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Connecting the Dots and Counting Down to Global War

By Robert L Pritchett


We are living in a bizarro world. Black is white, right is wrong, evil is good and it appears that Ò1984Ó was off by about 2 decades. IÕm counting on the pen being mightier than the sword, but I have my doubts. I present the links. You connect the dots.


 from a ÒbloggerÓ.


ObamaÕs campaign Rising Sun symbol


ÒI did not give any attention to the Rising Sun symbol in ObamaÕs campaign, until he superimposed it over the eagles shield in the Presidential Seal.


It illustrates a creepiness beyond the arrogant, pretentiousness one just possess to usurp the Presidential Seal. It wasnÕt disturbing just because Obama wanted to coronate himself, or give his campaign their air of legitimacy. There was a genuine revulsion felt in blotting out the US Eagles' Shield with his Rising Sun.


I felt disgusted subliminally, as did many others, before I even realized the detail of the changes made to the Presidential Seal. I felt revulsion even before I read the US Code prohibiting private use of the Presidential seal.


What is the significance of the Rising Sun in the Obama Logo that could generate a retching sensation? Why would the Obama campaign superimpose this symbol over the US Shield Presidential Seal of the United States?


The great theme of Obama is that his campaign promises to end party divisiveness, bring hope and change that will unify the country. ObamaÕs Rising Sun represents that unity through a rising hope.


In Islam, The rising sun is a sign of Allah. Indeed, the sun plays a significant role in Islam. The Islamic call to prayer sequences around the sun, with prayer at sunrise, before and after the sun has reached noon, and at sunset.


The rising sun is also a significant guide for followers of Abraham. The Prophet Abraham's quest for God as an example of how those who follow His signs will be rightly guided: When he saw the rising sun in splendor, he said: 'This is my Lord, this is the greatest (of all). (Qur'an 6:75-79)


And again, ÒWhen the Khazrajis, who had become Muslim, were about to return to Yathrib, they asked the Holy Prophet of Islam for a missionary, and he assigned Mas'ab ibn `Umir to accompany them. Thus, the people of Yathrib were informed of the Rising Sun of Islam and hurried to gain information about the new faith.Ó


Historically, a Rising Sun has not been a symbol of unity. In Islam as noted above, it represents the rise of Islam above all other faiths. It was also used by imperialistic Japan in the 20th century in its quest to dominate Asia and the Pacific. The Rising Sun is a symbol of a conquering movement.


Obama is using his Rising Sun in triumph over the symbols of unity in the Great Seal and Presidential Seals of the US. The shield in the center of the Great Seal and Presidential Seal has 13 stripes, signifying unity of the original 13 colonies. Obama blotted out this unifying symbol with his vanquishing Rising Sun.Ó


ÒThis image shows ObamaÕs Rising Sun over the US Shield and Flag which are pierced by an arrow. The eagle has dropped the olive branch and arrows, and has turned away in retreat.


This image can only be described as ominous.


Why would Obama choose a Rising Sun, and when did this icon appear in his campaign?


On Feb 10, 2007 Obama announced his Presidential Candidacy. On Feb 16, Rising Sun first appeared on his website. In April 2007 Jeremiah WrightÕs essay, ÒFacing the Rising SunÓ is published in Trumpet magazine.


In that essay Wright proclaims ÒGod raised Barack from a dead political career to the United States Senate. Then, as Jesus ascended into Heaven, God made a way for Barack to ascend to the pinnacle of politics. . . . We are truly in a Ònew day.Ó


WrightÕs ÒRising SunÓ essay chronicles the rise of Barack, with no mention of the Hope or Change. The Rising Sun is a symbol of a movement, but that movement is not Hope and Change, it is Obama and the Liberation Theology of the Trinity Church.


Liberation Theology is not a unifying faith. It is a scourge of Catholicism and Christianity, and of Capitalist Democracy.


