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Letter from the CEO


August Events

By Robert L. Pritchett

It has been quite an interesting month, starting out with the Tesla Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, prepping for the Alternative Energy User Group meeting, trying to keep pace with PESWiki site information and updates, being on a Paranormal radio program, staff shuffling mostly due to Email comments regarding the current political situation in the US (think "Obamacide" and "Palin-drome") and general health issues. Yes, we all could use some quality prayer time. Some of us need divine intervention. Seriously.


Steven Fyffe said his review in this issue would be his last for us. He will be sorely missed. I loved his columns.


MacBook Pro and iPhone Status

Anyway, the MacBook Pro I'm using is getting quite a workout and so is the iPhone 3G.  Both got used extensively at the Tesla Conference, especially the wireless connectivity and the iPhone camera. iPhone AT&T connectivity sucked big time. Some things worked better using the University of New Mexico wireless network than at the incredible hotel, and vice versa.


The next heavy use will probably be at the Walla Walla Sustainable Living Fair, Sept 19-20. I get to do another booth there for Pure Energy System Networks. Maybe the EcoVan will show up too.


On that note, promised iPhone app software for doing both audio and video recording is still forthcoming (read "not Apple authorized yet"). Each time "Cyndia" is added, it gets blown away by the next iPhone update, so iPhone software development apps keep disappearing (read Ruby for Rails).


I did get an authorized version of Final Cut Pro, version 6 loaded on this miracle machine, so expect some comments on that in the October issue of macCompanion and some broken promises regarding Final Cut books will also be fulfilled. (Sorry, publishers!)


And I have Adobe CS4 beta loaded, but can’t talk much about it yet. Stay tuned!

And any and all donations to the magazine through PayPal wil continue to be solicited and gratefully accepted. We have to get our credit card debt zeroed out. Can you believe 35.39% ?!? THAT's criminal! Please help us reduce our debt load ASAP before we are wiped out.


ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference

I was permitted to be Sterling Allan's proxy, representing Pure Energy Systems Network at the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference held at the University of New Mexico for 4 days from July 31 through August 3, 2008.


I was so impressed by what I saw and heard, I became a premium member of the Tesla Society before the conference sessions ended.


I added a photo gallery and posted a few business card contacts on the PESWiki website with other pictures, links and information discussed by each of the presenters at the conference. (Some pictures sadly did not turn out as well as I had hoped, but I was using an iPhone 3G camera and I didn't hold it steady sometimes. My apologies to those who posed for me anyway.)


I had a PES Network booth that got moved around 3 times in the University of New Mexico Student Union Building, until I ran out of brochures and business cards. I didn't expect so many folks to be there at the conference. I may have counted around 400.


Personal Contacts

Steve Elswick asked for me to help with the Telsa Tech website.

Robin Lamb asked me to be on X-Squared Radio,  which was done with Brooks Agnew August 10, 2008 for 2 hours. That was incredibly exhilarating!


Dr. Leonard Horowitz - has asked that I help him with his promo video for his Concert for the Living Waters, Love H20 Summer Solstice June 19-21, 2009. He saw what I was doing on PESWiki during the Conference and liked the near-real-time work I was doing. Aftweards I went to his residence near Sandpoint , Idaho and I now have his copy of Final Cut Pro officially registered and loaded on my machine. He was using an older MacBook Pro at the conference.


We were told that our computers and wireless access were interfering with the communication systems. We shut everything down for the rest of the conference sessions, but it didn't make any difference as far as we could tell. Cellphones also had difficulty working inside the main conference room.


Principles and Practices

Working at Pure Energy Systems Network jives with the doctrines and principles of the Gospel that I grew up with.  One of which is following the admission of Paul the Apostle, wherein he said; "We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.


I also believe in the principle of doing good to all men.  These are Judeo-Christian beliefs I hold dear.


