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Letter from the CEO

April's Fools!

By Robert Pritchett

No Longer a Republic?

The "Gadiantons"

Ether 8

Take Back America Now!

Living Within A Budget

A Nation of Snitches

Why I Carry a Gun

Freedom Ain't Free

The Title of Liberty

Other Reading

Just for Fun

Since this is a Mac magazine, think of it this way; if Apple collapses or becomes controlled by the government or their bank account is "nationalized", where will we be?


Why fall for the absolutism of "If you are not with us, you are against us" mentality?


Figured it out? Good, because I'm still trying to sort it all out in my mind. Over time, we've been taught a lot of untruths. Here is what I know now:

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

No Longer a Republic?


You may not like what I write here, but please pay attention. It is time to "warn my neighbor" so I don't stand before the Lord in condemnation for not having told you what I know. You've been warned. Now go warn your neighbor.


Complete. Utter. Control. Dominion over all. One. World. Government. One. World. Religion. Have we become April's Fool? We have done some things as a society, that are completely unconstitutional.


"Socialism" used to be a "bad" word. Does anybody remember the Pledge of Allegiance? We never, ever, were a democracy. We were a God-fearing Republic.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." (Pledge)

The American Form of Government (Video)


We used to recite George Washington's Farewell Address. It is good reading.


The US Constitution is a sacred document. It has been trashed by the current government. We need to get it back. We need to get away from Fabian Socialism.


Today, our country (USSA) is being "led" by Fabian Socialists.


Defend Our Freedoms Foundation - An organization of volunteers that are working to preserve our unalienable rights and our freedom guaranteed to us in our constitution.


The "Gadiantons"


For "Mormons", the "bad guys" are called "Gadiantons". Here, you can learn more about these folks who destroyed earlier civilizations on the American continent and are doing a repeat performance today on a global level this time.


Dr. Jack Monnett: History of Secret Combinations - BYU Freedom Society

Watch this 1.22 hour long video;

"Jack Monnett goes through Ether Chapter 8, of the Book of Mormon, to lay out the foundation of the Secret Combinations, also described in his book: Awakening to Our Awful Situation. Jack reminds us that the Book of Mormon tells us of the Secret Combination and how it infiltrated government at the highest levels, just as today.


Ether 8: 24-26 "Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up."


Jack Monnett spoke of Christopher Bolyn, non-LDS, who read about the Secret Combinations in the Book of Mormon. He wrote to Professor Steve Jones: "The LDS Church has an advantage over other Christian Churches... it has the warnings of the Secret Combinations and the Gadianton Robbers taking over the government... in my mind that makes the LDS Church the most relevant Christian church on the planet. It requires its followers to do something about our awful situation brought on by the Gadianton Robbers. Most non-Mormons don't have a clue about these terms in the Book of Mormon, such as in Ether 8:16..."


Jack Monnett illustrates how the Secret Combination (Secret Societies / Conspiracy) have accomplished most of what they set out to do. He talks about the Illuminati, their history, and other histories of the conspiracy led by Lucifer himself.


Jack Monnett counsels that we should educate ourselves and awaken to our awful situation and commanded by the Lord in Ether 8, written by Moroni. Once we are educated and awake we can help to educate and wake up others. Dr. Monnett answers questions from the audience. Talks about the Rothschild family. One person asks, "Now that we know all of this, what do we do"?


Dr. Monnett suggests that we should each take that question to the Lord and pray to find out what He would have us do. It was also suggested that each of us have our own talents, knowledge, abilities, etc. and we can each be effective in different ways, there is no one correct answer. The answer may be different for each of us as the Lord so inspires." (Latterday Conservative)



Ether 8


Once you watch that video and the others found on "Latter-day Conservative", you will understand these 2 videos;


The Book of Mormon and Freedom (Video)


"Including messages relating to Freedom and the Book of Mormon by Latter-day Saint apostles and prophets: Gordon B. Hinckley, Ezra Taft Benson and L. Tom Perry."


