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Letter from the CEO

The Data Center Express

By Robert Pritchett

While everyone in the US is getting back to school and trading airborne diseases in September, we look at music apps as well as Mac-based business apps. Cover your mouth when you sneeze, please.


MPN, LLC has also become an authorized reseller of the Data Center Express from Evo Networks as a network center designed for businesses that cannot or do not want to afford their own full-time IT department. This roll-around sound-reduced box contains Apple’s own Xserve system, and RAID, a Cisco Internet box and Netgear equipment. Everything ties together and has one powercord to the wall.


Netgear just posted a notice that all their equipment sold through Evo Networks has a lifetime guarantee.


We were looking for a system that we could use with the Ever-Green Renewable Energy Resource Center and discovered this Mac-based system that handles other non-Mac boxen without a problem. The unit begins at just under $22,000 and businesses can get financing for around $670 or so per month for 36 months, if they do not want to pay for the complete system up front. How much do you pay for IT services now?


The Data Center Express systems are supported remotely. Hopefully we can discuss it at length later. We liked the concept so much, we became a distributor.


Now, so we can stay solvent, we also need you to visit our advertisers, affiliates and Bazaar and purchase products.


As part of AABA (Apple Authorized Business Agents), we saw the iPhone available for a short time for sale and then saw it disappear to be replaced with refurb links. We learned that iLife ’08 and iWork ‘08 family packs are not intended for small business, but can be purchased through the Apple Business Agent Store on our website. Volume licensing is available for 10 or more workstations.


Please continue the whisper campaign and let your family and friends know we exist. We have been publishing macCompanion magazine for over 5 years now and it is because of you.