Pope Benedict XVI has fought the infiltration of Marxists promoting Liberation Theology throughout the Americas and Caribbean. In "Liberation Theology" (2007) he wrote:"...where the Marxist ideology of liberation had been consistently applied, a total lack of freedom had developed, whose horrors were now laid bare before the eyes of the entire world. Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic."


In 1984 before taking the title Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote " would be illusory and dangerous to ignore the intimate bond which radically unites them (liberation theologies), and to accept elements of the Marxist analysis without recognizing its connections with the (Marxist) ideology, or to enter into the practice of the class-struggle and of its Marxist interpretation while failing to see the kind of totalitarian society to which this process slowly leads."


Obama has flip-flopped on every major issue, which serves to mask his ideology. But he has not flipped on how he will approach taxes and expenditures. Like a true Marxist, he will tax those that earn, and give to those who idle. ObamaÕs core policies are Marxist. State run Health Care. Increased payroll taxes on the middle class and wealthy to pay Social Security benefits.


Obama preaches the good sermon on the campaign trail with the mantra of Hope for the US and Change for Washington. But looking past the rhetoric, into his ties with the radical left, and into his core beliefs, his Liberation Theology indoctrination, and arrogant campaign symbols, it is easy to see the very real danger an Obama Presidency will bring.


Is this something that could ultimately hurt ObamaÕs Candidacy? In the words of one skeptic ÒI think you could have video footage of Obama biting the head off of a real bald eagle, throwing its carcass on an American flag, and lighting the whole thing on fire while smoking crack and it wouldn't cost him a single vote.Ó


Obama's Rising Sun

by Mathew D. Jarvie


ÒThis should be of significance to anyone who has any understanding of occult symbolism, because this is the elite's way of showing those "in the know" who Obama's allegiance is really with.


The rising sun has been a prominent and powerful occult symbol throughout history, and has been commonly featured on the flags of communist countries. The rising sun is also represented in many corporate logos we see today, such as that of the oil company Shell, Fidelity Investments, and NBC. The logo for the UN's own publishing company, Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer's Trust), founded in 1920 by Theosophist Alice Bailey, also features the rising sun.Ó


ÒWhile it is important to realize that Obama, like all presidents, is nothing more than a puppet who says and does exactly as he's told by his globalist puppetmasters, it is clear that he's being groomed and promoted as a Messiah-like figure to usher in a socialistic new world system; this "new dawn" that Obama and his possessed, sheep-like followers refer to as "change."


But what precisely is this change in reference to?


It is in reference to a world where people are no longer citizens of their respective countries, but "world citizens" subservient to international laws, global taxes and a world court.


It is a world where individuality is forcibly relinquished for the "greater good" of the global village (plantation).


It is a world where nationalism is eviscerated in favor of multiculturalism.


It is a world where the family unit takes a backseat to the state.


It is a world where privacy is a thing of the past.


It is a world where green-shirted eco police go from door to door making sure everybody is using the proper "eco-friendly" light bulbs and recycling.


It is a world where volunteerism (communitarianism) is mandated by law.


It is a world where citizens police their fellow citizens.


It is a world where freedom of speech and expression is forbidden, or else...


These are just a few of the things we can look forward to under this coming "new dawn" / New World Order, which will no doubt be ushered in by a captivating, establishment-vetted cult figure who promises to deliver everything the people could ever wish for, only to lead them to their own slaughter.


While the neocon media and those on the establishment Right are focused on whether Obama is a Muslim or not, no attention is given to where his true allegiance stands. His allegiance stands not with any religion, nation or race, but to the international brotherhood that has placed him where he is today to serve their one world agenda.Ó


The Power & Danger of Iconography -


By the way, if you care to know, the POTUS is a 32nd –Degree Mason -


Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty? 1.35 hour video.