ETHER 8 / A Warning from The Book of Mormon (Video)


April is when we celebrate the resurrection of the Messiah during Easter. I am one who delights in believing in a living, breathing, resurrected Christ. I believe He is directing His Kingdom here on earth through living prophets, as He has always done from the beginning. I am a part of that 14-million strong team. I also believe we are bumping up against the end times. It has been prophesied. The prophecies are coming to pass.


I know the truth. I studied it. I pondered it. I prayed about it. I gained a testimony of it. I invite you to read for yourself the Book of Mormon and then act on what you read, whatever your faith is today. It is a 2nd Witness of Christ, along with the Holy Bible (I prefer the King James version). The Book of Mormon also reveals to us what is to transpire in our day. It was written for our time. Christopher Bolyn is absolutely spot on with his comment that we ought to do something about our "awful situation". I know the Book of Mormon is inspired writing.


Dare to study the truth – and then act on it. God does not want us to be sheeple to be sheared by those who want total control over us. He wants us to live free, to be responsible for our actions, to be self-sufficient and not be slaves of the state.


"Stop sucking at the hind tit of a dead cow."  I wholeheartedly say, "Amen to these following two videos!


We the People Stimulus Package by Thomas Paine II (Video)

The Second American Revolution and Common Sense by Thomas Paine II (Video)


Take Back America Now!


"Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society." Aristotle.


"In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man; hated, feared and scorned, but in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join, because then it costs them nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain


USA COMMUNIST States? What we have become. (Video)


Living Within A Budget


What does $1 trillion look like?

That is a man standing on the left next to a double pallet of  $2 million (look close). 5 pallets equals $1 billion. The whole picture above is $1 trillion.


As of March 2009, the US outstanding National Debt (both personal and governmental) is over $11 trillion. Seven is business and personal, and four is governmental. Imagine that stack above being 11 times higher. Now ramp that up to $60 + trillion. We can't afford it.


Treasury Direct


If government can print money whenever it needs it, why do we pay taxes? Answer: Control. But today, the 3rd largest expense is interest on borrowed money. Again, if the government can print as much money as it needs, why does it pay interest on borrowed money? Think about it.


Federal Budget


The current administration has obligated us to well over $60 trillion, is sending out its minions to convince us this is the right thing to do and CONgress is voting itself another $90,000 each.


What We Really Owe (Video)


90% Taxes and Power Grabs


The End Of A Crooked Road


Economic Collapse 2009: Anonymous American Patriot: God Bless America! (Video)


A Nation of Snitches


Now we have become a nation of snitches. How many of you remember Nazi Germany, circa 1930's? Déjà vu.


Fusion Centers and Intelligence Sharing


"A Fusion Center is a terrorism prevention and response center, that were started as a joint project between the Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs between 2003 and 2007.


The fusion centers gather information not only from government sources, but also from their partners in the private sector.


They are designed to promote information sharing at the federal level between agencies such as the CIA, FBI and Department of Justice and at the state and local level. There are more than forty fusion centers with up to fifteen more are planned. Fusion centers may also be affiliated with an Emergency Operations Center that responds in the event of a disaster."



Why I Carry a Gun


We are being told to "fear" the right, when we should be fearing those in control of our government who are trying to take away our ability to defend our selves and are now trying to limit access to ammunition.


"I don’t carry a gun to kill people,
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.

I don’t carry a gun to scare people,
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m paranoid,
I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.

I don’t carry a gun because I hate the government
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m angry,
I carry a gun so that I don’t have to spend the rest of my life being angry ay myself for failing to be prepared.

I don’t carry a gun because I want to shoot someone,
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m a cowboy,
I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a Cowboy.

I don’t carry a gun to make me feel like a man,
I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don’t carry a gun because I feel inadequate,
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.

I don’t carry a gun because I love it,
I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Police Protection is an oxymoron. Free citizens must protect themselves. Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.

Personally, I carry a gun because I’m too young to die and too old to take an ass whoopin’." (Independent American)


2nd Amendment Part 1 (Video)

Part 2 (Video)

Part 3 (Video)


The Modern Militia Movement-Missouri MAIC Strategic Report 20Feb09 See the article in this month's issue by Allison Bricker.