We offer hope and positive experiences with alternative energy solutions in a world of doom, gloom and fear by forces intent on taking away free agency. I love being with people who are of like-minded goodness and with goodwill towards all mankind.  There are more of us than there are those who are against us.


Spiritual Manifestations, Positive Influences and Common Ground

Many at the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference apparently held those same God-based beliefs and felt the overall experience to be rather spiritually uplifting.  How could it possibly have happened at a technology conference?


Michael Riversong, another New Energy Congress member, set the tone by acting as Master of Ceremonies during the conference and he played both the flute and harp as a "Biblical Bard" with his music. He also uses a MacBook.


Many of the presenters at the Tesla Tech conference understood that their spiritual side correlates to the physical side and they did this by looking at magnetism as a spiritual force and electricity as a physical force. That was a new concept and the "a-hah" light kicked on inside me. None of the presenters were apologetic for their beliefs. So refreshing!


I also found many there who shared my beliefs and we got along great as Christians, Jews and Muslims.  We found common ground.

Even Fadia Jamal-Eddine, a new Tesla Tech Team member with a Muslim background, enjoyed our conversation as we expressed our common beliefs and concerns for humanity.


From my perspective, I saw what was being discussed as a homogenized gospel.  Where I saw the "love and light of Christ", we talked of magnetism as a force.  Instead of "wickedness", we talked of dark energy. Instead of "salvation and eternal justice", we talked to the welfare of Paul Pantone and heard about many other "Paul Pantones" in a crooked, corrupt judicial system. We also "gave alms" (legal defense fund donations) to help his legal process move forward. What is happening to him and to many others is indeed criminal. It could happen to anyone who is legally labeled as "incompetent". How do you "disprove" incompetence?


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Being "in tune with the Spirit" was discussed while holding the faith-based Moe Joe Cell. Moshe Daniel called it having a positive attitude in order for the Moe Joe Cell to work right.  We know of a similar device that only worked well when those who were holding it didn't have a spirit of contention with them. It was known as the Liahona in the Book of Mormon and made of brass. So the Moe Joe Cell appeared to be feasible to me. Moshe spent time talking about the spiritual aspects and concepts behind his development of this 3-dimensional Joe Cell. It is composed mainly of nickel. If nothing  else, it makes a pretty good bell.


Alma in the Book of Mormon - said that indeed, angels do visit men and women and children on earth. After hours, we spoke about off-world messengers as we looked into the night sky with night scopes provided by Ed Grimsley. Yes, these heavenly messenger do exist. We may have possibly discovered how they travel from a presentation Moray King, Thursten Ludwig, John Milewski and Harvey Fiala touched upon, by harnessing magnetic force.


Brooks Agnew discussed Magnetic Plasma bullets, Tibetan Stuca, the Aurora Borialis and 4th-dimensional stargates and elaborated a little on those in our X-Squared Radio discussion, August 10th. The Stuca information was enlightening. Tesla took the information known to man for centuries and did something with it.


James Bare spoke of pulsed electromagnetic healing and Rife-Bare devices and John Milewski expanded on the subject by talking about Ormus atoms and healing the spirit before healing the body. I discovered why Chicken soup (whole chicken) is good for the soul. It's the Ormus in the bone marrow that heals the spirit.


Dr. Leonard Horowitz spoke of the perfect circle of sound, the ninth core creator frequencies, Vortex-based mathematics, Solfeggio tones and the effects of prayer on water.  He also invited us to the "Concert for the living waters" during the summer solstice.  This was all new to me, but made perfect sense in my mind.  I just found that to be so cool and Leonard Horowitz brought things together that resonated with me. Remember, my father was an orchestra director and I performed in a few with him as a bass and cello player.


Practical Matter(s)

Omar Amin spoke of parasites. Right before lunchtime.  My take away from his presentation was, I'm never going to lay down on the beach naked, kiss pets or eat uncooked meat.