ÒLord Monckton served as a policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher. He has repeatedly challenged Al Gore to a debate to which Gore has refused. Monckton sued to stop Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" from being shown in British schools due to its inaccuracies. The judge found in-favor of Monckton, ordering 9 serious errors in the film to be corrected. Lord Monckton travels internationally in an attempt to educating the public about the myth of global warming.Ó


ÒThere has been considerable debate raised about Monckton's conclusion that the Copenhagen Treaty would cede US sovereignty. His comments appear to be based upon his interpretation of the The Supremacy Clause in the US Constitution (Article VI, paragraph 2). This clause establishes the Constitution, Federal Statutes, and U.S. TREATIES as the supreme law of the land. Concerns have been raised in the past that a particularly ambitious treaty may supersede the US Constitution. In the 1950s, a constitutional amendment, known as the Bricker Amendment, was proposed in response to such fears, but it failed to pass.Ó


ÒI read that treaty. And what it says is this, that a world government is going to be created. The word "government" actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfication of what is called, coyly, "climate debt" because we've been burning CO2 and they haven't. We've been screwing up the climate and they havenÕt. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.


So, thank you, America. You were the beacon of freedom to the world. It is a privilege merely to stand on this soil of freedom while it is still free. But, in the next few weeks, unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy, and your humanity away forever. And neither you nor any subsequent government you may elect will have any power whatsoever to take it back. That is how serious it is. I've read the treaty. I've seen this stuff about [world] government and climate debt and enforcement. They are going to do this to you whether you like it or not.Ó


Framework Convention on Climate Change (treaty)


Obama to surrender US sovereignty to UN at climate summit


Lindsey Williams:" Two Year Timeline towards Full implementation of a New World Order."

by Mark Matheny


ÒAlex Jones Welcomed to his show today Lindsey Williams, the ordained Baptist minister who went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. Williams has shared suppressed knowledge regarding oil companies and their supplies and predicted the drop in oil prices on the Alex Jones Show. Williams believes the reason the global elite dropped the world price of oil was to wage economic warfare against the Arab and OPEC countries. Pastor Williams is also the author of The Energy Non-Crisis.


Lindsey explained on the program how he had an inside contact of the Bilderburgers that he has known for a long time. This insider is an oil company CEO. Lindsey also explained that he hadn't talked to this man in over two years, but only two days ago had given the man a call, and what was discussed was mind blowing!


The insider is apparently in his late 80s or early 90s.According to Lindsey the information given to him is all new information never revealed. The insider gave him several points that have been discussed by the Bilderburgers and the globalists which will come within a 2 year timeline in most cases. These are the things Lindsey was told to expect:


1) The insider told Lindsey that "within two years you will not recognize America."


2) The Elite have altered their guideline toward full implementation of a New World Order.He was told that this was done because $2.5 trillion was given to the globalists by the Federal Reserve in the last two months of the Bush Administration under the guise of a created economic crisis. This allowed the Elite to alter the timeline of ushering in the New World Order.


3) Lindsey was told that McCain was the Globalists' "man" for the presidency of 2008.


4) He was told that after 2 years Americans will be so poor that any resistance to the Agenda of the Elitists will be impossible.


5) Hyperinflation will increase dramatically within the next two years.


6) Lindsey was told by the insider that silver and gold will be the only currency to rely on, and that Federal Reserve Notes will be dead by 2012.


7) War is planned by the Elitists after two years. War will start in relationship to Iran and Israel within two years and will spread around the world.


8) He then reiterated the fact that America gave 2.5 trillion dollars basically toward our own demise, in that the globalists will now implement the plan of total Global enslavement within two years.

(Lindsey was adamant about the two year timeline and repeated it throughout the conversation with Alex Jones.)


9) The elite are going on this two year guideline, and Lindsey was told by the insider of "The Devil's Messiah"-an expression used by the insider- who will work through the pastors and churches here in America,(and who already have been) along with Homeland Security, in order to break the religious fiber of America.


10) Lindsey then described the fact that there is an elite group of people who actually run the world. This group wanted McCain to actually become the President in the last election, but that things didn't go exactly as planned. Obama according to the insider is apparently going outside of the globalists' plans in some ways and are upsetting them.