The Radical Polarization of Law Enforcement "Adopt a cop" and make a friend. It may save your life!


Active US hate Groups Interactive Map Why are the "Left" not considered "hate groups"?


Freedom Ain't Free


"Freedom Ain't Free" - American Tea Party Song by Lloyd Marcus (Video)


Lloyd Marcus, copyright Zephyrus Music


Mr President!

Your stimulus is sure to bust

Its just a socialistic scheme

The only thing it will do

Is kill the American Dream

You wanna take from achievers

Somehow you think that's fair.

And redistribute to those folks

Who won't get out of their easy chair.

We're havin' a tea party across this land

If you love this country

Come on and join our band

We're standin' up for freedom and liberty

Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

So when they call you a racist cause you disagree

It just another of their dirty tricks to silence you and me.

I believe in the Constitution and all it stands for.

Anyone who tramples it should be booted out the door.

We're havin' a tea party across this land

If you love this country

Come on and join our band

We're standin' up for freedom and liberty

Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

Now we're not advocating violence

That's what the so-called peace crowd do

We're talkin' peaceful protest to defend the red, white and blue

We gotta vote out these clowns who don't love the USA

Who stay up late losing sleep fearing what the French might say

We're havin' a tea party across this land

If you love this country

Come on and join our band

We're standin' up for freedom and liberty

Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

We're havin' a tea party across this land

If you love this country

Come on and join our band

We're standin' up for freedom and liberty

Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

Freedom ain't free

(Stand up for America)

Freedom ain't free

(Gotta take a stand)

Freedom ain't free

(Mr Obama)

Freedom ain't free

(we work hard for our money)

Freedom ain't free

(Don't give it away)

Freedom ain't free

(Save the day)

Freedom ain't free

(Don't go givin' it away)

Freedom ain't free

(It ain't gonna work)

Freedom ain't free

(Give back our freedom)

Freedom ain't free

(Give back our liberty)

Freedom ain't free

(I love my country)


They can’t take our weapons so we can protect ourselves, but they can keep us from arming ourselves – if we let them. Don't let them!


The Title of Liberty


Join The Title of Liberty

“Liberty is not something bestowed by government in legal process, but a God-given right, or title, flowing from the responsible actions of a people.”

The Sheriff:
More Power Than The President "Adopt a Sheriff". He has the power and authority to stop any "Feds" at the county border. Any county in any state. Yes, that is correct.


We should not be April's Fool.


I care about you. Do you?


Robert L. Pritchett, Constitutionalist


Note: Many of the links above can be attributed to those actively participating on the LDS Freedom Forum.



Other Reading


Economic Scuttlebutt: Tea Party Revolution


Our Awful Situation - Secret Combinations Above Us. (PDF)


The History of Secret Combinations by W. Cleon Skousen. (MP3)


Awake and Arise


The Empire Of "The City" Part 1 (Google Video - mostly true, but be careful.)


The Empire Of "The City" Part 2 (Google Video)


The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild


The Obama Deception (Google Video, full length)


Freemen Institute (Not Cleon Skousen's original Freeman Institute.)


National Center for Constitutional Studies (Cleon Skousen's deballed "legacy" continuing education center.)


Don't Torture in My Name (Exposé on dying for principle and freedom in the US Military. These soldiers are being put to death and it is bring called "suicide". Communist News Source.)


Jim Marrs - You Don't Win an Occupation and "Global Hawk" system (Google Video)


Jim Marrs – Follow the Money  and 9/11 Omission Report (Google Video)


The History of the Betrayal of the Republic and the Dismantling of America


Preppers Network


Just for Fun


obamasmile Cheshire Cat


obamanose Pinocchio President


Hackers - The bad guy refers to the New World Order in this delightful movie.


How the Markets Really Work (Brasshcheck TV) Discussion by a couple of British comedians who "get it right".


"Enlightened" Sheep-le - Herding sheep into impossible configurations at night with LED lights tied to their backs. A metaphor?