Harvey Fiala said; "The speed of gravity is probably instantaneous", but I learned that magnetic force is 10 billion times faster than the speed of sound from John Milewski in his Superlight presentation.


Ron Nott is selling off his business with his lightning dissipator after a generation of running that business successfully. Want a blue nightlight? Get one of his lightning dissipators. It looks like a stainless steel Fuller brush with bristles flayed out. The military and others have purchased his super-simple systems for nearly 2 decades.

Tai Robinson, another NEC member spoke of turning gas stations into fuel stores with his rapid-fire presentation on multiple fuel systems.


Thorsten Ludwig discussed the on-going Casimer effect and research outside the US.

I loved David Yurth's comments on Maxwell's original Electrodynamic Equations. So why are they not being taught in our US Universities today? And I did capture his talk on the dynamics of self organizing criticality from Zero Point to Infinity.  Who said; "To Infinity and Beyond"?


John Milewski's report on SuperLight and Magnatite was fantastic. I want to get some magnetite and spread it around our garden areas to see a 6-fold increase in production like he showed. I also think we can take up the challenge and figure out how to better harness magnetic force, especially when the magnetic poles on earth reverse again.


I'm going to have to revisit Moray King's discussion of "Water Clusters" and Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics.


Prior to this event, I had never heard of "Orgone" except as being a State south of" Warshington", but I became familiar with it as it was discussed in more than one presentation. Yes, it can be measured.  I also was introduced to Vortex effects. That also was new to me.  Get some water twirling between magnets from one soda bottle to another and voila!, you've got energized water. It is not a concept that is all wet after all.


And guess what you can do wit a little water and paper? Valeriy Maesotsenko has created a company around the M-Cycle through indirect evaporative cooling. Yes, "Way Cool Tech"! Can the process be reversed to generate heat? I think he is happy just getting Coolerado Coolers going and turning garbage heat into gold.


And Alchemy was also discussed and we heard how black sand can be turned into Rhodium by cooking it in a microwave oven for 45 minutes. Joe Milewski may have overstated it, but he claimed he could turn $20 USD of this sand into $10K USD of Rhodium. I still want to get a source something less than 150 tons from Eastern Canada to add magnatite to our garden.


You have to watch Charles Ostman sip energized water as he motor-mouths through nanotech companies and technologies and does his "oh by the way" in segueing that into high tech transportation with rotorless and wingless craft and the special material used in magnet motor technologies to fly these machines without noise without pollution and zipping quickly from place to place. The UFOs we saw in formation in the night sky the evening before are now IFOs.


Roullette Smith had fun at our expense saying we lacked common sense by staying up so late each night talking to each other. We learned from the guy who was first in identifying AIDs and showing how Epstein Barr Virus can be triggered to cause autistic children. I didn't know about Karposi's  sarcoma or that there were a least 39 diseases that can affect memory. I've always said that if we could bottle common sense we could become millionaires because it really is not so common. He asked what is Common Sense and apparently came up with a device to help down to the path of figuring out how to circumvent the triggering of T Cells in misspelling molecules. We will probably hear more about the Preliophic Moleculator.



I could not possibly have gotten around to so many people who have such diverse backgrounds and lives over 4 days, but we did have representation from at least 4 of our own New Energy Congress (NEC) members – Michael Riversong, Charles Bensinger (whom I did get to finally meet on Day 3), Tai Robinson (whom I did get to sit and talk with during the evening meetup regarding Paul Pantone) and myself.

I also enjoyed the conversations I had with those I was able to meet with. And the feedback from the Tesla Tech Team has been positive, as they have read what we have posted so far on PESWiki.


What an exciting mind-expanding experience this has been for me. I can only thank Sterling Allan for letting me go in his place. He said it would be a good experience. That is an understatement.


BTW, if you want a full set of the DVDs from these and other presenters, they cost $400.


Wrap Up

Like I said, it has been quite an eventful August. What did you do with your Summer?


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