Lindsey then went over some buzzwords that were told to him by the insider which were -war-turmoil-Iran-crude oil. He explained that Iran is going to be in the picture for war within two years, and that this would become a world war.


11) Lindsey was told that subversion of the churches and preachers has been going on since 1965, in order to have them help in the implementation of the New World Order.


Alex Jones then asked Lindsey to speak on "the Devil's Messiah" again. Lindsey then asked "Have you ever been asked to fill out an information form at your church?" Lindsey explained that the insider told of how the Department of Homeland Security is requesting of the churches and pastors that they get personal information from all of their followers for use in the future when full implementation takes place. (This will help when the round ups of all dissenters start to take place.)


Alex then asked why this informer decided to tell Lindsey. Lindsey then speculated that it was because of conscience and because of the insider's age. The insider also said that the Globalists are laughing at Americans because we have bought this agenda "hook-line-and sinker".


Lindsey then again mentioned the fact that McCain was the man wanted by the Elite to become the next president, but Obama won instead. Alex Jones then added that this might be due to the fact that there are Fabian Socialists and Communists among the global Elite, and therefore some might favor Obama while the others might favor McCain. 


12) Lindsey then explained how there are really only about a dozen of the elitists at the top, who are in total command, and that there is a second tier of elitists among which his insider is probably a part. 


13) The insider then explained how Obama is in trouble because he is arrogant and isn't following strict instruction from the Globalists. Alex then interjected how JFK met his demise because the Elite could not control him the way they wanted to. Lindsey then said that the insider told him the elitists are starting to consider Obama a Liability to their plans and that they consider him unpredictable.


Lindsey then finished up for the most part by explaining that the globalists worship a different god according to the insider, and that god is Lucifer.


This is very startling information that makes me cringe to even think about it! These times are beginning to sound allot like the time of trouble spoken of in Matthew and Revelation, as well as many other places in the Bible. Time to wake up, and prepare for the redemption. Time is running out!Ó


In other words, we have less than 2 years before we go into the next global war. Are you prepared? War is the most profitable to the instigators (banksters) in money and most costly in human life for everyone else. Will we fall for it – again? What false flag will be used this time to get us involved?


Regarding Employment and the Depression


The Geography of Jobs

by TIP Strategies


When Did Your County's Jobs Disappear?

by Chris Wilson


Blue dots are job gains and red dots are job losses by county.


Despite Surge in Unemployment, White House Says Economic Stimulus ÔSaved or CreatedÕ 250,000 Jobs

by Fred Lucas


The stimulus is working, a White House economic adviser declared on Monday, citing a new report that 250,000 education jobs were Òsaved or created.Ó This news, however, comes at a time of 9.8 percent unemployment and 21 straight months of job losses nationwideÉ


Éa total of 15 million people are unemployed and 2.6 million lost their jobs since the recovery bill was enacted, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Moreover, the unemployment rate could have exceeded double digits had it not been for 571,000 discouraged jobs seekers that dropped out of the work force entirely in September and were therefore not included in the unemployment statistics, according to the Associated Press.


At best, the stimulus has had a net zero effect on the economy, said Brian Reidl, senior federal budget analyst for the conservative Heritage Foundation.


ÒOf course when the government spends money, some of those dollars will go to hire and employ people,Ó Reidl told


ÒBut that came from money that was taxed or borrowed out of the economy, so fewer people are employed in the private sector,Ó he said. ÒThis is killing as many jobs as itÕs creating. ItÕs why government stimulus programs didnÕt work in the Great Depression and why they didnÕt work in Japan in the 1990s.Ó


On Sept. 24, Vice President Joe Biden said, ÒIn my wildest dreams, I never thought [the stimulus] would work this well.Ó


Worked well for the banksters and globalists, didnÕt it? ÒWorked this wellÓ to accomplish what?


