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Global Cooling


"Coldest Year of the 21st Century" (so far)


Researched by Robert Pritchett


Burning Earth

Freezing Earth



Graph from "The Global Warming Scam" Stop. Read the article in the link and then come back. You will begin to get mad. I did. Did you read it?



From "Wattsupwiththat"


"It is illogical, Spock":


"Cooling is caused by global warming.
Ask any liberal.
They will tell you." Orthoclase


"Man-made global warming is not based on fact. It is an ideology that is rooted in destroying the 'western' way of life. It seeks to place us as the cause of all the problems in the world." Conservemus


"2000, and December was colder still. 
'Global warming has stopped,' said David Whitehouse, former science editor for the BBC. 'It's not a viewpoint or a skeptic's inaccuracy. It's an observational fact." Real Clear Politics


"Coldest Year of the Century" - 2006 had that honor – 2006: the coldest year in the last five years. Motls blogspot


"Coldest Year of the Century" - 2007 had that honor – 2007 warmest year on record? Coldest in this century. Motls blogspot



Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)


"The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is a pattern of Pacific climate variability that shifts phases on at least inter-decadal time scale, usually about 20 to 30 years. The PDO is detected as warm or cool surface waters in the Pacific Ocean, north of 20° N. During a "warm", or "positive", phase, the west Pacific becomes cool and part of the eastern ocean warms; during a "cool" or "negative" phase, the opposite pattern occurs." Wikipedia


El Niño heats up the weather and La Niña cools it down. It's cyclical (around every 4 years).



We experienced El Niño not too long ago. With El Niño events, the trades slacken or reverse direction. The pool of surface water warmer than 28°C, normally located over the western tropical Pacific, is forced eastwards. It evaporates, resulting in drenching rains over South America (east Pacific). Meanwhile, Indonesia in the west Pacific, experiences drought conditions.



La Nina cools waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean, but its effects are felt around the globe. It typically lasts for up to 12 months and generally less damaging event than the stronger El Nino. When La Niña occurs, the southeast trades strengthen and water even warmer than usual is piled up in the west Pacific. This leads to excess rains in the west and dry conditions in the east Pacific. BBC - Weather


That's the Pacific side of the planet.


Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation


On the Atlantic side, we have the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO).


The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) is a cyclic variation in the large-scale atmospheric flow and ocean currents in the North Atlantic Ocean that combine to alternately increase and decrease Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs). - Wunderground


As more fresh water enters into the Atlantic (North pole melting activities), the North Atlantic gets colder, causing the Gulf Stream to cool and make Europe get colder. Cause and effect, baby! Cause and Effect!


Next decade 'may see no warming'


World heading towards cooler 2008


Global temperatures 'to decrease'


2nd coldest January for the planet in 15 years


China battles "coldest winter in 100 years"


Global Cooling: Amazing pictures of countries joining Britain in the big freeze (Mail Online; Feb. 21, 2008)


NOAA: Coolest Winter Since 2001 for U.S., Globe


Br-r-r! Where did global warming go?


It was the coldest Easter for more than 40 years - and we may not see spring weather until April


Brisbane wakes to year's coldest morning - again


Ireland has 30-year cold event, plus coldest September in 14 years


Santa Saved. The North Pole Doesn’t Melt 


"Now we’ve reached the end of the melt season.  There were an extra 150,000 square miles of ice over last summer’s totals when the ice started to expand again.  I suspect that we’ll have another cooler winter and a continuation of ice buildup at the pole, but I doubt you’ll ever hear about it, much like you didn’t hear about 2007 having an unusually small hole in the ozone layer." (''American Sentinel''; Sept. 24, 2008)


An open letter from The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley to Senator John McCain about Climate Science and Policy 


"From 1700-1998, temperature rose at a near-uniform rate of about 1 °F per century [Akasofu, 2008]. In 1998, "global warming" stopped, and it has not resumed since: indeed, in the past seven years, temperature has been falling at a rate equivalent to as much as 0.7 °F per decade [Hadley Center for Forecasting, 2008; US National Climatic Data Center, 2008]." (''An American Thinker''; Oct. 20, 2008)


Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Reaches "Unprecedented" Levels


On a global basis, world sea ice in April 2008 reached levels that were "unprecedented" for the month of April in over 25 years. Levels are the third highest (for April) since the commencement of records in 1979, exceeded only by levels in 1979 and 1982. This continues a pattern established earlier in 2008, as global sea ice in March 2008 was also the third highest March on record, while January 2008 sea ice was the second highest January on record. It was also the second highest single month in the past 20 years (second only to Sept. 1996).


Anecdotal cold weather news from around the world:


There continues to be a number of reports of colder than normal weather and seasons from around the globe. Here are a few;


NOAA: U.S. breaks or ties 115 cold and sets 63 new snowfall records


Of course many of you that live in this weather already know this, but there is an early start to winter this year, not only in the USA, but also in London, England, where it snowed in October for the first time in over 70 years. (Oct. 30, 2008)


Global Cooling is Here!  Evidence for Predicting Global Cooling for the Next Three Decades


In 2008, NASA satellite imagery confirmed that the Pacific Ocean had switched from the warm mode it had been in since 1977 to its cool mode, similar to that of the 1945-1977 global cooling period. The shift strongly suggests that the next several decades will be cooler, not warmer as predicted by the IPCC.


IceCap has a lot of other interesting information as well.


I could keep going. 2008 is colder than 2007 which is colder than 2006, etc. Do you see a trend? I do.


If I hear another: "But it's caused by Global Warming" explanation, I'm going to get very, very mad and my temperature will rise and cause Global Warming!


But we keep getting this Malarkey


 Man is to blame for Antarctic temperature rise


Read the comments on this laughable, hysterical and totally disproven article.


More Scare-mongering - Major Shifts in North Atlantic Ecosystems Driven by 'Unprecedented' Climate Change in Last Half-Century


The climate computer models are wrong – pure and simple. Those programmers need to get outside more often instead of always being stuck in some basement like they are growing mushrooms in manure. Or they are mired in the manure.


Now read these notes From Bob Tisdale on Climate Change and Global Warming;


He wrote;


"If the Antarctic is getting warmer, as claimed, than why has the ice cover there increased by far more than that 'lost' at the arctic? 

If the arctic is loosing ice at an 'increasing rate', than why has this year seen record early ice formation and record extent? 

If the earth is getting warmer, than why have record low temperatures and record early snowfalls been occurring across the Northern hemisphere this year (and temperatures becoming lower for the last 5 years)? 


The main consequence of these new Cold record events seems to be the 'global warming' industry trying to cover its tracks with a record number of factually incorrect bulletins in denial of the steady reduction in global temperatures.

How long before the Global Warming gang do an about face and blame 'global cooling' on man? The temperature changes of the last 20 years - or even the last 100 or 200 years are small and insignificant compared with the historic changes of even the last 2,500 years.


This self-serving 'science' of climate change being man-made has as much proof and proven science behind it as did the assumptions of the middle ages that illness was passed from one person to another by looking at them."


Media Hype on ‘Melting’ Antarctic Ignores Record Ice Growth;


"Contrary to media hype, the vast majority of Antarctica has cooled over the past 50 years and ice coverage has grown to record levels since satellite monitoring began in the 1979, according to peer-reviewed studies and scientists who study the area. (US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works''; March 27, 2008)


Note: Check out the extensive supporting documentation on that link.


This video is still fun to watch "Doomsday Called Off".


Enough of the rhetoric on Global Warming and Climate Change already!


The Global Warming Emperor has no clothes. Empirical evidence from real scientific study wins over the "Agenda of the Left"™. Fact trumps fiction. It took long enough.


Enjoy your early cold winter. We've been through this hot/cold cycle before.


More Links after publication of this article.


Growing Glaciers worldwide


I also created this page at PESWiki on Global Cooling.