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iPhone 3G Portable Genius

Reviewed by Dr. Eric Flescher

Authors: Paul F. McFedries and David Pabian  

Released: Aug 13, 2008

$25 USD

Pages: 268

ISBN-13: 9780470423486 

Strengths: Great layout, good use of bold text and nice large screenshots. The chapters are well produced and chock full of much helpful information. 

Weaknesses: The purple-blue bar on the top of the pages with the title of chapters and number is a little too light and makes reading of the title a little difficult. It needs to be a shade darker. 


The premise of this book series, extending your knowledge as a "portable genius (in a book)", is an extension of what you might do if you had to make an appointment with your nearest Apple store to answer questions, discover some trouble shooting problems or learn how to use your device more quickly and faster. While it is nice to made an appointment and talk with a genius (as I have done several times), sometimes a guidebook can really help " fill the gap", to get you up and running sooner. Well that is what these books are for and this particular book, iPhone 3G" Portable Genius, does a great job. 

The authors have authored many books. David is a Mac enthusiast while Paul has sold over 2 million computer related books. Spans 11 chapters in 267 pages. They have combined their talents to make a guide sized book that will help you learn how to use this device to the fullest. 

The chapter titles and numbers are on the top of the right pages inset inside a light purple-bluish strip. The text is in white but the only downside is that the color of the strip is on the light side and it makes reading the titles a little difficult but not too bad that you can't read them. Still in the next version, I hope they make it a little darker. The layout is clear and bright, making for easy reading. Bold faced text, nicely sized colorful screenshots help reading and skimming the text to find what you want to know.

The index is well done and a glossary helps the understanding of terms. 

Learn how to configure the 3G, learn about the features quickly, and learning to efficiently utilize the web surfing feature as quickly as possible. Maximizing the email features, synching your iPhone with your computer are all here. The multimedia takes your iPhone to another level with Chapter 6 while the contacts and appointments helps to a great degree. Learning how to organize your life is a well done section while Mobile Me helps understand why and how to use it. The Apple store can help search, find and download more applications to be more productive and you can learn more here and now. Lastly you gain a better understanding about troubleshooting and taking care of your 3G. 


I recommend this book highly for those starting out with the new 3g or upgrading from other iPhones or other devices. Reading this book is like talking to one of the Genius guys at your Apple Store. This book is well organized and is extremely easy to read. The authors have integrated their information for this guide that is both visually appealing but provides helpful information along the way. You will find a wealth of fine information that will assist users learning how to use their 3G now. The step-by-step instructions don't leave you hanging. You are enticed into learning more and using this instrument immediately that will not only show off its versatility but how you can use the phone, in so many more ways, more quickly without a lot of angst.