Scariest Job Chart Since the Great Depression

by Henry Bodget

by CalculatedRisk


ÒNever, in the six recessions preceding the latest one, did permanent separations account for more than 45 percent of the unemployed. The current percentage stands at 56 percent as of September and appears to be still climbing.Ó


7 Months After Stimulus 49 of 50 States Have Lost Jobs


The ÒOfficialÓ Unemployment Statistics (last modified, October 23, 2009)


ÒRealÓ unemployment is actually two to three times as high if we look at those who are self-employed and cannot obtain work and do nit qualify for unemployment benefits – which is just about anybody who owns a small business today. Are you a Òmarginally attachedÓ worker?


You will notice that all ÒliberalÓ states are the hardest hit.

Obama Condemns 10% of America to Never-ending Poverty

by Fred Dardick


ÒVice President Joe Biden had some pointed words about the economy this week. He quoted his grandfather when he said ÒWhen the guy in MinookaÕs out of work, itÕs an economic slowdown. When your brother- in-lawÕs out of work, itÕs a recession. When youÕre out of work, itÕs a depression.Ó

ÒWell, itÕs a depression - itÕs a depression for millions of Americans, through no fault of their own.Ó


Do you still have a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)?


Regarding Housing

by Dr. Housing Bubble








ÒYou will not solve housing without having a solid employment base.  Some people have asked me why doesnÕt Wall Street and the government see this?  They do.  They just donÕt care.  Their assumption is that if Wall Street is raining, somehow some little drops will sprinkle on the poor typical American.  Ask the 27 million unemployed and underemployed how happy they are that the S&P 500 is now up 62 percent from the March low.  Lagging indicator?  To the point of lagging you out of a decade.Ó


ÒPeople ask then what is really the solution?  IÕve said it many times, but you canÕt have an economy without job growth.  This sounds obvious, but it would appear to be off the radar for Wall Street and our government.  If you focus on the job situation, then housing will right itself.  Notice that 1991 recession and foreclosures?  What happened?  Well we had the technology boom and added 20 million jobs over the decade.  That was a bubble and that burst, but you can see that yes, you can have an economy that runs outside of housing.  But this decade, housing was the economy.  And the government and Wall Street basically want that industry back.  Well it isnÕt coming back.  They need to figure out what to do.


And there is nothing wrong with renting!  In fact, it is a shame that there is no actual initiative encouraging renting.  Some of these people in distress will do much better to downsize.  They are even telling the HAMP mod survey that they are financially strained.  Maybe renting a lower-priced home will help.  Nothing wrong with that until you land on your feet again.  Yet this notion that everyone deserves to own a home is largely a reason we are in this mess.  Wall Street exploited this ÒAmericanÓ desire and people ate it up.  In fact, the dream was no longer to own a modest home, but to own some oversized McMansion and drive a gigantic V-10 tank that got 8 miles per gallon.  When did the American Dream become a Marvel Comic?


Some suggestions are to bring back our industrial base to the U.S.  Make ourselves more competitive.  Flipping homes to one another while quant jocks play Halo on one screen and do billion dollar trades on another Bloomberg Terminal is not a real economy.  It basically strips the value out of the real economy.  These banks posting record profits?  JP Morgan making $3.6 billion last quarter.  Really?  Most of it was through their i-banking and private equity division.  If they want to act like a hedge fund, so be it, but they have zero access to the Fed and U.S. Treasury.  Instead, they are a primary dealer.


Healthcare is a big part of our economy and will remain that way with over 70 million baby boomers entering retirement age.  Surely we can create some jobs in this arena.  At least it is better than installing granite countertops in every home and adding Jacuzzis and pretending we are keeping up with technological innovations of other countries.  In large part, housing has become a major distraction.  It is a cultural neurosis like Tulip Mania or watching UFOs on TV taking away a kid, but in the end, it is all fake.  The equity in these California homes was fake.  The Wall Street profits were a sham.  So until we can return to a real economy, focusing on housing only serves as a form of therapy.Ó


