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Get Backup


Reviewed by Daniel MacKenzie

BeLight Software

6609 Courtney Drive

Oak Forset, IL 60452


Requirements: Apple Macintosh G3 or higher. Mac OS X v10.3.9 or later. 4 MB of free space for application.


Available in: English, German.


Pricing: $39.95 USD   $50.19 CDN    24.80 GBP   31.16 Euros


Strengths: Simple, easy to add files, sleek interface.


Weaknesses: I can’t see any.




I have a confession to make. This is my first backup program. Everyone says to backup your files and I know it’s a good idea but I had never actually done it. This program definitely makes it easier. This very simple but effective program that does one thing and does it well, backing up your files.




To get the backup started, you must first create a backup project. This feature allows you to set up multiple backup projects at once. Simply click the “New Backup Project” icon to get started. Your current backup projects appear in a box on the left-hand side of the window. You can select each project to start a backup, add a file or change a setting.


The next step is adding the files and folders that you would like to backup. There is no limit on the number of files you choose. Using the browser window, add the files and folders to the list. The only restriction that you can set to the number of files would be the size limit. If you would like to use compression to backup you files, you cannot change this setting. There are five main setting: Unlimited, 650MB CD, 700MB CD,  2.3GB DVD, and 4.7GB DVD The final option is “Custom” where you can enter any value you wish.


After you have selected the files, click “Backup Now”. It will then prompt you to select a destination for the backup file. This can be anything from a USB stick, and external hard drive, a disc or just another folder on your computer. Then the backup begins. The time it takes to backup the files varies depending on the size of the files that you are backing up. When it finishes, voila! Now put the backup in a safe place in case you need it. That’s the quick and dirty way of using this program. It’s fast and easy to set up. But there are ways to customize it.


You can set backup filters for each project. These filters are for invisible files, Finder data files (.DS_Store), applications and aliases. When selecting these filters you can exclude them from your backup. The invisible files and Finder data files are automatically selected when you create the project. Sometimes you don’t want to backup the applications with the files in the folder or you want to have your apps somewhere else.


Just be looking at it and using it I can’t see any flaws. To me, this program is geared for people who don’t know much about computers or people who have never backed up before. The simplicity gave me this impression. But please don’t let this deter you from getting this program. Download it and give it a try. It is a great program but some others may provide more advanced features for more advanced users.




Overall, this is an excellent program. I didn’t know it could be this easy, but Get Backup makes it easy. Anyone looking for a backup program should take a look at Get Backup. Great job, BeLight Software!