releases – “Methane Burps: Ticking Time Bomb”. My take on the Methane thing is that it is used in biofuel development, so let’s put it to use in producing more biofuel, instead of being Chicken Little and declaring that the world is ending. Do you remember the “kill the cows” campaign because they burped methane and that gas was much more detrimental to the atmosphere than CO2?


I love this quote, "Making up only about 16 molecules out of every ten million of air, methane is almost as rare as a winning lottery ticket."


National Geographic has been busy getting even more political with its Preserve Our Planet, Naked Earth and Naked Science series with the latest being the Human Footprint program - on the National Geographic Channel.


There are glaring omissions that are not included in such studies as the 14-page report, “Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development” and is countered by this scholarly article over at Demographia.


They also tend to ignore the 9-to-14 year Sunspot cycle. They also might want to check out the CO2 Science site.


Computer climate models are still an inexact science and should not be relied on for future projections. Heck, we can’t even predict the weather locally 24 hours into the future! How can we rely on 5, 10 and 20-year projections, when we don’t even have accurate data to base assumptions on, with what little we “know” of the past? There are still too many unknown variables based on assumptions and presumptions. Even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognizes this.


See Unstoppable Solar Cycles.


We pulled out of the “Little Ice Age” through apparently the Industrial Revolution, if we are to believe that mankind has been warming the Earth –


“Was man really responsible for pulling the Earth out of the Little Ice Age with his industrial pollution? If so, this may be one of the greatest unheralded achievements of the Industrial Age!” - “Global Warming: A Chilling Perspective


The facts show that the world has changed from an icebox into a green garden. Forests have returned to frozen lands and frozen roots of dormant vegetation under the tundra are coming alive again. How is this a bad thing? What was dead, is coming alive!


Sepp Hasslberger continues gathering information in his Blog about the UN misinformation and the regurgitation of untruths distributed by the IPCC about this deceptive “hockey-stick” graph. “Constant repetition of wrong numbers doesn't make them right.”


As more scientific information is coming forth, many previously paid global-warming scientists are doing a quick back-pedaling as better and previously suppressed information comes to light.


I do believe we need to do a better job in our stewardship of the earth so we can maintain what has been give to us – or if we don’t, the stewardship will be removed from our hands by Him who blessed us originally with it. I honestly believe that.


My take-away from the recent Al Gore presentation at Technology, Entertainment and Design is that we can make a positive difference, given the resources we have currently. It has to be done literally at the grass-roots level however and not by government “feel-goodery” edict, no matter how much edidence is used to sway our minds away from common sense. It will not be accomplished through coercion or scare tactics, but through good, honest efforts by people blessed with inspiration to improve how we do transportation or how we live.


Goofy Ideas

David Keith, environmental scientist spoke on Technology, Entertainment and Design, spoke about “A surprising idea for "solving" climate change about throwing ash up into the atmosphere to cool the planet.


And we pay scientists to hurt humanity with chemtrails and attempt to add glass particles high in the atmosphere to shield us from sunlight.

“Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, S.C., are conducting limited tests and developing computer models of what might happen if a huge amount of particulate matter is shot into the stratosphere."


"Our research indicates that trying to artificially cool off the planet may be a perilous endeavor. While climate change is a major threat, this solution could create severe problems for society." Simone Tilmes


Acts of God

We seem to forget who is ultimately in control of our stay on Earth – God. We euphemistically refer to Him as “Mother Nature”. Let us not forget our Heavenly parents.


Somehow we think we can make a real difference in changing the climate, but seem to forget that the Earth is doing a pretty good job without us. We recently discovered Geothermal venting on the Ocean floors, where living creatures thrive in 750-to-840 degree temperatures as bacteria, white crabs, tubeworms, shrimp, etc. that dissolve carbon from the ocean carbon-sink and eat sulphates for a living.

Are we so vain as to think we can cool the earth while undersea vents are pumping extremely high heat through the ocean 24/7? There is a proposal effort to capture that heat with undersea turbines, even as we grab heat above ground with geothermal power stations.


How soon do we forget about volcanic activity and what just a single volcano can do to the atmosphere?


And what of the other “Natural” disasters that cleanse the planet throughout recorded history, such as cyclones, earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, typhoons, etc.? (Interactive map)


(Interactive Map)


The weather is in constant change.

(Interactive Map)


Hope For Today and For the Future

Just a little over two generations ago, much of the US didn’t have electricity, running water, good clean food, children suffered and died from childhood diseases, many could not read or write and life expectancies were much shorter than they are today. Death was a common occurrence. We have made a positive difference in the last century both here and throughout the world. We will continue to do so. Resources are not as scarce as we are led to believe.


Perhaps we can combine technological advances, such as is discussed by George Gorski in his article, “Global Warming Up to a Hydrogen Economy” and continue the positive presence of mankind on Earth.


Or we can turn lemons into lemonade, such as instead of sequestering CO2, turning it into gold as fuel for algae to biofuel, converting it to plastic, baking soda or calcium carbonate, or directly into hydrocarbons for fuel or even building materials. And we can turn plastic into fuel.


What We Can Do

Millions around the world do not have the blessings we enjoy in the US and they deserve to get them. Again, this is only going to happen through grass-roots activities and not through government mandates. I am happy to say that I belong to a global organization that has provided relief to millions of individuals and families per year through humanitarian efforts, given immunizations to children to help eradicate disease, built water wells for communities, provided dwellings for families and communities, grown food and built community facilities and improved health services with volunteer help and volunteer funds working closely with other organizations also doing similar things. That effort is not contingent upon race, creed or color, but based on willing hearts and hands interested in the health and welfare of mankind and through the wise use of local resources.


And the Beat Goes On…

Pay attention to who is behind the curtain and pushing the buttons for world domination and control. As we strive to become self-sufficient and improve living conditions for our immediate and extended families, we will have a say in what happens to us.


There are other costs associated with the Global Warming mantra, at least in the U. S. A.

“This Spring, the Senate is expected to vote on a Global Warming bill (Lieberman-Warner) that will impose a $1.2 Trillion tax on the American people -- all in the name of Al Gore’s unfounded Climate Alarmist agenda.


President Bush and the three presidential candidates are all pushing the CO2 Climate Crisis thesis - and Climate Alarmists are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into this massive effort to create the largest expansion of government power in our nation’s history.


All this, while a growing body of scientific evidence is showing that man-made global warming is not a crisis at all! Read Grassfire’s backgrounder on Climate Alarmism.Petition.

Take the Global Warming Test.


For more information, I have compiled a number of video resources on this topic at PESWiki.


Just for fun, watch this 215-minute video “The Money Masters” to hear a discussion on who some of the "button pushers" are...


Further Reading


Carbon Belch Day June 12, 2008

Climate Audit

Current & The Alliance for Climate Protection - 60 Seconds to Protect the Earth

Cryosphere Today

Inconvenient Truths: Get Ready to Rethink What It Means to Be Green

Watts Up With That?

Ice and Wind on Geneva


Note: I was wrong. The Next Big Thing is Reactive Nitrogen - The Next Big Scare(tm)