Housing Stockholm Syndrome


Ò95 percent of the mortgage market is now backed by the government.  As we know, a large part of this growth also occurred with highly risky FHA insured loans that are now imploding at record levels.  Last month in Southern California 36 percent of mortgages were FHA insured loans.  Now applying the Stockholm syndrome, it would appear that many instead of being angry and calling out the banking fraud for what it is, are starting to believe in what the abductors are pushing.  They say things like, Òsee, the banks are now holding off on the shadow inventory to help the market.  Prices are now going up!Ó  As if the banks are concerned about the average American with some banks charging 79.9 percent on credit cards before dealing with the tougher legislation coming in 2010.  As you can see from the above chart, the mortgage market is the government, which raises the question, why do we even need banks if 95 percent of the mortgage market is directly subsidized by the government?  We donÕt and certainly not at the too big to fail level.  If anything, we should get on the move to start breaking up the banks and renewing a new stronger form of Glass-Steagall.  Until the government moves in this direction the current financial deep capture will continue and will siphon off the life blood of the real economy like a leech.Ó


Is your home paid for?


We have reached the Tipping Point?


E+R = O (Event plus response to that event equals the outcome.)


Liberty Lady vs. Judge Carter from ÒOn Second ThoughtÓ -   


ÒWilliam Wagener puts Orly Taitz on the spot, with her allegations of potential Treason, her words, of Georgia Judge Clay Land, who fined her $20K for filing properly in his court, because two of the plaintiffs lived in his district.Ó


ÒExclusive interview with the now world famous Moldavian born Ex-Russian, Ex-Israeli, newly minted American Atty. and Israeli trained dentist Orly Taitz. The conversation drifts to solutions.Ó


ÒWe have a de facto dictatorship in the US now.Ó


Swine-flu emergency! What does that mean?


ÒThe Associated Press, for example, merely stated that the declaration removes "bureaucratic roadblocks" and enables officials to "bypass federal rules." Other news outlets were even vaguer, saying the declaration waived federal requirements, but not saying what those requirements govern.Ó



Dig Deeper


ÒFall of the RepublicÓ 2.24 full-length video.


ÒBrave New WorldÓ by Aldous Huxley, full text of book.


LDS Freedom Network


ÒMake Mine FreedomÓ


FluScam TV


Dr. Horowitz Rips Dr. Oz Apart on ABC's H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Fraud Part 1 Part 2 Part 3


People Who Get Seasonal Flu Shot
Twice as Likely to Get Swine Flu




One Shot, One Kill (Mercury-containing vaccines)


Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell


ÒTo date, 15,037 girls have officially reported adverse side effects from Gardasil to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). These adverse reactions include Guilliane Barre, lupus, seizures, paralysis, blood clots, brain inflammation and many others. The CDC acknowledges that there have been 44 reported deaths.


Cervarix, currently in use in the UK but not yet approved here. Since the government began administering the vaccine to school-aged girls last year, more than 2,000 patients reported some kind of adverse reaction including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, convulsions, seizures and hyperventilation. Several reported multiple reactions, with 4,602 suspected side-effects recorded in total. The most tragic case involved a 14 year-old girl who dropped dead in the corridor of her school an hour after receiving the vaccination.Ó


National Vaccine Information Center


No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations II


Micro Air Vehicles


The Defining Moment É. the Week that Shakes the Financial World at its Foundation!


Sequoia Voting Systems/Smartmatic: A shocking 2008 election conspiracy Exposed.


US Debt Clock


Things to watch for during a ÒDeclared National EmergencyÓ


A Primer on ÒMartial LawÓ


Mind Your Tweets


Foreign Troops (UN) Training on US Soil (from 1994) by Linda Thompson


Operation Garden Plot


One Nation Under Siege


3rd InfantryÕs 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping Ôpeople at homeÕ may become a permanent part of the active Army 


Recession Drives Surge in Youth Runaways


Grassroots America





What can we do?


Look to God, pray for inspiration and act like there is no tomorrow. Get involved and be actively engaged in good works. Get to know your neighbors. Participate in your community. Get educated regarding the US Constitution and how to defend it. The time to act is now.